Truth, Understanding, Insight

BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


To move heaven and earth: Economic confidence

5th Feb 2009, hej.

Does faith have anything to do with the economy? This present crisis shows it does. Business “confidence” is a measure of an economy. Kevin Rudd the Prime minister of Australia describes the answer to Australian loss of confidence as a need 'to move heaven and earth'. ... More

Behind the custom: why the shoe was thrown at Bush

24th Jan 2009, hej.

George Bush was not at all concerned about a shoe being thrown at him. To most people in the European or Western world, that is the sort of thing an immature kid might do. If they threw rotten fruit, now that might be an insult, but a shoe? ... More

The history of Gaza conflict, Palestine: It's future in Prophecy

20th Jan 2009, hej.

In the Middle East the shadows of history are cast very long.

Before it was Palestine it was Canaan

... More

Economy of money, or of God?

11th Dec 2008, hej.

The current world Economic Failure

The credit crisis, stock market falls and government fear have come from fundamental failures in a profit orientated free market economy. The world in placing value on growth on money or in old fashioned terms, usury, has forgotten the meaning of economy.

Definition of economy

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2007/8 A Year of Release: subprime

3rd Oct 2008, hej.

This past year 2007-8 was 5768 in the Hebrew calendar. The 824th occurrence of the 7th year, or in Hebrew shmita. ... More

China, Burma & 60 years with Israel

17th May 2008, gah.

Amongst the leading online world news reports for the week, dominated by the distress in China due to earthquake and the devastating cyclone in Burma, was a tribute to 60 years with Israel. But is there any link between the three countries? ... More

Armageddon: Not the End of the World

2nd May 2007, seh.

'Armageddon' is English for an Ancient Greek translation of a Hebrew place name, but, due to its use to describe any form of disaster, it is much misunderstood. The Bible is very simple. The Bible says that at this place there will be a battle. A battle in a war between all nations. A world war. ... More

The Hope Laid Up in Heaven

4th Aug 2006, sjh.
There are many different reasons why people turn to God in Christianity. One of those is the promise of future reward from God. On the surface it seems a somewhat selfish motive, but it does go deeper when the full picture is considered. ... More

Get Behind Me, Satan

21st Mar 2006, sjh.
One of the challenges of Christian life is that there is a very high and specific standard set for a believer in God. Such a believer is called on to take on the attitudes of God himself. Inevitably people with even the highest of intentions find themselves not managing to achieve what they feel they should be doing. Then they wonder why it is that they always seem to fail. ... More

Unbelief in God

18th Feb 2006, sjh.
Psalm 78 is long list of how the people of Israel were given great signs of the presence and care of their God, but still turned away and forgot him. It shows how easy and natural it is for people to ignore all the evidence that God has given, and leave him out of their minds. ... More