Truth, Understanding, Insight

Russia, US, EU, Ukraine & prophecy

21st April 2021, hej


Russia is on the move: tanks, troops the whole lot towards the Ukraine border. Some call it a crisis, we don't know how it will play out precisely but we suspect its end will be Russian control over their ancient capital Kiev – and power with Franco German Europe. Likely it's not world war right now but the outcome will be Armageddon.

Many dogmatic human predictions based on current news and faulty understanding of the Bible have failed, yet the Bible's prophecies always finally play out, in due time. Prophecy is the path to the final plan of the Kingdom. The overall pattern given is the Image vision shown to Nebuchadnezzar of the Kingdoms of men that are to become the Kingdom of God on Earth, where specific nations are named, where the twofold split into Roman West and East was to become many nations, some weak some strong. In simple terms the twofold division of Rome and Byzantine have become West and East Europe, with Secular-Catholic Italy now, as was predicted a fragment, dominated by a stronger Secular-Catholic Franco-German EU and in the East Orthodox Greece and Partly-Orthodox Ukraine that Orthodox Russia now seeks to dominate. It was written:

As the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. (Daniel 2:42-43)

That these nations specifically are to be destroyed indicates that they as a 'kingdom of men' stand against God. Ukraine has not cleaved to Russia, as written. The 'seed of men' of the enlightenment from the US and EU has interfered in Ukraine, attempting to take Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of influence, leading to Russia taking Crimea and an ongoing war, which with the return of Biden's Adminstration to power, is now again ramping up.

'Expert opinion' proclaims Russia moving troops to Ukraine's border is the verge of 'world war',

An evolving crisis on the Russia-Ukraine border has Europe on high alert, with a defence watcher warning the situation could descend into a “world war” within weeks if tensions aren’t stemmed.

Others expect that the current troop buildup is a move by Putin's Russia to gain leverage and power, as they have seen the weakness of the Biden Administration and decided to insult America, calling it racist – that is 'anti-white' racist.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says there is surging “aggression against white people” in the United States and that it is harming efforts to fight racism.

Then we see that Russia warns NATO against getting involved.

Russia has vowed it will take "extra measures to ensure its own security" should it observe any deployment of NATO troops inside Ukraine, the Kremlin statement said Friday according to Reuters.

There is tension. After the US has been pushing behind the scenes for the Ukrainians to move in Donetsk and funding them with military equipment, Russia has moved in with masses of troops, and the US is now 'concerned'. The US Secretary of State

Blinken told Todd, "I have to tell you I have real concerns about Russia's actions on the borders of Ukraine. There are more Russian forces massed on those borders than at any time since 2014 when Russia first invaded. That's why we're in very close contact, in close coordination, with our allies and partners in Europe. President Biden's been very clear about this. If Russia acts recklessly, or aggressively, there will be costs, there will be consequences."

What is going on? RT proclaims

Russia-Ukraine war is possible, but only if Ukraine strikes first.

Rather than a preparation for invasion, it would appear more likely that Russian activity is designed to deter a Ukrainian attack on Donbass.

The war in Donbass has flared off and on since a notional ceasefire was agreed in February 2015. Since the start of this year, the ceasefire has largely broken down. The Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is reporting scores of violations every day. Meanwhile, uncorroborated pictures of a buildup of Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine have appeared on social media, fuelling speculation of an imminent Ukrainian offensive in Donbass.

Therefore, if the West really wishes to help Ukraine, it should be using all its diplomatic power to ensure that the Ukrainian government does not seek to resolve its problems by military means. Unfortunately, the signals coming from Washington are rather to the contrary. In a phone call on April 1 with Ukrainian Minister of Defense Andrii Taran, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III “reaffirmed unwavering US support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and Euro-Atlantic aspirations.”

Austin’s statement falls short of endorsing a military offensive, but language such as “unwavering support” could easily be misinterpreted as providing a green

Understanding the deep connection the new Biden Adminstration has to Ukraine (via US funding), and that the EU and America had interfered before in causing the end of Russian influence, one may be certain that Putin is being drawn in. He knows he has to over-react to prevent losing his current advantage.

We do not know where it will go, but we know that the end will be Messiah.

