Truth, Understanding, Insight

Watchman, What of the Night?

21st March 2021, hej


Events are speeding up with the world in a state of flux, nations are now not sure of what will come next

21 March 2021 Iran, Russia Turkey - and the Saudis

While Turkey's leader takes the opportunity to verbally slam its supposed NATO ally's leader, Biden for using words, "not fitting of a president" and are "unacceptable" on the world stage. "Mr Biden?s comment about Putin does not suit a head of state," Erdogan told reporters after Friday prayers in Istanbul. He then praised Putin for giving a "smart" and "classy response" after Putin made the case on state TV that Biden was engaged in mere psychological projection. Biden has yet to hold a phone call with Erdogan since taking office.(ZH

There are likely many reasons why Biden is not phoning important leaders, as is being revealed in the gaffes and it is dawning on all concerned that there is a problem in America. This is a huge issue for NATO, which Turkey used to be a key member of. Biden's Admin could have made it an issue, but they are barely coping with dealing with China. See the shocking events of the 20th Below.

Today JPost headlines Iran, Russia and Turkey signal growing alliance For years, Turkey would say one thing to Moscow and Tehran while telling Washington's Iran hawks that Turkey was "against Russia and Iran." Iran?s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was very content during a trip to Turkey on Friday. He said it was productive and smiled alongside his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. He said it was a ?wonderful? trip where he spoke with his ?brother Cavusoglu.? The trip signals the growing alliance that Turkey and Iran have in the region. Zarif said: "As before, constructive engagement on bilateral and regional issues. Ultimate aim: Apply Iran and Turkey's experience of 400 years of peace to our region. Together, anything is possible." Meanwhile Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took Russia?s side in a growing spat with the US, slamming President Joe Biden. They work together in Syria, Libya and the Caucasus; their goal is to supplant US influence and divide up many areas of the Middle East between themselves.
We know that there was not 400 years of peace. We know also that the 'drying up' of the Ottoman Euphrates empire that occurred 100 years ago is permanent. But whereas in the past we waited for Turkey to be taken by Russia, and were surpirsed to see Russia gain by peace what we would expect they gain by war, power over the Bosphrous, we now ponder if Turkey is offering itself also on a platter to Iran. We have expected Iran as Persia to be allied with Turkey as Togarmah, if we have correctly identified Togarmah.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army,.. even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. (Ezekiel 38:3-6)

For more Summary of Ezekiel 38

Meanwhile the Saudis might be noticing which world leaders are noticing the Iranian attacks on global oil supplies. Saudi Arabia has confirmed a fresh Houthi attack on Saudi Aramco facilities on Friday, for which Riyadh is further pointing the finger at Iran. The kingdom said the continued attacks threaten "the security and stability of the world's energy supplies". Minister of state for foreign affairs Adel Al-Jubeir issued a statement saying "All of the missiles and drones that came into Saudi are Iranian-manufactured or Iranian-supplied." Suggesting further the attack may have also 'directly' involved Iranian operatives such as the IRGC (and not just the Houthis as proxies), he added: "Several of them, as we?ve said, came from the north; several came from the sea." Russia alongside others condemned the attack on the oil facilities and urged a halt in violence.ZH

Not a peep from the leaders of the so called 'West' on the matter, the matter being muted in diplospeak from the US State Department. The situation is, for the first time in world history, excatly as detailed in Ezekiel 38!

20 March 2021 Woe! Woe to America - weak and despised

We woke up this morning to an increasing avalanche of evidence and signs of American political weakness and failure.

After Biden humiliated:'Thug' Kim snubs POTUS on nuclear talks - 'No responses from Pyongyang' JOE BIDEN's repeated attempts to reach out to the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un have been met with a stony silence, as tensions continue to simmer between the two foes. In a further snub to Mr Biden, North Korean state media has yet to acknowledge that he won the 2020 elections in December. This may be a recognition of American political debate or of what they could know if they were observing the cyber activity now documented but not named by US Intelligence because it was likely, based on independent fraud analysis, involved in it. In any case the Supreme Court delay and dismissals of the election cases without hearing was seen before all the world. Unless the Courts had hammered open all the evidence with blind testing the computers and scans of the ballots and to and fro arguments with testimony and questioning of witnesses under oath, as in the current Chauvin trial, everyone in the world is left in doubt, and clearly the North Koreans think they know something.

