Truth, Understanding, Insight

News Watch January 2023

25th January 2023, hej


The news does not explain prophecy, but it may point to winds that are the spirit of the age, that lead to the expected fulfilment.

25 January

Turkey Angrily Cancels Key NATO Talks With Sweden & Finland.

We have some expectation for some time that NATO as American control of Europe will fail.

Ukraine?s Shrinking Jewish Community Remains Defiant.

Will the war go on until the Jews leave Ukraine? Is the war to send Jews to Israel?

Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; (Isa 43:5-6)

Netanyahu government preparing to fast-track settlement construction in move critics dub ?mini-annexation?.

Gov?t plan could see settlement population increase by hundreds of thousands.

There will be cheaper abundant housing for (displaced) Jews on the Mounatins as per Ezekiel 38.

20 January

Palestinian Media: Recent storms ravaging US are result of White House displaying rainbow flag

Even those who don't know the God of the Bible can see. More than display - it is policy, despite the fact that it is written what happened to Sodom.

The link between anti-Israel moves and storms is established by Koenig.

19 January

Technology proves existence of ancient Kingdom of Israel.

The Bible is history! There is proof everywhere!

18 January

While Russia, Turkey and Iran divide Syria, the US looks on.

End of Anglo US power in the Middle East.

17 January

'No occupation': New Israeli PR campaign stresses the Bible as the deed to our land

They are right to say few know about the rights and deeds - The Bible however is complex, and the land came with obedience to the ways of the God of the Bible. The Law of faith as the Bible shows, is so strong it leads to the pulling down of stongholds, as the Assyrians learnt in the time of Hezekiah.

16 January

Israel's next Foreign Ministry director boasts intelligence background

Ronen Levy led the establishment of secret ties between Israel and countries with which it previously had no relations.

We would expect that this move to nomalise relation with their Arab cousins continues fulfilling the conditions expected in Ezekiel 38: that the descendents of Sheba and Dedan (from Abraham) are first to protest, and that Jews dwell without bars and gates on the mountains. Some have thought this so impossible that it must be after Messiah returns.

15 January

Stricken Lebanon endures 3rd exodus as its people flee disaster

Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. (Zechariah 11:1)

For more on the explosion that destroyed Beirut

Germany faces confusion of face over blocking energy bought from Russia

14 January

Netanyahu Gov?t Pledges to Advance Transfer of Swaths of West Bank Lands to Pre-1948 Jewish Owners

Comet Set To Graze By Earth For First Time In 50,000 Years - Might Be Seen With The Naked Eye

Comets as falling stars.. who is to fall. Christ predicted stars falling and distress of nations.

13 January

Whale deaths spark questions about New Jersey wind farm development

There shall be perplexity... there shall be no answers..

12 January

Knesset committee to US ambassador: Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria must continue

Researchers Verify Written Records of King David, Corresponding to Hebrew Bible

If there is not enough proof that the Bible is true in Isarel's existence, they find more.

Saudi Arabia Looks To Invest In Mining Assets To Secure Critical Minerals

The Rise of Sheba and Dedan - Saudi Arabia's rise in power and influence on the back of God given oil.

January 10

US: JCPOA return not on agenda ‘because the Iranians turned their back on it’

The Iranians reneged on commitments they had made,” said State Department Spokesperson Ned Price.

January 9

Jews are the owners of the Temple Mount - opinion

No other nation shares this history, no other nation has had the same capital for 3,000 years and has never had another one, and Jerusalem was never the capital of any other nation

Palestinian PM: Israeli sanctions will lead to PA’s collapse

We have expected this for some time, as there can be no fulfimmnt of Ezekiel 38 until there is security, and there is no security when people are paid for killing. We had some hope under Trump that it would occur.

January 8

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the brink of triggering war

He’s trashed his country’s economy. Locked up all opposition. Now this President is on the brink of triggering a war. The embattled president is manufacturing border crises with his NATO ally Greece. Territorial waters, drilling rights and the future of Cyprus are all trigger points with this ancient foe.

As Christ speaks of

But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by. (Luke 21:9)

January 6

The year without a summer? In 2022 Sydney didn’t even reach 32 degrees

Australia had no summer … if they complain about it – shall heaven hear?

January 5

Middle East Quartet no longer relevant to Israel-Palestinian conflict – editorial

The United States has not made any formal decisions about the Quartet, the group comprising the US, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations that is supposed to work on Israeli-Palestinian peace issues. However, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and due to long inaction by the Quartet, it is clear that the group lacks legitimacy, an important asset for any stakeholder.

There are historic horns – but there was a more recent set of 4 Horns - a quartet - that rose against Israel. The horns which scattered Jerusalem

We noted that their power ended in 2017 when 2 horns were cut off

January 4

Incoming Israeli Foreign Minister Shocks By Previewing Pro-Russian Policies

Israel's new government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is signaling a huge policy shift regarding both the Ukraine war and Israel's relations with Russia, even suggesting a more openly 'pro-Moscow' stance. Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen in a Monday speech previewing future policy said in the context of the Ukraine conflict, "On the issue of Russia and Ukraine we will do on thing for sure – speak less in public."

January 3

Wait A Second! Merkel Did What?

Merkel has recently, seemingly totally unprovoked, divulged the well-hidden truth that the Minsk Agreements with Russia about Ukraine, signed seven years ago with the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko, Merkel and the then President of France, Francois Hollande reached within the framework of the Normandy Format were just a deceptive political ploy.

January 3

New Israeli foreign minister passed messages from US to Russia – report

Israel’s new Foreign Minister Eli Cohen conveyed messages from the U.S. to Russia at the behest of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a senior Israeli diplomat told Times of Israel on Tuesday.

According to the official, during a phone call between Blinken and Cohen on Monday, the secretary of state asked his Israeli counterpart to relay the messages during a phone call the next day with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

January 2

Israel Has The World's Highest Digital Quality Of Life In 2022, USA Only 12th

Israel’s economy is ranked 4th best performing in 2022

January 2

Netanyahu gov’t announces plans to legalize Jewish community demolished in 2005

Homesh, one of four Israeli Jewish communities in northern Samaria that were dismantled in August 2005 – along with all Israeli towns in the Gaza Strip – will receive state recognition, Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told the Supreme Court Monday morning.

It is a 1st year after a 7th year of rest - of increase immigration, planting and building.

January 1

‘We will double, triple, quadruple, quintuple’: Housing minister pushes for settlement expansion

Yitzhak Goldknopf vowed to enable all citizens, noting especially demobilized soldiers, Torah scholars and young couples, to buy first-time homes.

New Housing and Construction Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party vowed Sunday to help expand the settlement program in Judea and Samaria as one of the solutions for all sectors suffering from the country-wide housing crisis.

In the official hand-over ceremony from the outgoing minister, Ze’ev Elkin, to the head of UTJ’s Chasidic faction, Goldknopf assured his audience that he has come to serve all citizens equally, and “to promote the settlement of the land.” “We will help our brothers who live in Judea and Samaria, who are actually keeping the [commandment of] settling the land,” he said, noting that “part of the solution to the housing crisis is found in these areas.”

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