Truth, Understanding, Insight

War? Russia, Ukraine, Poland & Belarus

21st November 2021, hej


Why is Belarus pushing at Poland? Poland occupies an interesting place in the relationship between Germany-EU and the Russians, which may help people understand the role of Russia in the prophecy of the Bible.

Whereas thou saw the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou saw the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. (Daniel 2:41-42)

Belarus and Poland, as partly broken nations, are featuring in the news with mostly Kurdish migrants trapped at the Belarus border, being blocked from entry to the EU by Poland. There is no doubt as to who was behind Belarus' actions, as when Poland sent troops to the Belarus border so did Russia (in a joint 'drill').

Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus' leader threatened to shut Yamal a Russian Gas pipeline to the EU, if sanctions were placed on Belarus. He in addition called for the Russian nuclear capable missile system to be deployed in Belarus. Putin's spokesperson maintained they would supply gas, warning Lukashenko not to cut off the gas, but it is reminder as to who is dependent on who, and material consequences.

The migrants rushed the border in a move countered by Poles using water cannon and tear gas. As a result of Poland's actions some migrants chose to accept and offer to fly to Iraq, but many are trapped in the increasing cold of winter.

But the whole action has the look of being diversionary, a made crisis, suited to Putin's humour as to the 'west's woke view' of migration and Lukashenko's opportunism. The events must be seen in the context of Putin seeking German approval of gas from Nord Stream 2, at the same time placing pressure on Ukraine, who would then lose control over Russian gas supply.

Russia moved up 100,000 troops to the Ukrainian border, and spoke of tensions reaching 'boiling point' in relationship to American ships moving into the Black Sea. France's Macron then warned Russia against moving into Ukraine.

Then, to show where the real issue is, when the EU threatens to sanction Belarus, Lukashenko threatens to cut off Ukraine's gas supply

While the media and nations are focussed on Belarus, Russia secured the largest share in Iran’s huge Chalous gas discovery. Russia's Biggest Move Yet To Take Control Of The European Gas Market.

We expect that Russia will obtain power over Ukraine, the ancient Rus centre. Before the fall of the Berlin wall we expected that Russia would have power over Europe, and be allied with Iran. Which leaves the question of Poland.

When we speak of Bible prophecy of great empires the best context, because of its simplicity, is the Image of Nebuchadnezzar.

This prophecy has reliably played out in the trend of world events that matter. Long after Daniel's death and the last writings of the Bible, the Roman power founded in the Greek power before it bifurcated into two: the Greek Byzantine East and the Latin Roman west.

Poland began it's life as a nation taking on the mantle of the Latin Roman West. Poland is the flat land, the great field between East and West. Mieszko I uniting many pagan tribes of the flat land in 966 initiated the 'Baptism of Poland' by pouring water over the heads of his Courtiers to enter the Latin Church. The Latin Church reciprocated and under Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor, supported the creation of an independent Polish church in effect crowning of Boleslaw the Brave, who by expansion of power became the first king of Poland c1025.

Not far away immediately to the South East in Modern Ukraine, Prince Vladimir in 988 baptised his Slavic- Rus people into the Greek Byzantine church in the river Dnieper.

In these 2 events the bifurcation of the Roman Empire expanded North to cover new territory, and peoples. In Poland's nationhood under a king we see the prophecy of Daniel being fulfilled as the former Roman empire breaks in two, and then, in the case of of Poland and the EU expands into many nations, some powerful some weak including Italy. Likewise among the cultural inheritors of the former Byzantine Empire, we see Ukraine, Russia and other nations partly strong and partly weak.

Poland at the end of the Dark Ages, had Swedish influence via its kings and due to its love of learning and its tolerance of Jews and dissenters became a major European power with the great European University of Krakow opening in 1364. This opened the way for the Reformation in Poland. They avoided war and the resulting tolerance led to the emergence of the Polish Brethren, such scientific figures as Copernicus and a great flourishing into a western power as a Commonwealth. It became so great it took territory from Russia, even Ukraine. But having done so, from 1592 it became repressively Catholic under Jesuit influence. Sigismund III of Vasa ruling from Sweden to Finland to Lithuania, imposed Roman Catholic doctrine. The Poles were at first successful in taking on Russia, but under increasing repressive ignorance, success did not last as the Poles themselves became weak and divided and by 1648 Poland lost Ukraine, which became a state allied with Russia. Without protestantism and free thinking, the commonwealth declined, which the growing power of Russia exploited.