Due the perception of weakness, the Weak North Korea is making themsleves Strong (Joel 3:10) and showing absolute disdain for America. Kim Yo-Jong attacks Joe Biden: North Korea ends US silent treatment with stark warning KIM Yo-Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, has issued a sensational attack on Joe Biden and warned the US not to "cause a stink". The influential sister of Kim Jong-un also heavily criticised the US and South Korea for conducting joint military exercises in the area.

The North Koreans may be emboldened by reports that Biden is weak - very weak. Remembering that Biden alone has nuclear codes and the supreme poltical power to start nuclear war, which is North Korea's sole focus! Joe Biden labelled 'transition president' for Kamala Harris as fears over his health grow JOE BIDEN is likely to be just a one term president, as concerns about his health and ability to carry out his duties continue to grow, an analyst has said. The 78-year-old has still failed to give a press conference after 57 days in office, although he is scheduled to finally hold one next week. Various events have caught the eyes and ears of political commentators in recent days, leading to great speculation about his fitness. The oldest President in US history appeared to lose focus and become disorientated while delivering a speech in Houston, Texas at the beginning of March. Mr Biden also seemed to struggle to remember the name of his Defence Secretary - Lloyd Austin, whom he recently appointed. The President's struggles have led the Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson to dub Mr Biden as 'America's Brezhnev', the former Soviet leader who later in his life became renowned for his public gaffes and frail health.

In a widely reported recent Gaffe the lack of mental precision is showing, not just in the gaffe but the slow delivery and failure to rectify it. Joe Biden calls his second-in-command 'President Harris' US President Joe Biden had an unfortunate slip of the tongue while delivering a COVID-19 vaccine update at the White House on Thursday night. "When President Harris and I took ?" Mr Biden said, before momentarily pausing, "a virtual tour of a vaccination site in Arizona.." Mr Biden has made such gaffes before. In December he mistakenly referred to Kamala Harris as 'President-elect', also during a speech on COVID-19 vaccines. "I took it to instil public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason," Mr Biden said. President Biden 'appears to be getting worse' as he refers to Kamala Harris as president Joe Biden added another gaffe to his long list of bloopers after he said he and 'President Harris' - his vice-president - took a virtual tour of a vaccination centre. Many who listened to the conference begun ridiculing the head of state with tweets pointing out his mistake. The president is known for his regular gaffes such as referring to former Prime Minister Theresa May as Margaret Thatcher and saying the word "jobs" was a three-letter word. Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared to make fun of Biden after he was shown clips of the US president calling Putin a killer. Putin bluntly replied: "Be well, I wish him health, and I say that without any irony or joking."

In a sign of acknowledged weakness, foreign media is now taking up US media talking points critical of their own President, Joe Biden breaks record to hold first full press conference 64 days since taking office By waiting 64 days, President Biden set a record among modern presidents for the longest time taken to hold a press conference since taking office.

The optics of this weakness of not meeting reporters, both revealing lack of popularity and lack in personal strength are borne out in the optics of falling up stairs very publicly, with the images of these three falls very virally spreading (At time of writing on You-tube alone the Hill at almost 2 million, NBC, Bloomberg Telegraph all at almost half million, Sky news with almost a million views, New York Post quarter million, and that's not even venturing into Twitter or other such spaces as Rumble.)

This recent stumble is of note as it was not hidden. Biden's previous stumble found 9 Feb 2021 was not noted so widely, but it came with re-entering the Paris Climate Accords and cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline which was a single stumble in weakness in international relations, of benefit to China - and Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Joe Biden falls while boarding Air Force One - US President stumbles on aeroplane stairs JOE BIDEN fell over while walking up the stairs of Air Force One ahead of flying to Georgia on Friday. The US President was flying to Atlanta to meet members of the Asian American community following the death of six Asian women. The 78-year-old quickly recovered from the fall and continued up the stairs. Joe Biden appeared to trip on the steps twice before falling out of sight in footage widely shared online. There were two others targeted and killed in the shooting (making fully one fourth killed not 'asian') and all killed were in places targeted by police for prostitution. Let us be wary, God wishes prostitutes to repent. Also featured Joe Biden takes public tumble boarding Air Force One: Photos The White House insists Joe Biden is "just fine" after concerning footage shows the US President falling repeatedly as he boards Air Force One. "Nothing more than a misstep on the stairs." But the missteps and gaffes keep on comming! It is a Sign of the three 'missteps' in foreign policy! The article mentions Biden mocking then President Trump for being helped down a ramp, where in symbol Trump required others to cause him to descend come down from power, but Biden is symbolically falling down three times, going up to power at the very time he falls down 'missteps' 3 times in foreign policy! Exactly 3! let us take note!

