Truth, Understanding, Insight

US, UK & Australia nuke French Subs (& New World Order)

3rd October 2021, hej


The French seem to have been stunned by the US and UK suddenly aligning with Australia and excluding France (and the EU) in the matter of Nuclear Submarines. To the student of Bible prophecy this was more of an 'ah ha' moment than a shock.

The AUKUS treaty, though aimed at China, utterly and dramatically severs any alliance with France. It opens the way for a re-alignment of France with Russia, an EU army and the end of NATO and the end of a Western New World Order. As Daniel was shown in the Image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream the alliances of Europe beyond the end of the bi-part Roman Empire are friable, as some nations are clay and partly broken.

As the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:42-44)

Why was the British Empire that ruled over nearly half the earth and the great power of America not prophesied of to Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel? The only reason could be because their structure and heritage was not in Babylon and their role in the area of Empires which had a heritage in Babylon was ensuring the clay and iron would not cleave and would not be strong. America may have sought power over Europe by 'uniting' it as a vassal since fighting Europe in the 1940s, but they could not succeed, because the vision was for the image of Babylon to stand on its own weak feet. The severing of France from America prepares for the destruction of the current political power structures and the return of the King of the Jews in the kingdom of God.

He (the King) shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. (Psalm 72:8)

The prophecy of the Bible is in cameos, like jigsaw bits, written over two thousand years ago, and much of it is already history. The history as a stream points a trajectory to the future Kingdom of God on Earth when the Anointed Jewish King Priest or Messiah, which in Greek is Christ, rules the world in peace and justice as Psalm 72 portrays. But in the matter of the power structures we might expect at the time just before Messiah the King of the Jews returns Psalm 72 goes into some detail about kings of Tarshish and Isles, or as Hebrew means 'far coasts', who are world leaders and come first to the new king.

The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. (Psalm 72:10)

The kings of Tarshish are overseas traders. Why are the kings (plural) of Tarshish and the Isles mentioned as the first to bring gifts to the global King, followed by Arabs? It is logical they do this because they are the most grateful as they are the most indebted to him (as Christ points out Luke 7:42).

We trace the trajectory – the history from ancient times until today - of the traders of Tarshish showing that their most recent iteration was in the British Empire including India evolving into the Commonwealth Isles and America. As the English speaking global traders gain the most when Christ reigns and wipes out his enemies, it indicates that the enemies of Christ as king of the Jews are the enemies also of the global traders. The current alienation of the French and EU from America and this prophetic clue suggests the global New World Order does not exist as the proponents expect.

Shattering a Global World

In a global New World Order, France would be in the club in a prime place with America. France after welcoming Biden to 'the club' because of Biden's promise of 'America is back' was stunned, by the secrecy and betrayal. AUKUS in addition to Five Eyes indicated a special club that France (and the EU) find they are excluded from.

It was even more of a shock to France as Australia has a historic connection to France that is as strong as its ANZAC connection to Gallipoli and Israel. Every year many Australians go to France to remember the many young Australians that died in WW1 fighting in France, for France. Britain also has a historic connection to France, for the same reason and Brits would likely note the French were 'allies' (until certain misbehaviour during Brexit). Britain's connection to France is now physical in the Channel Tunnel, but it historically goes back to the Normans. Yet there was the bitterness of Brexit and now the betrayal of AUKUS, which was so bitter France withdrew their ambassadors from Australia and America.

Despite a historic Anglo Franco connections and all appearances, we as students of Bible prophecy have historically seen France as part of the great New World Order colossus of Nebuchadnezzar's image of Daniel 2 rising out of the Empires that have their origin Babylon – and Britain as not part of it and antagonistic to it - as in another jigsaw piece of Ezekiel 38 the Tarshish with the Arabs opposing a Northern Colossus headed by Gog seeking to invade Israel.

All of the prophecies agree that the world is not one global New World Order, but divided as the AUKUS deal indicates. In yet another jigsaw piece of prophecy Daniel 11 shows at the time of the end there is a king of the North who invades 'the Glorious Land' or the Holy Land. The king of the North is first antagonised by the king of the South pushing at him. Daniel 11 speaks of a divided bipolar world with the king of the North and king of the South. The image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream speaks of the time just before the New Kingdom of God being of 'iron' and 'clay' nations that do not naturally cleave together.

Ezekiel 38 names a Northern confederation with Iran and Libya opposed by the Merchants with 'young lions' and the Arabs of Sheba & Dedan. Arabs are South of Israel and in Ezekiel and are portrayed as weakly protesting an aggressive invasion. The world again is clearly also bipolar. Joel 3 speaks of all the nations of any note being bought to fight each other over Jerusalem, without indicating which nations are the first aggressors, at which point Yahweh Elohim intervenes.