As the reformation fades in Poland, it gains ground in Germany and Britain (more so in the latter). From the same time Russia emerges as a great power of the Eastern leg, on the other Western leg German Prussia emerges. In 1793 Russia and Prussia collude and execute the Second partition of the Polish Commonwealth, which so reduced the territory that Poland practically ceased to be a country for 123 years. Napoleon tried to revive it in 1807, but it was split up in1815 between the Russians, Prussians and Habsburg Austrians. Germany led by Prussia unites much of the Germanic people in 1871 under Bismark, leading to WW1. After the Allies defeat of Germany and Austria in WW1 the Americans sponsor a Polish state, which then fights the Soviet Russians, taking Warsaw in 1920 and stopping Russian Soviet expansion into Europe.

The infamous Ribbentrop agreement between Germany and Russia to divide Poland led to the outbreak of WW2, when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Russian control of their portion of Poland was strong, with all resistance to Soviet rule removed. Germany's subsequent invasion of Russia, led to German advance over Poland and then the Russian advance deep into Germany over Poland. Poland then was subject to Catholic and Western subterfuge bringing down Soviet rule, which then in time brought Poland fully under the domination of Germany in the EU.

Note in the pattern of historical events how Poland was the battle field of the divide between the Eastern and Western Leg of the Image. Poland had a special state of independence as a Commonwealth 'between' when it was the haven for the search for truth, the truth of the Gospel. At that time is was neither East nor West, and as a Commonwealth not part of the image. But losing that status, Poland was and is the divide line. The events in the news today are from a millennium of history.

While Britain (another Commonwealth) was languishing chained in the EU, the Polish were protected. But since Brexit and a more conservative government in Poland, Poland has a poor relationship with the EU, especially on the matter of migrants. One might feel that Putin and Lukashenko knew this very well, when Lukashenko pushed migrants to the Polish border. They could count on Poland to make it a crisis, but it would also create complex crisis between Poland and the EU, which logic suggests Putin deliberately stoked to point out to the EU that it really doesn't want Poland.

Putin is seeking to establish a point where Western Europe led by Germany and France are so keen for gas and peace that they let go of Poland and Ukraine, and bury NATO. Putin by developing Iran's gas fields knows that they step into a vital relationship between Germany and Iran, allowing Putin to have power over Ayran Iran's significant trade with Aryan Germany, and thus power over Germany, and then the EU. Historically when Germany and Russia agree, Poland is divided and irrelevant.

Back in 2014 we suggested that the end of the struggle over Ukraine would be apparent Russian success. We wrote back then,

The success of Russia over Kiev on the Dnieper will allow the rise of the European Gog from Magog, who will rule Russia and lead many nations, to their destruction but to the Glory of God. The struggle is so strong in Kiev already, as Kiev is lost. We don't know precisely how Russia will unite with Europe. However, as Daniel was shown, West and East, the Roman and Orthodox though fragmented and partly strong and weak, and mixed with the earthly thinking of the 'Beast' will use disturbances such as in Kiev as a lever to seek to unite.

This as yet is not fully revealed, but it is clear that the EU can't hold Ukraine much longer, or use it as a place to fight Russia. Biden, though bought by Ukrainian gas interests of Burisma, betrayed recent historical American support for Ukraine and for reasons that puzzled all, shocking and upsetting most Republicans and some Democrats, caved to Merkel's Germany and on 21 July 2021 lifted sanctions on Nord Stream 2 to allow its completion (though this Merkel deal had $1 billion fund for alternative energy and development projects in Ukraine, which in the pattern of things of 'quid pro Joe' might make sense, in that the Biden-led Obama relationship with Ukraine was revealed to not be solely about America's interests).

It was suggested the deal was a myopic effort to strengthen Germany and harm Poland as “Liberal regimes such as Germany and Belgium win, whereas nationalist regimes such as Poland and Hungary lose.”

As Nord Stream 2 comes online Belarus goes rogue against Poland (already weakened by the Germany-US deal). It is not co-incidence. We still wait for these matters to fully play out, but Russia is now also using the disturbances with Poland as a lever to divide Poland from the EU. With increasing weakness of the US, the EU will surely be seeking peace with Russia.

The Image Daniel explained showed us that nations were to be divided into two camps or legs, and within each leg, part strong and part weak nations until the end when they would unite to oppose Christ. Though many fear war, we suspect there will be no major war, as Putin is testing and proving to all of Europe the advantages of peace - his way.

Then when Russia's leader has obtained power over Ukraine and Germany (and Poland is made irrelevant as even the Papacy, like Catholic Biden, is more interested in green woke Germany than in traditional Poland, the Polish pope being now dead.) – then there will be great war: the last great war, as all nations agree on one thing, their hatred of God's blessing upon Jews and their possession of Jerusalem the Holy City. When they seek to remove Israel from the map, not knowing that it is the hub of the future Kingdom of God; then Christ the king of the Jews will come.

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Dan 2:43-44)
