Truth, Understanding, Insight

BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


Watchman what of the Night? Part 2

8th May 2010, hej.

The volcanic ash from Iceland's Eyjafjoll (Island's Mountain) has cast a shadow over Europe, but not Russia. At the same time, if people chose to see a great nation has risen, that like a mountain casts a shadow over other nations. Jeremiah speaks of Babylon a destroying mountain. ... More

Whoso is wise and will observe

18th Apr 2010, hej.

There is a lot of foolishness in human philosophy. We will gain no wisdom from contemplating God as an abstract proposition. There is a simple Psalm, a song for teaching, which is a summary of human dealings with God. It is a song of wisdom. ... More

Politics of Passover 31CE

4th Apr 2010, hej.

The central theme of Christianity is the death and resurrection of Christ. Every Christian ought to know the politics that led to it and how they affect modern politics. ... More

Watchman what of the night? Part1

16th Mar 2010, hej.

In Isaiah a watchman is asked about what he sees. It is contained in the prophecy of Dumah (Al Jawf of Arabia in North Saudi Arabia near the Jordanian border). Dumah (Arabia) is asked to look for any enemy by those in Seir. ... More

Despised & Rejected

21st Feb 2010, gah.

Despised & Rejected

This talk was given in Myanmar (Burma). I gave this talk to the older orphanage children after becoming aware of how the orphanage children felt they were treated by others in the local community. ... More

A New Amalek

7th Feb 2010, hej.

At Auschwitz PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned ''A new Amalek is appearing,” But who is this new Amalek? On investigation this is a powerful hard hitting condemnation. Most reporters implied the new Amalek is Iran. But Netanyahu didn't mention Iran by name (see full text of his speech). Netanyahu said at his previous Yad Vashem, “there is evil in the world”, “there is new Jew hatred in our midst”. Netanyahu didn't mean Iran, so who was he speaking of? ... More

Impossibility & God

31st Jan 2010, gah.

It is 5am and the sun starts to lighten the eastern sky. I’ve been awake since 3am but can’t sleep…it’s just another one of those periods in my life when it is hard to believe that with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27). ... More

Beyond 2012 Nonsense

24th Jan 2010, hej.

Who will be left behind 2012? who will survive 2012?

... More

Sweden trades in Body Parts

2nd Jan 2010, hej.

What do we think of when we think of Sweden? Modern design? IKEA? Volvo? Saab? Or Aftonbladet's infamous Donald Bostrom (awarded Dishonest Reporter of 2009)? who without evidence accused Israel of illegally harvesting organs from Gaza people during the war. ... More

Climate Thermostat Set Point?

25th Dec 2009, hej.

There has been a fact lost in translation from objective science to politics.

AFP reported Britain blames China over 'farcical' climate talks ... More
