Truth, Understanding, Insight

BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


News Watch June 2023

4th Jul 2023, hej.

Many events are occurring that point to the times of distress our Lord spoke of as a sign of his coming.

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News Watch May 2023

31st May 2023, hej.

The news does not explain prophecy, but it may point to winds that are the spirit of the age, that lead to the expected fulfilment.

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Searching the Stars for Intelligence

18th May 2023, hej.

There was a joke by Michael Palin, that they were searching for intelligence in space - as it wasn't found on earth. In fact we are told that we don't need to seek it in far space as it is in our mouth!

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Psalm 140 the News is not New

2nd Apr 2023, mgh.

This Psalm of David is an analysis of the evil that David recognised as existing in mankind in his experiences. As we survey our world today we must be honest and consider whether David’s assessment of mankind corresponds to our world today.

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News Watch January 2023

25th Jan 2023, hej.

The news does not explain prophecy, but it may point to winds that are the spirit of the age, that lead to the expected fulfilment.

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Zionism vs Daughter of Zion

19th Jan 2023, hej.

It may seem very odd to argue that Zionism is in a battle with the Daughter of Zion, but it is true. The Zionism that formed from the currents of European thinking in the time of Herzl, was not about establishing God's Zion. ... More

Israel 100 years, Knesset, First Year after a Sabbath

15th Jan 2023, hej.

Israel has had a take 'notice over' its government for over two years now since Netanyahu lost leadership, though multiple elections and unlikely combination of unstable coalitions and chaotic campaigns, and now protest, as Netanyahu again leads a Government. What is the world to take notice of? God's word!

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Early History of Ukraine and Russia

30th Nov 2022, gah.

The intent of this article is to examine the links between modern day Russia and Ukraine.

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God made foolish the wisdom of the world

28th Oct 2022, hej.

Before any can prove God does not exist they have to destroy, beyond doubt, the accusation of the Bible – they have to establish that the great God-rejecting ideas of the present and all time are not foolishness.

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Return & Be at Rest

5th Oct 2022, hej.

One of the great sayings of Christ which is often quoted is 'come to me and I will give you rest'. There is much more than a feeling of repose in this rest – as we look at the evidence of what rest means.

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