Misstep One China - Weakness of meeting China in Alaska, not forcing China to Washington. China is led by Xi's leadership now that favours 'wolf diplomacy' and a show of strength. No weakness is valued. It is reported in the same news with the physical 'misstep' 'We won't compromise' China sends bold warning to Biden ahead of tense human rights talks CHINA sent a chilling warning to the US ahead of their bilateral meeting in Alaska this week and said they would not compromise on what America says are human rights violations. President Joe Biden attempts to soften some of the hard-line stances his predecessor made towards the eastern country.
What foolishness and weakness to on one hand speak of 'human rights' while on the other hand 'sofening', when the leader concerned has shown over many years he only knows force and fear of national disadvantage for reason! The UK has its own take on China and the above article comments, Tensions between the UK and China have also risen over China's clashes with Hong Kong protesters who are demonstrating against their new security bill.

The actual conference with China was utter humiliation for America. The Chinese broke protocol and lambasted the Americans for nearly 20 minutes! Hitting where it hurt. See also US humiliation Biden "Proud" As "Theatrical" Alaska Summit Ends In 'No Breakthroughs' With China During China's Foreign Ministry press briefing on Friday, spokesman Zhao Lijian put blame squarely on the United States for the somewhat chaotic and "fiery" and "confrontational" talks in Alaska, which is the first time the Biden administration has conducted a face-to-face meeting with Beijing officials. It was essentially a failure by all accounts... the Chinese delegation reportedly stormed out of the hotel in Anchorage, according to CNBC, without giving any comments to the press, with only the US side saying there were "very candid" conversations in talks that were "tough and direct" over many hours, particularly related to issued involving Iran and North Korea. Yang Jiechi responded for 18 minutes, criticizing US: "We don't believe in invading through use of force, topple other regimes, massacre people of other countries... Important for US to change own image... Many people in US have little confidence in US democracy..."

It is not chance that Biden falls directly after expressing his pride, as the truth of the matter may be seen in any unedited record of the exchange.

Misstep Two EU Ireland - Telling EU member Ireland the US could be of no help with vaccines - then offering to help Mexico... Joe Biden to send 4m jabs to Mexico and Canada day after telling Ireland 'no stockpile' THE US has announced it will sent four million doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine to Canada and Mexico a day after the Irish Prime Minister claimed America lacks stockpiles to help other countries. Ireland, along with the rest of the EU, is struggling with its vaccination programme which is lagging some way behind the UK and US. After speaking with Joe Biden on Wednesday Miche?l Martin claimed the president "doesn?t necessarily have a stockpile in the sense that he wants to find out will he have in time a sufficiency of vaccines for his own people". This move is not the 'sharing' 'caring' unilateral that the EU expects in US behaviour to the EU: especailly as Ireland had hoped for favours due to the Biden's vaunted Irish heritage, but it is 'America First', and on top of that an insult to the EU in the timing of the annoucement of unexpected US favour to near neighbours. But it is worse as there is a context of US failure with the EU! Don't even think about it! Biden sends EU threat over lucrative Nord Stream pipeline WASHINGTON has threatened to slap sanctions on companies behind the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany unless work on the controversial project is halted immediately. Nord Stream 2 bypasses Ukraine, potentially depriving it of lucrative transit revenues and undermining its efforts against Russian aggression. The pipeline will also increase European energy dependency on Russia and compete with shipments of US liquefied natural gas. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: "Any entity involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline risks US sanctions and should immediately abandon work on the pipeline."

Just as Biden's Admin has not been able to work with the EU on vaccines so the EU (despite cheap words) has decided it wouldn't work with the Biden Admin on a matter vital to US security (and also personsal Biden family connection to benefits in Ukraine). Joe Biden steps in as EU admitted only Merkel can stop Nord Stream 2 JOE BIDEN has repeatedly stressed the need for transatlantic cooperation to put pressure on Russia - but when asked about the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, the EU simply shifted the responsibility on Berlin. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who wants the project to continue, has not yet made any comments on the US Secretary's statement. Berlin views the pipeline merely as a commercial project. Brussels has also steered clear of making any statements.
While some in Washington expected the EU to butt in and side with the US President, Brussels effectively shifted all the responsibility on Mrs Merkel at the end of February. The European Commission claimed any decision to stop the project carrying Russian natural gas to Germany would have to come from Berlin. Ditte Juul Jorgensen, Director General of the Commission?s energy department, told lawmakers in the European Parliament?s industry committee: "For the European Union as a whole, Nord Stream does not contribute to security of supply. "Actually stopping the construction would require a decision at national level. It?s not a decision that can be taken at European level."

