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BFn Notes

Random thoughts on Bible topics.


News Watch

6th Jan 2021, hej.

There are so many dramatic things occurring that we find events hard to keep up with.

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2020 was Calm before the Storm of the Time Appointed

5th Jan 2021, hej.

Many are speaking as if 2020 was the worst year in history, when it isn't even close. There is abysmal lack of knowledge of the wars of recent history, let alone past plagues. There are people alive who have seen far worse. An examination of the times of the nations indicates that 2021 is likely to be chaotic, if not annus horribilis or annus mirabilis depending on whether we see the world through the lens of faith or not.

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Queen Boudicca's rebellion coins & Brexit

28th Dec 2020, hej.

There is no co-incidence in matters of the plan of God. Just as Britain's leaders declare they have a deal with the EU in exiting - a treasure- a bird watcher in eastern England finds Roman coins that 'tell the story of a rebellion' from Rome.

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Prophecy: Egypt’s American Aid to Buy Russian Arms?

25th Dec 2020, hej.

Recently the President of the United States Donald Trump had cause to reject, in scathing terms, a ‘porkulus’ spending bill forwarded from the House and Senate. Among many undiplomatic statements, the one regarding Egypt’s spending American aid on Russian arms should cause all pause for thought: this points to the time of the end.

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Signs in the stars: Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction

22nd Dec 2020, hej.

Much has been written of a “Christmas star” a bright conjunction of 2 planets, the moving stars of Saturn and Jupiter meeting on the solstice. The universe is not clockwork, but the patterns we see can be projected back or forwards based on reasonably regular ellipsoid motions. These patterns have been both useful and interesting, more so they may indicate stages in a great plan for the earth. ... More

Dominion and Deceit

14th Dec 2020, mgh.

‘Dominion’, is the name that was given to that high-tech machine which has wreaked havoc in the USA election. The word ‘dominion’ historically relates to lordship and sovereignty and the control over the domains, the lands, of Feudal Lords and can be applied to the territory of a sovereign or to a government, as when it was applied to the Canadian colonies when united in 1867 and to New Zealand in 1907, to indicate law and right of possession. Derivatives of this word such as dominant suggest to rule, be influential, to dominate and have commanding influence in a position of power and control. ... More

Gen(eration) Anxiety: Hope an anchor to the Soul

6th Dec 2020, hej.

I recently read a front page headline screaming 'Gen Anxiety' speaking of statistics for anxiety disorders in youth. I could tell them how to solve the problem. The solution is very simple: open all their hearts and minds to the hope of the Bible. ... More

They called to the Most High: none at all would exalt Him

21st Nov 2020, hej.

We hear so often after every disaster and ill a call to pray for this person, or pray for that place. Yet what use is such a call to prayer if all believe the Most High has no power? As the Most High is powerful, ought not the Most High be exalted as having this immense Power - at all times?

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Red sky at Night: Trump & Signs of the Times

4th Nov 2020, hej.

There was a remarkable, stunning red sky at the last 2 stops of Trumps 2020 campaign. There are signs everywhere, if we look, that the return of Christ is near: that blood red sky is one of them! ... More

India & why Trump will Win

1st Nov 2020, hej.

In our previous post we noted Trump's positive relationship with the Miracle of Brexit is a factor in why he will win the US presidency. But there is another mirrored relationship that the God of the Bible spoke of: the relationship with India.

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