Jews, Gentiles & the Olive Tree
2nd Mar 2025, mgh.As we see the rise of anti semitism in many countries daily in the protests, it alerts us to to Romans 11 where the Apostle Paul uses the combination of the Old testament and Yeshua’s Prophecy in Luke 21 and the times of the Gentiles.
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Truth and Misinformation and Disinformation
1st Oct 2024, gah.The United Nations has proclaimed Misinformation and Disinformation (MAD) as one of their priorities and are actively promoting strategies to counter its dissemination. Nations such as Australia are preparing legislation to combat MAD in the media, social media and on the internet.
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The power of the inspired word: Yahweh's commandments
5th May 2024, mgh.For the word of God is powerful, sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.. and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked to the eyes of him with whom we have to do (Hebrews 4:12-13 )
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Searching For the Truth: Israel
2nd Dec 2023, mgh.The Bible gives a detailed history of Israel, the people, their strengths and failures, genealogies, invasions of Israel by other nations, prophecies the Psalms and more. The following quotation reveals the destiny of Israel and other nations.(Genesis 12:1-12)”
... MoreTimes Appointed Part 3
21st Sep 2023, hej.This section examines the prediction of Messiah's first comming of Daniel 9, the meaning of the 'week', the jubile. The historical fulfillment of the times of the desolator of the Holy Land in Daniel 12. We also analyse the Olivet prophecy and the signs in the sun and the moon. ... More

Grieved at the hardness of their heart
24th Aug 2023, hej.We might tend to think that our Creator watches as if detached, but there is abundant evidence that this is not the case. At the very least Y'shua Messiah was grieved to his heart by the souls he could not save.
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A New Thesis: Creation and Evolution
11th Jun 2023, hej.This God Willing, will become a series of articles that give a new take on Creation - God as an architect
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How do we know the Word of the Lord?
27th Mar 2023, hej.We were asked how do we know that the Bible is complete and there is no missing books, or books in the Bible that should not be there? Fundamentally this question is how can we know the word of God from human writing? ... More
Build thou the walls of Jerusalem
12th Mar 2023, hej.I have seen samplers embroidered with, 'the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit'
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The great sign: Israel
11th Dec 2022, hej.The modern generation is so overloaded with ephemeral images and data on phones and tablets that they are in danger of losing their physical long sight and wider vision. The sign of Israel, being no longer a new nation, is perhaps not as ascendant to a post-modern myopic generation as it was to more far seeing generations.
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