Zechariah 12 speaks of a time when Yahweh Elohim intervenes when all nations come against Jerusalem and Judah (the disputed mountains area) and place it under siege. Zephaniah 3 also speaks of a gathering of all nations to pour out judgement Jerusalem. Revelation 16 speaks of a spirit of Frogs the symbol of France that gathers all nations to battle in the place of the Hebrew name Armageddon.

If there was one New World Order of global hegemony, there would be no battle. The various prophetic pictures together show that, as in all previous wars, a Northern aggressor gathers allies and invades Israel and the Southern nations in a much weaker alliance, seek to oppose it. The tenor of all the prophecy as a total picture indicates that the Northern alliance's invasion of Israel is so successful that they come to Jerusalem, bringing all other nations there. Once there things do not go to plan, as Yahweh Elohim intervenes. As the Southern alliance is a defender and not an aggressor that would explain why in Psalm 72 they comes first as that they had thought they had lost all global power to the Northern alliance. We are seeing now with the formation of the divided world, with the division between France and America not seen before and with new alliances not seen before. It will be the French Froglike spirit of discontent that goes forth.

This is the generalities of the background of the exception based on the trajectory of prophecy, we will now look at the specifics of what is happening now. We will point out that we had before expected Trump's policy to prevail, being surprised at the elevation of an anti-Israel 'two state' Europhile, so the events are counter to the will the America's leaders. There is great honour to God in leaders fulfilling His will without them desiring to do so.

American rift with France and EU

(AP) President Joe Biden’s decision to form a strategic Indo-Pacific alliance with Australia and Britain to counter China is angering France and the European Union. They’re feeling left out and seeing it as a return to the Trump era. AUKUS, which notably excludes France and the European Union, is just the latest in a series of steps, from Afghanistan to east Asia, that have taken Europe aback.

France will lose a nearly $100 billion deal to build diesel submarines for Australia under the terms of the initiative, which will see the U.S. and Britain help Canberra construct nuclear-powered ones.

As such, French anger on a purely a commercial level would be understandable, particularly because France, since Britain’s handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, is the only European nation to have significant territorial possessions or a permanent military presence in the Pacific.

Since June, Biden has infuriated America’s oldest ally, France, left Poland and Ukraine questioning the U.S. commitment to their security and upset the European Union more broadly with unilateral decisions ranging from Afghanistan to east Asia. And, while Europe cheered when Biden pledged to return to nuclear negotiations with Iran and revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, both efforts remain stalled nine months into his administration.

The seeds of discontent.. began to bloom in July over Biden’s acquiescence to a Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline that will bypass Poland and Ukraine, and a month later in August with the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan that left Europe scrambling to keep up after it had expressed reservations about the pullout.

Paris and Brussels were equally severe. Both complained they were not only excluded from the deal but not consulted on it. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, It was really a stab in the back,” he said. “It looks a lot like what Trump did.” (

There can be no doubt that both the EU and France will not forget Perfidious Albion. There was a pattern that is no accident. It is just as we expected post Brexit- that the world would divided as prophecy had expected for the events of the last day.

The French were so furious with America France has also called off a gala at its ambassador’s house in Washington scheduled for Friday.The event was to celebrate the anniversary of a decisive naval battle in the American Revolution, in which France played a key role.

The 240th Anniversary of the Battle of the Capes”

The battle of the Capes began September 5, 1781 saw the French fighting the British Navy and prevailing due to many errors of the British, and in so doing allowing French troops and supplies to land that led to the success of Washington's bid for American Independence. In other words American betrayal of France in a military alliance regarding underwater ships with Britain came exactly 240 years after France hazarded men and ships in a key naval battle off Virginia Capes fighting Britain for American independence. Firstly it underlines how powerful and deep the former historic alliance of America with France was and secondly it signals that the division between America and Britain that France fostered 240 years ago has been so neutralised that few even remember France's role, and France itself just cancelled its own memorial of their own role.

End of NATO

Pundits expect that AUKUS Expedites the Coming EU Army & NATO’s Irrelevance. the NATO alliance is coming undone and what we are seeing internationally is the rise of multipolarity.

More importantly Russia's leaders call out the impact on NATO. Russia Uses AUKUS Spat To Highlight "Shock" Of Disunity For NATO

As a result of the deal Macron to give up France's UN Security Council seat to Brussels in huge EU army push

For the Northern Invader of Israel Gog and King of the North to have allies with armaments in Magog and Gomer (Gaul which is France) it makes sense that they have an army, and if so NATO does not have any relevance. As America and Britain in alliance are severed from France by France and the EU then NATO is irrelevant.

