Truth, Understanding, Insight

BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious

5th Jan 2022, hej.

As we come to the end of a calendar year and the beginning of a new one, I thought to write an article in thanks and praise to Yahweh Elohim. The Bible is full of praise, but this is distilled from a personal perspective.

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Two State Solutions: Payback for dividing God's Land

2nd Jan 2022, hej.

I was sent an article in the Washington Post headlining Secession as a lesser of two evils. Secession is another word for Two State Solution. This is where meddling with God's Holy land and seeking to divide it leads. God divides right back, so that they seek now to apply the Two State Solution to .. America! ... More

Is 'the Covid Vaccine' of God?

19th Dec 2021, hej.

Three opinions I've heard from those who read the Bible; one thought 'the vaccine' was of God, and thanked God for it despite some serious side effects. Another thought it wasn't of God due to the deaths and injuries, as God only does good. A third spoke of evils of vaccine segregation saying there was no faith or reverence of God in Churches as none were speaking up from the Bible. So let's go back to first principles.

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Jews who go to Heaven

24th Nov 2021, hej.

50% of American Evangelicals believe that Jews and members of other religions – even if they believe in God – are not eligibile for eternal life in heaven, according to a new PEW survey. ... More

War? Russia, Ukraine, Poland & Belarus

21st Nov 2021, hej.

Why is Belarus pushing at Poland? Poland occupies an interesting place in the relationship between Germany-EU and the Russians, which may help people understand the role of Russia in the prophecy of the Bible.

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A Great Lie? If vaccinated you won't die

15th Nov 2021, hej.

There are adds encouraging people be vaccinated, to get back to 'normal' and multiple messages from people I meet is that they now will not die. It made me think of the serpent's message.

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Trump’s Greatest Challenge continues: Does he fit a Latter Day Cyrus Parallel?

4th Nov 2021, mgh.

The following quotations from Isaiah 44 begin with a description of the extent of Yahweh’s power over man and the earth and the heavens. We are told that he can form “from the womb” men like Cyrus who are prepared to fulfil his purpose on the earth. Cyrus, a Persian, gained an extensive Empire and was a just and benevolent ruler. Yahweh had a purpose with Cyrus. He was to be involved in the restoration of Jews into their own land as the end of their captivity drew near. The qualities of just rulers are described as those that will “frustrate the tokens of the liars, and make diviners mad”. We may not be given the means by which Cyrus achieved a peaceful empire but we do know that he was a benevolent and just ruler.

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US, UK & Australia nuke French Subs (& New World Order)

3rd Oct 2021, hej.

The French seem to have been stunned by the US and UK suddenly aligning with Australia and excluding France (and the EU) in the matter of Nuclear Submarines. To the student of Bible prophecy this was more of an 'ah ha' moment than a shock.

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Amorite Prophecy: is it for the Last Days?

26th Sep 2021, mgh.

There is an interesting short prophecy related to the Amorites, who are frequently mentioned in conjunction with the other heathen nations that troubled the nation of Israel throughout their history. This Prophecy could have an important significance for us today and is referred to in Yahweh’s promises to Abraham in Genesis 15.

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Afghanistan: God's Great Game

16th Sep 2021, hej.

Many may not understand the long war in Afghanistan. It is perhaps best seen in a continuation of hundreds of years of history, and the end times. The geopolitical intrigues to maintain great power roles in that part of the Middle East was called the great game, but what if the God of Israel played that Game and it's bigger than they thought? ... More
