Truth, Understanding, Insight

Watchman, What of the Night?

11th March 2021, hej


Events are speeding up with the world in a state of flux, nations are now not sure of what will come next

8 March 2021 American weakness leads to Middle East centred world

Iran's leadership which only respects the 'strong horse' of 'God given' power, seeking not only the total failure if America's leader to speak a mumbling sentence, but also the fawning plea to get 'a deal', has decided to move. A few bombs on some paid pawns in Syria and a flypast with a B-52 mean nothing. In the so called 'allies' 're-assuring' fly past of a US B-52 bomber, the 'escort' of Israeli fighters may say more to Iran than the US non-action.

In response to the controversial US attack in Syria, Iran on March 3 in a much more robust move, sent 10 rockets into the US coalition Ain al-Asad airbase in Anbar province.

Denmark, which also has troops at the base, condemned the attack, saying that coalition forces at Ain al-Asad are there at the invitation of the Iraqi government, helping to bring stability and security to the country. “Despicable attacks against Ain al-Asad base in #Iraq are completely unacceptable,” Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod tweeted.

Last week’s U.S. strike along the border had been in response to a spate of rocket attacks that targeted the American presence, including one that killed a coalition contractor from the Philippines outside the Irbil airport.

American weakness has led to Iran opening a state war with Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia’s media has highlighted that US politicians are concerned a lack of response from the White House may be emboldening the Iranian-backed Houthis.

The kingdom said the drone attack on Ras Tanura Port on Sunday and attempted missile strike on an Aramco residential area “had targeted global energy supplies. Ras Tanura is one of the world’s largest oil shipping ports, and the Aramco complex in Dhahran houses workers and their families from all over the world,” Arab News, an English-language daily newspaper published in Saudi Arabia, reported. The new US administration took the Houthis off a list of foreign terrorist organizations that the Trump administration had added them to in January. Since then, they have rapidly expanded their attacks and launched an offensive on Marib in Yemen.

This shows that Iran has launched a regional war against Saudi Arabia. It comes at a bad time for Riyadh because the US is harshly critical of Riyadh for involvement in the killing of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi in

We feel that the Saudi Media has a purpose to neutralise American criticism locally, as more and more pressure builds on the Saudis to act without US support, for their own survival!

Already the Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz told Fox News in an interview published Friday that the Israeli military is updating its plans to strike Iran’s nuclear program and is prepared to act independently. "This is a target map. Each one of them has been checked legally, operationally, intelligence-wise and we are ready to fight," Gantz told the FOX correspondent while handing him a classified map. Israel blamed Iran for an explosion on an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman that happened last week. On Wednesday, Israel blamed Iran for another incident in the region. Israeli Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel claimed Iran was responsible for a large oil spill that hit Israel last month.

The Arabs have been a lot more vocal recently against American White House policy.

The Biden administration, some Arab writers have said, has adopted a policy of antagonizing allies while appeasing enemies. In a series of articles published after the release of the US intelligence report on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, many Arab analysts and columnists have warned that the Biden administration was harming US interests in the Middle East.

Alsaeid said he believed that former Obama administration officials who are now part of the Biden administration are intentionally trying to damage US-Saudi relations: “The wing of former President Barack Obama among the Biden team considers itself in a state of hostility with Saudi Arabia because of the kingdom’s diplomacy that succeeded in persuading former President Donald Trump to withdraw from the ill-fated nuclear deal… The Obama wing inside the ruling Democratic Party accepts the Iranian regime and turns a blind eye to Iran’s terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.”

Emirati writer Mohammed Khalfan Al-Sawafi said that one of the “calamities” that the Arabs suffered during the presidency of Barack Obama was US interference in the internal affairs of the Arab countries.

As a result of noises from Israel and Arabs,

The Biden Administration has called on traditional Middle East allies to not oppose US foreign policy and urged countries to avoid taking military action to solve regional problems. Moreover, Washington said it would not turn a blind eye should its warning not be heeded.

Of couse as the US has to resorted recently to bombing...!

7 March 2021 Lebanon's Christians seek peace with Israel

Cardinal Raï said that the Maronite Patriarchate supports peace with Israel over war, pointing to Hezbollah as the stumbling standing in the way.

With the winds of change blowing over the Middle East, prominent figures in Lebanon are voicing support for normalization with Israel.

But Hezbollah is a fire.

Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. (Zec 11:1)

6 March 2021 Fires in past landscapes without people were Bigger

Research published a month ago, but which was buried, has found fires in Australia about 4,000 years ago were fiercer than those now, but more shocking still when the landscape was populated by people who contained and controlled the landscape, then there were hardly any destructive fires at all.

Emma Rehn et al went to a small lake in far North Australia and dug up about 6m of sediment core from the bottom. They looked at charcoal deposits and a bunch of different minerals. They discovered that the top most recent layers had the worst fires for a thousand their absolute credit, they kept going down and further back and uncovered a story of four thousand long years of wild blazes.