Misstep Three Russia - Biden's unforced error regarding Russia keeps on having fallout in a further misstep fall. After offending Putin while responding to a reporter afflicted with the Democrat talking point of Russia's conspiracy with Trump, which prevails despite a very expensive and powerful enquiry by clearly anti-Trump staff that failed to find anything, Biden then further shows more weakness,
Just before the dramatic and deeply concerning stumble up the stairs footage in which Biden appeared to nearly injure himself trying to board Air Force One, the president was asked by reporters about Vladimir Putin's debate challenge issued the evening before, to which he responded, "I'm sure we'll talk at some point." However, it's increasingly looking like a 'live' debate scenario with the much nimbler 68-year old Putin is a thing that could have only been contemplated in years past. And on the question of whether sanctions are coming on Russia, Biden said "that'll come in time". Leading some online commentators to jokingly question whether Putin's "good health" wishes a mere less than 24 hours before was in fact a 'curse' by the Russian president. White House Shrugs Off Debate Challenge It is clearly weakness to not have set out when and what sanctions would be applied. There is a total lack of respect coming from Putin's Russia- not just Putin, who is taking liberties to make Biden loook even weaker in a win-win move for Putin, where if Biden does agree Putin can show him up, and by Biden's team not agreeing Putin still shows Biden up as weak or afraid. It was a misstep to not respond to Putin, as the nations are watching including Turkey who sided with Russia as noted by the Washington Times. Associated Press opines Kremlin: Putin's offer of a call with Biden was to save ties There is no respect in Sputnik, I do not want to make any wordy comments on this. I will only say that these statements by the US president are very bad. He clearly does not want to improve relations with our country.. Russia hits back: Joe Biden ordered to apologise after Vladimir Putin branded 'killer' A SENIOR member of the Russian parliament has demanded Joe Biden apologise after agreeing Vladimir Putin is "a killer". Konstantin Kosachyov, deputy chair of the Russian parliament?s upper house, called on Mr Biden to apologise. He claimed the US President's remark "is not allowed from the mouth of a stateman of such a rank". Putin responded personally to the comment claiming every country has "bloody events" in its history. He referenced the US killing of Native Americans, slavery and atomic bomb attacks on Japan during the Second World War. Asked specifically about the "killer" remark, Putin replied: "I remember in my childhood, when we argued in the courtyard with each other we used to say: 'It takes one to know one.'"
It can be seen that Russia is honing in on current woke Democrat talking points and attacking the current Administration by using it's own rhetoric to destroy it. Make no mistake, if an American leadership harps on self-absorbed internal 'dirty laundry' issues before other nations, the other nations such as China, Russia and even the EU will see what Russia says is true. Biden and Kamala who Trashes America as a Racist and Xenophobic Country when offical reports from the FBI and the perpetrator (the only reliable witness as to motive) had removed the racist motive due to a sex addiction confession for the specific attack, just brought the utter end of America's Moral power over other nations - the truth and truth of attitude of words matters. Putin saw his chance to remove America's global moral authority at Biden's misstep - and took it. It matters in Europe. It matters in the Middle East where strong words count!

In a headline that is shocking based on our understanding - an Indian from TFI Global - who has no idea of Bible prophecy as to why Rosh might think an evil thought states, Netanyahu's message to Biden is absolutely clear: We always have Russia to back us up As US President Joe Biden stirs up a controversy stating that he does think that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a 'killer' taking relations with Moscow to an unprecedented low, Israel, miffed with Biden's Middle East policy, has hinted that it has no qualms against stepping up its ties with Russia and supporting Moscow's role in the Middle East. Israel has made no secret of the fact that it is dead-opposed to the idea of the U.S. leading a global effort to resuscitate the Joint Comprehensive Plan or Action (JCPOA), or what is commonly referred to as the Iran Nuclear Deal. Joe Biden, who happens to be the U.S. President, has made it a priority to re-enter the nuclear deal, in order to eternalize the disastrous foreign policy legacy of his godfather - Barack Obama.
Now, Israel, seeing that the U.S. has left it high and dry, has begun cosying up to Russia, and Joe Biden has nobody but himself to blame for the setback the U.S. is about to receive in the Middle East. It is a widely established fact that the way into the Middle East runs through the heart of Israel. Whoever earns the trust and friendship of Israel can play a dominating role in the region. For the past four years, under the Trump administration at the helm of affairs in the U.S., Russia could not play a dominating role in the region. Now, however, Joe Biden is offering such an opportunity to Moscow on a silver platter.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no fan of President Joe Biden ? for the latter's obvious pro-Iran inclinations, which threaten the security of Israel. So, in a move that will upset the Biden administration, the foreign minister of Israel Gabi Ashkenazi met his counterpart, Sergei Lavrov on Moscow Wednesday, and heaped praises on the strong ties between their nations. A statement by the Israeli Foreign Ministry quotes Ashkenazi telling Lavrov that Jerusalem "appreciates the stance of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation, which support Israel, and for their repeated commitment to Israel?s security." Hailing Russia as an "important and central player in the Middle East that is important to regional stability," Ashkenazi says he views as important the "continued and fruitful dialogue" between the countries "which is based on common interests and cooperation on matters of national security."

