Truth, Understanding, Insight

BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


Comfort of the Psalms

10th May 2021, hej.

Recently I was struck by the emotional faith building content of the Psalms, and I realised that they are very unique, not just in the context of the Bible, but in global literature. Where else is there an emotional outpouring of prayer in a dialogue with the Creator of troubles, confidence and faith of such depth and width that it covers every circumstance of life?

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Russia, US, EU, Ukraine & prophecy

21st Apr 2021, hej.

Russia is on the move: tanks, troops the whole lot towards the Ukraine border. Some call it a crisis, we don't know how it will play out precisely but we suspect its end will be Russian control over their ancient capital Kiev – and power with Franco German Europe. Likely it's not world war right now but the outcome will be Armageddon.

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Evergreen EverGiven points to – Israel?

7th Apr 2021, hej.

I have been pondering the significance of the blocking of the Suez by the Ever Given. At the very least it has brought the world's attention to the importance of the waterway for global trade. There are conspiracy theories, for good reason – as it likely it wasn't caused by the wind, or the sand.

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The Hope: Yahweh’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save

30th Mar 2021, mgh.

At a time when Israel had forsaken their God and turned against him to commit sins and turn to the worship of idols, Isaiah reminded the people of Yahweh’s mercy and his great power.

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Watchman, What of the Night?

21st Mar 2021, hej.

Events are speeding up with the world in a state of flux, nations are now not sure of what will come next

21 March 2021 Iran, Russia Turkey - and the Saudis

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Prince Harry Controversy – Christians &the State

12th Mar 2021, hej.

Prince Harry is now making waves with his wife Meghan's statements undermining the Monarchy. But Harry himself was in hot water for his involvement in the American presidential election. Megan now says she regrets speaking out on that matter, due to British backlash. The new backlash to her Oprah interview is political. Is there a lesson here?

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Watchman, What of the Night?

11th Mar 2021, hej.

Events are speeding up with the world in a state of flux, nations are now not sure of what will come next

8 March 2021 American weakness leads to Middle East centred world

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I Accuse! Political Sexual Scandal in the new Sodom

7th Mar 2021, hej.

Recently again in multiple places sexual assault allegations are featuring, including Cuomo in America and Porter in Australia. Since before Bill Clinton and #metoo accusations of sexual misconduct have been a political tool, but let us rethink the matter as true Christians. Let us re-consider. Because 'I Accuse' is not proof of anything.

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No Francis, Not a Global Flood

4th Mar 2021, hej.

I was stunned to read that the religious leader of millions, pope Francis, had declared that climate change could lead to a flood of literally Biblical proportions. Let's open the Bible, shall we, and see? ... More

Watchman, What of the Night?

28th Feb 2021, hej.

Events are speeding up with the world in a state of flux, nations are now not sure of what will come next

28 Feb 2021 War in the Middle East: the Arab Israeli alliance!

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