The Sun sensationalised a well known Jewish understanding of multiple Bible prophecies, including Ezekiel 38 which comes after the Ezekiel 37 prophecy of regathering of Israel from a valley dry bones, which many believe names Russia as Rosh.

War between Russia and Ukraine would lead to the ‘coming of the Messiah’ says 300-year-old Jewish prophecy

Felix Allen, 8 Apr 2021

Vladimir Putin has sent tanks and heavy artillery to the border as Nato allies fear Russia is planning an invasion.

Analysts have warned the conflict could drag in the US and European nations, as a Putin ally urged him to consider using nukes.

The worrying escalation in military tension has been cited by scholars as the fulfilment of Vilna Gaon's prophecy made in the 18th century.

The cleric - also known as Rabbi Elijah of Vilna - was a leading interpreter of religious texts and one of the most influential Jewish figures since the Middle Ages.

He is said to have handed down a prophecy to his son that said: "When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard.

"And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople, you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don't take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute."

While Christians believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah, Jews believe the promised saviour who will transform the nations of the Earth is yet to come.

Russian forces have not yet entered Constantinople - now called Istanbul - although they have come into conflict with Turkish forces in Syria.

And Putin's troops annexed the Crimean peninsular in 2014 after civil war broke out in the Russian-speaking Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

Vilna Goan's prophecy was brought to light by his great-grandson Rabbi Pinchas Winston, an author who specialises in theories about the end of days.

He says the alarming situation in Eastern Europe seems to parallel the war of Gog and Magog, the opponents of God mentioned in some apocalyptic Biblical texts.

"It is known that the Gog and Magog will come from the north," Rabbi Winston said. "The Hebrew word for 'north' also implies 'hidden'."

He also noted that war between Turkey and Russia was predicted to happen before Gog and Magog.

"The two nations have faced off before," he said.

"Each time is like the building of a tower of explosives.

"It may seem like small events set off major conflicts but in every case, the conditions were all in place, waiting for a spark to set them off."

Other scholars have also linked Russia with with the Biblical invader Gog.

In the early 19th century, some Hasidic rabbis identified Napoleon's invasion of Russia as "The War of Gog and Magog".

Others in the 20th century suggested the Soviet Union was the Gog figure that could trigger the end of the world.

The theory resurfaced amid new fears that Moscow is massing a force capable of invading its neighbour.

Other footage earlier this week showed the nuclear-capable 2S4 Tyulpan self-propelled 240mm mortar system - dubbed the "city destroyer" - being moved on a military train in Krasnodar region near Crimea.

In a chilling warning today, one of Vladimir Putin’s most senior officials warned that Ukraine would not survive if Russia took military action.

I support the assessment that ... the start of military action - this would be the beginning of the end of Ukraine,” said Dmitry Kozak, deputy head of Russia’s presidential administration.

Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky visited the front line in Donetsk today after a surge in clashes between Russia-backed rebels and government forces.

He has appealed for help from Nato, which has warned Russia to withdraw from confrontation.

Today German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Putin urging him to reduce troops on Ukraine’s borders. “The chancellor made a call to stop this military increase in order to achieve a de-escalation of the situation,” her office said.

But Putin hit back blasting the “provocative actions of Kyiv, which has been intentionally escalating the situation at the contact line”, according to the Kremlin.

As of posting this. It appears that Russia has won its point.

Of interest to us is the Sun digging up prophecy, especially that of Russia in Crimea and Istanbul.

Where does this Jewish understanding come from? The Sun gives the context. It is the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38, noting that Gog and Magog are of the North (being hidden until modern times): North being in relationship to Israel. The last time anything remotely looked like it was in the Crimean war. Ezekiel was writing well before the year AD. Rabbi Elijah of Vilna lives 1720-1797, before the Crimean war. What is remarkable about his era is the rise of Russia. Peter the Great had ruled Russia from 1682-1725 modernising it. Elijah of Vilna considering the prophecy of the Gog of the North, could see what had been hidden before.

The prophecy of Ezekiel doesn't mention Messiah, but it does point to Messiah because it mentions a regathered Israel blessed by Yahweh, and in the mid 1700s that seemed impossible. Before the nation of Israel came again into existence it was thought that when Israel was gathered it would be the messianic age.

Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there. Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 39:28-29)

Israel has been over 70 years gathered but as yet no Messiah - this does not make the understanding fundamentally incorrect, only there is a step in time. Israel is gathered first, then Messiah comes, one even subsequent to the other rather than being concurrent. From the past the future events look closer when in fact they may take years to play out.

His consideration of Russia and a future Messianic Israel turned to practical steps based on Geography…. It's that simple- He considered how the nation of the far North was to get to Israel with weapons! He also considered that Russia was increasing as a Great Power and moving South -

In 1774, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by Catherine the Great. Crimea was traded to Russia by the Ottoman Empire as part of the treaty provisions and annexed in 1783. After two centuries of conflict, the Russian fleet had destroyed the Ottoman navy and the Russian army had inflicted heavy defeats on the Ottoman land forces. The ensuing Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca forced the Sublime Porte to recognize the Tatars of the Crimea as politically independent. Catherine the Great's incorporation of the Crimea in 1783 from the defeated Ottoman Empire into the Russian Empire increased Russia's power in the Black Sea area. The Crimea was the first Muslim territory to slip from the sultan's suzerainty. The Ottoman Empire's frontiers would gradually shrink, and Russia would proceed to push her frontier westwards to the Dniester. Wikipedia

Elijah of Vilna believed in 1783, in his lifetime, that the times of Messiah had begun! That era may indeed have begun – but the Russians are then halted- Stopped. They advance no further. In recent times they have even been in retreat, having to retake the Crimea. But the logic follows now as in the last 1700's, for Russia of the North to invade Israel, it requires that Russia both has power over Crimea and the gates of the Black Sea – Constantinople, now Istanbul - still held by Turkey.

What excites the modern followers of Elijah of Vilna, is that once again after a long time, his words are about events in the news.

In the past Russia began moving South but was stopped, the question we might ask now, after the rapid conquest of the Crimea, and the Russian move towards Ukraine, what is now stopping Russia moving South through the gates of Constantinople? Is Turkey or NATO an obstacle? Is America an obstacle? Will Europe stand in their way?

America is not an obstacle as “Biden blinked first”

How Putin's "Saber-Rattling" Forced A Biden Summit, Bypassing Kiev To Decide Ukraine's Fate

As the leaders of France, Germany, and Ukraine hold an urgent meeting on Friday to discussing soaring tensions in eastern Ukraine and Russia's large scale military build-up near the border, Kiev continues to charge Moscow with aggressively stoking conflict:

But given Biden's recent offer to sit down with Putin for a bilateral summit this summer, which is still on the table, it appears Ukraine's leadership has been effectively sidelined..

Russia is on the move South

In news that does not seem widely reported Russia has blocked the straight under the bridge it built between Russia and Crimea. It is blocked totally and will not be open for at least six months. This leaves Ukraine with only one port. This also means in an instant the ports that Ukraine had fought Russian separatists over are worthless to the Ukrainians, and are now only of value to Russia. Russia has signalled that even if Ukraine think it has territory there, the whole land arc from Russia to Crimea is now in Russia's control as they only control the sea and none can come to help them, except over-land, or from Odessa, where they would have to come into the sightlines from the Russian base of Sevastopol, before reaching Odessa.

Russia already has power over Syria, as we know and The Sun points out – they have that power even though Russia has to pass through Turkey's territory of Istanbul to maintain it with shipments of arms. Russia has some influence over Turkey already. In 2016 Turkey gave Russia access to power over Turkey with an arms deal that allowed Russia some air control, but Turkey is being drawn in by the Ukrainians against Russia.

On April 10, President Volodymyr Zelensky made his way to Istanbul to take part in the ninth meeting of the Turkish-Ukrainian High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council. The primary purpose of his visit was to solicit support from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan against Russia,

It was the Turkish Ottoman Empire siding with Germany rather than Britain in WW1 that led to the end of their empire. Russia has captured Crimea. After a gap of 230 years, once again we are in the times of Messiah. Will events stall again – or will Russia keep moving South and, finally, due to a foolish move on the part of Turkey, have complete power over Constantinople?

When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard.”

"And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople, you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don't take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute."