This observation of the facts of the exchange of words is a precise fulfillment of the declaration by no less than the God of Israel that He would put 'hooks' the the jaws (Ezekiel 38:4) of the Leader of "Rosh" of the "North parts" (Ezekiel 38:15) to bring him to invade Israel, as this is a hook to bring Russia down and for Russia to again be involved with Persia. It looks like the opposite, that America is involved with Iran (Persia) and Russia not, but Israel just ensure that America, with the Current Adminstration, is ireelvant, and Russia gets to play the role to preserve the 'balance of power' in the Middle East.

Many Bible pundits say that America is not in the Bible, some American Bible pundits find it everywhere as it's the 'new Zion' and everything in Revelation is about America now. We understand that Revelation was a set of visions for the faithful of every generation since it was written, with an event fulfilling it about every 100 years occuring in the areas of the world affecting the lives of the faithful and the Natural descendents of Israel. We are living in the era after the 'drying up of the Euphrates' the end of the Ottoman power, preparing for the 'Kings of the Son's rising (resurrection) (Rev 16:12) and the Spirits like frogs (of the French Revolution) going out in preparation for the battle, war, in the place with the Hebrew name called Armageddon (Rev 16:14-16). There is now since 1948, the nation of Israel, which formed due to the 'drying up' of the Ottoman empire, with place names in Hebrew. Thus the focus of Bible prophecy is clearly not America!
America may indeed contribute to the Spirits of the French Revolution going forth. However we have identified a place America is mentioned in prophecy. From the time they sent forth Ambassadors in Reed boats - yes they did! With America the land of the UN. So the Reed boat had a UN flag firstm then an American flag and beside those a Russian flag! Not only that at the time it was famous - the year was 1969! The US president was Richard Nixon. That voyage failed, they tried again in 1970 making the journey form Arab Africa to Barbados. But there was more: In 1978 Thor Heyderdahl burnt a reed boat that he and the Ambassadors travelled on, due to the Middle East conflict in Yemen that prevented the completion of his journey. The US president at the time was Jimmy Carter, and it may be argued that US interference and Soviet antagonism had contributed to matters in Yemen. From that point on there was as slide from power of the US that was masked by the Soviet failure of the 1990's, but now cannot be masked any more. What was prophesied of the land that sent out ambassadore on reed boats, the land of the UN, America the place of the UN headquarters? WOE! Woe!

Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bulrushes upon the waters, saying, Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled! All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. (Isiah 18:1-3)

In 1967 the ensign was lifted up as Israel regined its mountains in that war. In 2016 our Lord finally blew the trumpet - bringing to global power a US President named Trump. It is was is now woe.

Why should Biden have a curse from God given via Putin, and woe of losing his mind when finally gaining power?- he was given broken glass by Netanyahu because in his heart he did not want Jews to build on the mountains that God gave Israel. It is woe when the ruler is having to be looked after like a child, and the counrty is run by a multiplicty of power drunk advisers!

Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning! Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness! (Ecc 10:16-17)

19 March 2021 Macron vs the Iranians

Persia is present in prophecy, from ancient times to the last days,

Emmanuel Macron on collision course with Iran with latest attack on Tehran 'You must stop' EMMANUEL Macron is on a collision course with Iran as he demands the country to stop aggravating "a serious nuclear situation." The French president's comments come as France as well as the European Union and the United States attempt to hold informal talks with Iran to revive the nuclear agreement. Biden had rung Macron to broker talks. We are seeing the failure of this. We have suspected that Trump's path would prevail. We would suspect that Israel would neutralise the Iranian program as we know that Jews will dwell on their disputed moutains in safety, but they would not neutralise the enmity, as Persia is to be with Rosh and those of Gomer who invade Israel, thought to be Gaul which is France. France like Russia is attempting to guard, watch or keep Persia.

Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. (Ezekiel 38:5-7)

18 March 2021 Biden calls Putin a Killer

In a totally undiplomatic schemozzle, Biden has been prompted by US-led tensions into opening up a petty personal rift with Putin.

In an interview with the American ABC overnight, the US President said Moscow will soon ?pay a price? for meddling in US elections. He was asked about a US intelligence report that Mr Putin tried to harm his candidacy in the November 2020 election and promote that of Donald Trump. "He will pay a price," Mr Biden said. "You?ll see shortly." The US Commerce Department announced overnight that it was toughening export restrictions imposed on Russia earlier this month as punishment for the poisoning of Russia?s opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Asked if he thought Mr Putin, who has been accused of ordering the poisoning of Mr Navalny as well as other political opponents, is a "killer," Biden said, "I do." ABC News interviewer, George Stephanopoulos, also reminded Mr Biden that he once told Mr Putin he "doesn't have a soul". "I did say that to him, yes. And his response was, 'We understand one another,'" Mr Biden confirmed.
Mr Ryabkov told RIA Novosti such moves don?t improve "chances to normalise the ties". "In any case responsibility for further deterioration of Russian-American ties fully rests with the United States," he said.

It has been of considerable interest to us from a perspective of Bible Prophecy that the anti Trump Russia collusion narrative, has set as anti-Russia the traditionally more pro Russian socailist leaning Democrats (including the cosy Clinton Russia connection and Bernie Sanders having a historic relationship with Russia). Traditionaly the Neocon Republicans were the anti-Russia hawks, at every opportunity poking the Russian Bear. Russia has seen a Trump-led US with a rational approach and is now trying to work out how to best deal with being prodded - to Russia's advantage!

Russia recalls its US ambassador following Biden?s comments The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it had called its ambassador, Anatoly Antonov, back to Moscow to discuss the future of Russia's relationship with the United States. "We are interested in preventing their irreversible degradation if the Americans recognize the risks involved." JPost

Prophecy notes that the Merchants of Tarshish in Ezekiel 38 speak against Russia 'Rosh' of the "Far North" invading Israel. But it is far far more complex! Right now American relations with Israel are at a low point due to seeking a relationship with Iran. But Iran was named in the election medding report with Russia. If the US wishs to revive the Iran deal they need Russia, who was an essential part of it. They also need Germany.

Into this mix comes the pro-Jewish - Putin who has a good relationship with Israel, and would not mind at all upsetting the US now!

RUSSIA AND THE NEW MIDDLE EAST ? The Last 20 years ? Inching toward a Grand Bargain Part I Can Russia be induced to veto UNSC resolutions inimical to Israel. Coalition against Iran and Turkey At the time, the US administration denied the Israeli claim that another resolution, in addition to UNSCR 2334, was going to be brought before the UN Security Council. How Russia saved Israel from a Palestinian state based on the '48 borders Nevertheless, Netanyahu again sought help from Putin to prevent another resolution. In another phone conversation, he explained to Putin that Obama?s new resolution would do serious harm to Israel and could destabilize the region. Putin was convinced and told Netanyahu that if the resolution came to a vote, Russia would veto it. According to what Netanyahu said in the closed meeting, Obama was informed of Russia?s intention to veto the American move. Obama realized that if Russia vetoed a US resolution in order to protect Israel, it would be a fatal blow to the US's image as an ally of Israel and its standing in the Jewish community. Therefore, Obama decided to shelve the resolution, Netanyahu said. In May 2018, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated the Israeli government had opposed sanctions on Russia despite foreign pressure to support them.
Russia's improvement of relations with Israel coincided on the same time with growing Russia and Israel's alliance with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, both have common opposition toward neo-Ottomanism initiated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, both countries are also fighting proxy wars with Turkey in Caucasus, North Africa and the Middle East. Israel has largely sided with Russia against Turkey in recent years, Israel's silent support for Russian intervention in Syria in opposition to Iran and Turkey, although Israel objects to Russia's relations with Turkey while Israel maintains relations with Azerbaijan, a strong Turkish ally, to go against Iran.

'What?' you say, how does this fit Ezekiel 38? It can be seen that the matter is complex... even more so when we see the US re-engaging in Syria!

