Truth, Understanding, Insight

BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


Is US President Trump Creating World Chaos?

10th Mar 2019, mgh.

The Bible shows that in Yahweh’s plan men are often raised from obscurity to power to achieve his will. Can this be applied to Donald Trump? Many Americans hate him and the Democrats are trying everything in their power to topple him from the Presidency, to smear him and defame him.

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Signs of the End Times

7th Mar 2019, hej.

The Bible suggests in prophecy that the most outrageous things would occur in world poltics: alliances would end abruptly and the world would plunge into an unstable time. We are today in the day of political upheaval, not seen in a generation.

25 May 2018 Britain awakes and moves back into the gulf

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NATO, Russia, EU, Brexit, US & the Bible

18th Jan 2019, hej.

Over all of history the servants of God have known the signs of the times: their times. They have seen the direction of events toward the Kingdom of God on earth replacing the kingdoms, republics and democracies of humans.

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Proposed Religious restriction in Australia

7th Dec 2018, hej.

Open letter to the Australian Government Canberra on Labor's bill to 'protect' homosexual students in religious schools which would prevent freedom of religious conscience.

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Chanukah and Christianity

28th Nov 2018, hej.

You ask me, what does Hanukkah or Chanukah have to do with Christianity? A lot actually.

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Gift of the Majesty of the Glory of the Kingdom

15th Nov 2018, hej.

It was the team matriarch's 75th Birthday and I thought what can I give? What would be the Greatest Gift to someone we love?

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Gog Prince of Rosh & king of the North

16th Oct 2018, hej.

We were asked what early documents establish that Rosh of Ezekiel 38 is Russia. The answer is in 2 parts, as we explain the trajectory from fulfilled prophecy in history to prophecy yet to be fulfilled.

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My Father the Guide of my Youth

2nd Sep 2018, hej.

Many Christians might prefer to call the great and mighty God of Israel “Father”, without fully understanding what it means.

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Signs of the times: Watchman, What of the night?

20th Aug 2018, hej.

Events, are moving at such a pace that we don't have time to analyse those with significance in depth.

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Was the US Embassy move led by Trump Prophesied?

28th May 2018, hej.
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:6-7)

We hear 'Trump', and we associate it with 'Trumpet', which is the likely origin of the surname which was given to a Trumpeter or Drummer in the Army. The trumpet in the Bible speaks also of a call to war as Amos points out. Amos also says that when the trumpet of war is blown, Yahweh has done it. We are told that what is done is revealed to his servants. ... More