Australia broken from France

The severing of the relationship between France and America will not be patched tried as they may and we are not sure if it is of greater importance than the ending of Australia's relationship with France. We are not sure why Australia appeared of lesser significance as

Joe Biden forgets Scott Morrison’s name in historic nuclear AUKUS announcement Amid a historic announcement, US President Joe Biden stumbled over one of his new partners’ names. In a historic joint announcement with the United States and the United Kingdom detailing Australia’s nuclear transition, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been called “that fellow down under” by President Biden. “Thank you Boris, and I want to thank that fellow down under,” he said. “Thank you very much, pal! Appreciate it, Mr Prime Minister.”

Without the “fellow down under” there likely would be no AUKUS. The severing of the French relationship with Australia has a practical importance because France feels they can treat Australia badly.

France Won't Let Go Of Submarine Dispute "Crisis" - Threatens To Torpedo EU-Australia Trade Talks. "Keeping one's word is the condition of trust between democracies and between allies," France's European affairs secretary Clément Beaune told Politico. His remarks were confirmed on Monday by a spokesperson. "So it is unthinkable to move forward on trade negotiations as if nothing had happened with a country in which we no longer trust," Beaune added.

Free trade negotiations have been ongoing since kicking off in June 2018, with eleven rounds having been held so far, and the next to come within months this fall.

On 2nd October as we write the rift is playing out EU Postpones Trade Talks With Australia Following Submarine Row

Trade is part of strengthening a relationship. Australia has trade with the EU, but no special deal. A 'no deal' Brexit was 'Australian style' exit as Australia has no trade deal with the EU. Australia we have identified as the Isles associated with Tarshish traders. It is therefore significant that just as the EU seek a deal with Australia and vice versa that it is confused by an Australian 'betrayal' on the basis of Australia's 'need' and stopped.

France recalls ambassadors to Australia, US in submarine row There are fears France is preparing to deal another big blow to Australia, as the extent of the fury over the axed submarine deal becomes clear. There are now concerns that future trade deals and military ties between France and Australia could be at risk, with Le Drian telling The Sydney Morning Herald that Australia had engaged in “lies and treason” behind France’s back for more than 18 months.

A mere 3 months ago in June the French-Australian military ties were planned to grow with a formal meeting of Macron and Morrison. But now that is ended; totally. If Tarshish and the Isles are to be grateful, as we infer, for Christ as King wiping out the Image of Nebuchadnezzar which sought world dominion and if France to part of the image to stand against Christ, clearly they aren't meant to be military best pals. Leaders may make plans, but the God of Israel sends confusion to prevent things occurring.

The Middle East

Jerusalem Post noted that the deal had Middle East ramifications ,the American interest had shifted to combating China, and was backing away from counter terrorism in the Middle East- leaving France more engaged in Lebanon and Syria, and dealing with Turkey.

God's world Order

No one could imagine that any ruler of the far North would invade Israel, if a mighty American power was strong in the ground in Lebanon and Syria or standing against Turkey, or based in Israel. With Biden, America left the Middle East in a far more chaotic and weak way than we would have expected Trump to do. America may say they left due to countering a strong China, but actually they left due to its own weakness as exemplified by its weak forgetful leader.

As we have argued the only new world order that will prevail is the kingdom of God

American power is so waning that despite on paper having superior military assets none will respect it. We expect some return of British naval power for trade.

France will seek to lead the EU to an army. NATO will become irrelevant. Russia of the Far North as a king of the North as an inheritor of the Eastern Roman Empire will continue to prevail and rule the EU.

We have understood the trend of these things now for 50 years even while America was building Europe, because in the pattern of things at the last days showed the world was not united but bi-polar not West versus East, but North Versus South and there was to be a group of nations called by the Bible the 'traders of Tarshish' that had 'young lion' nations of the Isles (Coasts) who would be so weak as to not stand against the invasion of Israel from the Northern confederacy as to be able to do nothing to stop their land push to the gates of Jerusalem but protest, “Are you come to take a spoil?”

Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? (Ezekiel 38:13)

There is a logic in the prophecy, which we can now see in France's anger and shock in an 'ah ha' moment. The AUKUS treaty is about sea power and technology, not land power. The merchants of Tarshish and the Isles will be a Western sea power in the East until we are told their power is taken by an East wind, so none have power or glory but God alone. This just before the city of God is established forever.

For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together.
Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind.
As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the LORD of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. Selah. (Psalm 48:4,7,8)