U.S. Aircraft Carrier Deploys In Mediterranean As Damascus Prepares To Push On The Northwest WEDNESDAY, MAR 10, 2021 Submitted by SouthFront, The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier and its Carrier Strike Group have entered the Mediterranean Sea. In Syria itself, as the primary US competitor, alongside Iran, Russian forces are preparing to set up a permanent military base near the city of Palmyra in the Badia Desert. This is not yet confirmed, but according to satellite photos it has a helipad as a runway. This base is likely planned to support the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) further in their push against both ISIS and Turkish proxies. On March 9th, the SAA carried out heavy shelling on the positions of Turkish proxies in the village of Jabal Al-Zawiya, in southern Idlib. Zero Hedge

What can be seen is that the goading of Putin by Biden, in the context of a 'anti-Iran' pro-Iran deal, anti-Israel position, with a US aircraft carrier in sight of Syria will bring Russia further into interfering in the Middle East.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: (Ezekiel 38:3-5)

We can see already why God calls the planning of Rosh's invasion of Israel an "evil thought". It will be a betrayal. In the context of the last 20 years of Putin, the blocking of anti-Israel US moves and Putin's relationship with Israel - it will be a huge betrayal.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: (Ezekiel 38:10)

16 March 2021 The ancient words from the Cave of Horror!

Many ancient items were rescued including a basket, Bar Kokhba coins and a mummified child. The most interesting is the precise bits of scriptrue that have preserved by God. Just as the complete Isaiah scroll emerged at a time it was being fulfilled, so these new texts are pointers to events.

The team has reconstructed 11 lines of Greek text that was translated from Zechariah 8:16?17, as well as verses from Nahum 1:5?6. Only the name of God appears in Hebrew, written in the Paleo-Hebrew script used during the First Temple period, as well as by some adherents of the Bar Kochba revolt (132?136 CE), including on coinage, and in the Qumran community. INN

These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD. (Zechariah 8:16-17)

What is to note is the context, remember this word is from the cave of horror - This context would be of interest to the faithful Jew!

And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong. For thus saith the LORD of hosts; As I thought to punish you, when your fathers provoked me to wrath, saith the LORD of hosts, and I repented not: So again have I thought in these days to do well unto Jerusalem and to the house of Judah: fear ye not. (Zechariah 8:13-15)

Let us lift up our heads, as our redemption is near also. Let us also speak truth and love all this of the truth, and not lie to ourslves in our hearts because it is the way we wish for things to be. Let us consider what other text was found for us!

The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him. (Nahum 1:5-6)

Truly a scary text, from the cave of Horror. Whereas Zechariah is about Jerusalem, Nahum is about Nineveh. There has recently been an increase in global volcanic activity. But let us consider the context in terms of threat from Iran,

There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counsellor. Thus saith the LORD; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more. For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder. Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off. (Nahum 1:11-15)

The Cave of Horror yeilded a text of judgement, but also a text of hope- to those who trust. May the faithful trust.

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. (Nahum 1:7)

14 March 2021 Destructive consuming fire in Lebanon

"We Are Hungry" - Violent Protests Erupt As Lebanon 'Hyperinflation' Accelerates Despite the government?s attempt to crack down on illicit trading, Lebanon's currency collapse has accelerated and with it the economy and people's living standards. It appears the Lebanese people have had enough, and widespread protests pose the biggest threat to the nation's stability since the 1975-1990 civil war... Lebanon is heavily reliant on imports, particularly of commodities and consumer goods, and recent price surges have worsened the situation for an already beleaguered population, now living under the specter of potential widespread hunger.

Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. (Zechariah 11:1)

12 March 2021 Czech open Embassy in Jerusalem

The Czech Republic opened a branch of its embassy in Jerusalem, becoming the second EU member state to make such a move after Hungary. Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis attended a ceremony Thursday marking the opening of the diplomatic mission in the west of Israel's capital city. Also visiting Israel Thursday was Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. jta

Hugary was the first to open their embassy in Jerusalem of the EU, after American President Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.(Zechariah 14:1-3)

11 March 2021 The EU really doesn't want a trade deal with Australia

It was announced that the EU will tax (tariff) Australian goods as they thought there wasn't enough said in Australia about climate Change.