Look at the current blip (left hand side) since European settlement, compared to the fires of 4,000 years ago (right hand side). As Mr Dundee would say, “That’s not a fire…. ”

Arnhem Land Fires were far worse 3,000 to 5,000 years ago and once had cycles of high intensity every 450 years. Then a strange thing happened around 900 years ago when there was hardly any charcoal in the mud sediments. The people at the time ate less shellfish and appeared to wander around more. The fires seem to be small regular patchwork fires. Then in the last 200 years, European people arrived, mucked up the neat patterns and big fires came back again for the first time in a thousand years.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:27-28)

2 March 2021 Netanyahu welcomes first-ever UAE ambassador to Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the first Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Israel, Muhammad Mahmoud Al Khaja, on Tuesday, a day after his arrival for a four-day visit.

We are changing the Middle East; we are changing the world,” Netanyahu told Al Khaja.

The two discussed potential joint regional and bilateral projects for Israel and the UAE in a wide range of areas, the Prime Minister’s Office said. National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat participated as well. Al Khaja also visited Yad Vashem on Tuesday. On Monday, Khaja presented his credentials to President Reuven Rivlin.

Khaja’s speech illustrated the common aspirations of the two countries that a new day of tolerance and cooperation is dawning in the Middle East - "today more than ever” – and he expressed certainty that the Abraham Accords between Israel and the UAE will enhance stability and security in the region.

Al Khaja has been tweeting in Hebrew, English and Arabic in recent days. Following his meeting with Rivlin, he tweeted in all three languages: “I look forward to representing my beloved country and working to strengthen cooperation and relations between our two countries.”

We see this an our faith is made sight, and there prophecy indicates is yet more to come, as in the time of the revived world wide monarchy of Israel there are two people specifcially mentioned as leaders in those bringing gifts those merchant traders of Tarshish and the Arabs of Sheba and Seba.

A Psalm for Solomon. Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. (Psalm 72:1,8-10)

2 March 2021 Even Arabs in Israel agree to live with Jews

In news that the elite 'two staters' won't wish to hear, an Arab clan leader in Hebron with his finger on the pulse of Arab thought has been making political waves, as a voice to challenge the utterly corrupt PA.

Reformer and businessman Asharf Jabari said, “They make money from the conflict,” he said. “It’s a lot of money in their pocket. They’re not prepared to solve the problems. They’re not ready to talk about what will help the Palestinians.”

'We want to live in peace with all Israelis'

And what helps the Palestinians is a strong economy.

Jabari led the Palestinian delegation to the Bahrain “Peace to Prosperity” economic summit in June 2019, which the P.A. also boycotted. He founded, together with Ariel community leader, Avi Zimmerman, the Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce to improve business relations between Arabs and Jews in the region. The problem is when settlers say: 'We are here, and we live here'. And the Palestinians say: 'We are here and live here.' No one from either side will leave. So we have to live together. Who could tell the settlers to leave Hebron? Only the Israeli government. Which prime minister is ready to tell them that? We have two options: We live in coexistence and cooperation between us or in perpetual war. What do we prefer? Ask them what they prefer to live under - Israeli rule or P.A. rule - and you’ll get your answer. Go around ask them.”

After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. (Ezekiel 38:8)

2 March 2021 More Brexit trade deals and the re- connection to Commonwealth

INTERNATIONAL Trade Secretary Liz Truss has signed the UK's new post-Brexit trade deal with Ghana.

Ms Truss said on Twitter: "The agreement secures certainty for business, supports jobs in both nations, and sets the stage for closer trading ties in the years to come."

Ghana's trade minster, Alan John Kyerematen, added: "I am pleased that we have finalised a new Interim Ghana-UK Trade Partnership Agreement providing duty free & quota free access for Ghana to the UK market & preferential tariff reductions for UK exporters." "The Agreement also reflects the importance of integration between the West African States within the context of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and amongst African States within the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area. "The Agreement further underscores their shared ambition to enhance relations between the UK, ECOWAS and African States more broadly."

This year agreeing on trade deals with Australia, New Zealand, the US and joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) are all key parts of the Government's trade policy.

On January 31 the UK submitted its formal application to join the CPTPP

1 March 2021 the Crown of King Henry the 8th

the figurine I’d dug up in the countryside near Market Harborough had helped to adorn Henry VIII’s beloved crown,” he said.

Until now, the figurine from the coronation crown, which would’ve been worn by King Charles I roughly 100 years after Henry VIII, was lost to history. After it was removed from the crown, it may have been lost during the Battle of Naseby in the English Civil War in 1645, Duckett believes. “I don’t think that Charles rode around the battlefield wearing the heavy bling coronation crown. (Unless he shared Donald Trump’s personality),” he joked. “Contemporary paintings suggest that the jewel was removed before hand.”

after splitting from the Catholic Church, King Henry VIII soon replaced the religious figurines with the three saint kings of England—Edward the Confessor, St. Edmund, and Henry VI.

I found out that [Henry VIII] had three jewels specially made to be added to the state crown because of the Reformation as he split from the Catholic Church,” Duckett shared. “Henry wanted everyone to know that he was more powerful than the Church.” l

The monarchy of Britain may now depart from being part of the inheritors of the Roman Europe, as Europe becomes more Catholic. The current monarchy of Britain has many princes. The kings of the traders shall brings gifts.

He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. (Psalm 72:8-10)