Australian exporters to Europe are likely to face millions of dollars in new tariffs after the European Parliament voted overnight to move forward with a carbon levy on products from countries lacking serious pollution reduction programs. The vote came after a top parliamentary committee noted concerns about "the lack of cooperation by some of the EU's trade partners ? to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement". n a trade war with the EU, Australia surely holds the upper hand. We export $30 billion dollars worth of goods and services to the EU, but import $80 billion dollars worth of EU goods, none of which we really have to have, and that's despite the EU already having higher tariffs on Australian goods than we do on EU goods.
It will likly have effects unforseen by the The best choice is to point out how Australia is already a super-achiever with carbon reduction per capita, and the installation of unreliable renewables. When the EU achieves similar per capita 'gains' then they can lecture us - especially when we have an energy-dependent economy, live on the lowest population density country on Earth, have bigger distances to cover, and are more remote than any continent bar Antarctica. Until then Australians will just have to drink Australian wine and cheese and drive South Korean and Japanese cars. We'll sell our gold, shiraz and beef to the UK, Canada, India, and US. Long live The Commonwealth!" JoNova
This conclusion is interesting due to a prophecy about the 70 years where the of the Merchants of Tyre or Tarshish are forgotten to be revived. It is now 70 years since the Commonwealth faded to insignificance. There is nothing like the power of re-forming relationships due to trade due to costs, it is not the government who buys and sells goods - but the people - and they act in their rational self interest.

And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth. And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the LORD, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing. (Isaiah 23:17-18)

9 March 2021 The EU Superstate

Why Europe's Left Wants A European Financial Superstate In an open letter to the EU Commission with the title Joint Letter: Reshaping the European Fiscal Framework, on February 17, 2021, a coalition of left-wing and green politicians, think tanks, and trade unions made an appeal for a permanent common EU budget with the possibility of borrowing to support investments that advance the Green Deal..In addition to the permanent EU budget, the letter calls for overriding and making more flexible EU fiscal rules and supporting fiscal policy with further monetary policy measures by the European Central Bank. The permanent EU budget and the possibility of the EU to issuing debt have always been the pipe dream of socialist politicians who want a European superstate. This proposal would be an important step toward such a goal, as from then on the emerging European central state could assume more powers and further grow.

We would expect that Europe would unite, so these ideas prepare the ground, whether it is the EU or not we may debate- as we expect Russia to be involved as the Eastern Byzantine half unites with the Western Roman half in an uneasy alliance to form again the Image Nebuchadnezzar dreamt of as the last state of the nations before Christ returns as King

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:43-44)

8 March 2021 When the Arabs allow Jerusalem can be for Jews!

Things that are amazing… we saw it but seeing it we still are amazed...

Saudis say Temple Mount is for Jews, Mecca is for Muslims. Saudi Twitter users say that Muslims should be praying only towards Mecca.

Last week, Saudi Twitter pages began to promote the message that ‘the direction of Jewish prayers do not matter to me”.

The campaign, designed to emphasize the importance of Mecca and Medina as the holy places of Islam, and to eliminate the importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, has caused considerable controversy online.

Among the most prominent messages in the campaign were those who wrote that “the direction of the prayers of the Jews is not important to us, what is important to us is only our homeland,” referring to Saudi Arabia. This tweet was written by a well-known Saudi cartoonist named Fahd al-Jabiri.

Another English-language tweet by Ibtassam from Morocco seeks to bolster the Saudi campaign as it emphasizes that the Temple Mount is of no particular importance to Muslims, and hopes for the building of the Third Temple and the arrival of peace with it for all peoples.

According to the Saudis, the campaign is in response to the Palestinians who insult and humiliate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its cooperation with Israel, both online and in many demonstrations on the Temple Mount on Fridays. The reaction of the Saudis is to emphasize that Al-Aqsa is a mosque like all mosques, but the direction of prayer of the Muslims is to the city of Mecca and to it only.

Tom Nissani, CEO of the Temple Mount and Temple Heritage Foundation, noted, “In the end, it is becoming increasingly clear that the main obstacle – the Temple Mount – is in our hands. Now the Saudis and Moroccans also emphasize the strong connection of the Jewish people to the Temple Mount and the diminution of its importance to Islam. This is a historic opportunity to expel the hostile Waqf from the Temple Mount and transfer it to full Israeli management that will allow full freedom of access and religion to the mountain in cooperation with the Emirates, Saudis and Moroccans, Jews and non-Jews who will attain shared goals.”

also unitedwithisrael

The prophet Isaiah describe Arabs worshiping the Jewish God at Jerusalem, making offerings of lambs as if they were Jews!

Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles (nations) shall come unto thee. The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD. All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory. (Isaiah 60:5-7)

For more March madnesss 8 March 2021 American weakness leads to Middle East centred world
