Truth, Understanding, Insight

2020 was Calm before the Storm of the Time Appointed

5th January 2021, hej


Many are speaking as if 2020 was the worst year in history, when it isn't even close. There is abysmal lack of knowledge of the wars of recent history, let alone past plagues. There are people alive who have seen far worse. An examination of the times of the nations indicates that 2021 is likely to be chaotic, if not annus horribilis or annus mirabilis depending on whether we see the world through the lens of faith or not.

Christ is to return soon as King

For Christians, the hope, since the beginning, is that their Lord returns as he promised.

Because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear. He (Christ) said therefore, “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.” (Luke 19:11-12)

Christ is very clear that he was to suffer, to leave, then to return, to reign as king.

I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Luke 22:29-30)

Christ said he will come to his kingdom in glory.

For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels. But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.(Luke 9:25-27)

The kingdom that Christ (or Messiah, both meaning Anointed) inherits is David's kingdom (Luke 1:32-33) not some 'heavenly' one. Some possibly misunderstand what Y'shua (Hebrew) says to Pilate:

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”

Pilate therefore said unto him, “Art thou a king then?”

Jesus answered, “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice.” (John 18:36-37)

The word 'world' is kosmos, more properly the 'decoration' or 'arrangement' of things, not the physical sphere. Y'shua was merely saying his kingdom is not this place, right now. We can know this as Pilate inquires further into his kingship, and Christ confirms he was born a King. The Apostle John who had access to the highest parts of Jewish power had no illusion that the crucifixion was political, as he witnesses the motive.

Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles. If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. (John 11:47-48)

There were over 500 witnesses that Christ rose from the dead (1 Cor 15:6). The Apostles all witnessed the ascension and Christ's last words, which were about the time of his return as king in glory to restore the Kingdom of David.

When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?”

And he said unto them, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (Acts 1:6-8)

The Day of Christ's Return not known

The Apostle Paul proclaims there is a day appointed for Christ's return,

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” (Acts 17:26,31)

No one, but no-one not even the Angels can know that Appointed day. But Paul also says there are times given, appointed, relating to the fate of the nations including their borders! Christ himself said to look at the nations for the signs of his coming as king!

And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (Luke 21:24-27)

The signs of distress of nations that we see now, that make others afraid, point to our Lords' return. Therefore faith casts out fear. Faith 'looks up' as Christ said,

“When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

None, not even the angels in heaven know the day of our Lord's return in glory. Our lord says he comes as a thief (Mat 24:43, Luke 12:39, Rev 3:3, 16:15). It is going to be sudden. Our Lord comes with the sound of a Trumpet.

He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:31)

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (Matthew 24:36)

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: (1Thess 4:16)

Times Appointed of the Nations

For some years now the whole world has been dominated by excessive media coverage of a man named Trump. That he is the American president does not explain it. He has been in the news of every notable news outlet, nearly every day and even been on the cover of Time. What a sign!

In 2009 we examined the Times Appointed of the Nations, noting that the years 2015-6 would be significant as multiple eras were ending. We would expect events at least as significant as 1922 and 1967. The years 2015 and 2016 proved to be dramatic featuring Brexit and the rise of Trump, both events that changed the political landscape in ways expected by long understanding of the trend of events. I remember as a child understanding that Britain was to not join Europe (despite joining the EEC). I remember the excitement of the Berlin Wall falling, expecting that it would lead to Russia uniting with Europe. We noted in 2018 how Trump recognising Jerusalem as Israel's undivided capital and moving the American embassy to Jerusalem ended a 70 years era, which was also after the end of a 50 year generation from 1967.

It is a blessed generation that sees Jews rule again in Jerusalem! We concluded that the 1335 year era of Daniel 12, that many in the past had seen as a time of the return of Christ, was to the time Christ's prophecy regarding Jerusalem is fulfilled. For over a thousand years people would have sought to see the sign of Jews returning to Jerusalem, because it is the sign of Christ's prophecy delivered on the Mt of Olives.

Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Luke 21:24-25)

I have found Isaac Newton mentioning it (Observations 1733 edition pgs 133-4). Isaac Newton also mentioned that many people's prophecies of Christ's return had failed. The hopeful have always seen future events as closer than they are, and looked at eras of the nations and made them fit to a favourable outcome. Our point is that the times given in the Bible are prophecies of the nations - not the return.

The prophecies of the nations I have investigated hint that 2021 is going to be remarkable, more remarkable than 2020 which was a holding pattern being a year many hid.

Unto two thousand three hundred evening - mornings

The very longest time period of the nations- and it is clearly of the nations, is that of the 2300 years in Daniel 8. It is beyond human scale, it is 77 generations. Some for this reason prefer days (about 6 years), and make it relate to the Macabees.

We are to begin the 2300 day (year) count when the Roman 'horn', which is a symbol for power, comes out of the Grecian 'goat' national power. There is not one date. I scoured history for it. There is never just one date for events, even the fall of the Berlin Wall had issues leading to it and events that happened afterwards. We begin to date the 2300 years from the famous Pyrrhic victory of 179BC, where Rome fought Greece and end that start era from the end of the Pyrrhic wars in 275-273 BC when Rome builds its first colony.

Now comes the tricky bit as there are clearly issues in the counting of years due to adjustments, eras being marked by reigns, not an absolute system of years and there being some confusion as to where the year zero is. Making some assumptions that seem to fit all the eras I investigated, I concluded that there was a 4 year 'fold' in time about the year zero - making the 2300 era end from 179, 275-273BC to be in 2017, 2021-2023.

The book of Daniel's focus is on the events adjacent the Holy Land while it was subject to the struggles between the superpowers of the North and South of the Holy Land. The end of the 2300 years was the time when the 'Sanctuary' and the 'host' was no longer trodden under foot. Until recently I would have thought that must have meant that it was the era of the kingdom. Yet, something remarkable happened in 2017.

In July 2017, controversially, Israel took control of the Temple Mount. They installed metal detectors.

The Waqf on Saturday protested that Israel had completely superseded its control over the Temple Mount, as Muslim anger mounted following Israel’s closure of the flash point holy site in the wake of the Friday terror attack there. ..condemned the closure of the Temple Mount to Muslim prayer for the first time since 1969. timesofisrael

Vox reported “Erdogan accused Israel of trying to take control of the Temple Mount and upend the status quo.”

In February 2019, the Jordanians were forced to dilute their power over the Waqf from a united group of 11 all related to the Monarchy, to an unwieldy 18 including local Arabs in East Jerusalem.timesofisrael In October 2019 after Tisha B'Av, the magzine Tablet was of the opinion that they should build a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

It may indeed have been the largest group of Jews (about 1,800) to collectively ascend the Temple Mount with a specifically religious purpose on a single day since the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in the year 70 CE, a span of 1,949 years, and another sign of the remarkable change in Jewish fortunes.

In January 2020 Trump's peace plan stated “‘people of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif’”

Jews at present are not technically allowed to pray there. But by 26 March 2020. “For the first time in 17 years, the holy complex that is a symbol of Jerusalem is closed to all.” Due to the virus. Due to the virus Jewish visit are on safe ground, but Islamic worship is not due to the density. To keep the peace both were closed.

Then the oppression of Islam's Waqf as sole power over the Temple Mount was lifted, by an agreement between Israel, the U.A.E and Bahrain signed 15 September 2020

“As set forth in the Vision for Peace, all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray at Al Aqsa Mosque, and Jerusalem’s other holy sites should remain open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths.”

Since that agreement people from the UAE and Bahrain, who would in the past have found it difficult to enter Israel, have been turning up at the Mount, upsetting much more than the historic status quo set in place by Israel's Dayan who had given the Temple Mount to the Waqf. Is it co-incidence that as we enter 2021 there is a document that dilutes Waqf control, diffuses Islamic control and gives power to all to worship freely there?

Back in 1967, where there was an idea that they need to wait for Messiah, one Jew gave away Jewish control of the Mount, “In ceding the right of Jews to pray on the Mount, Dayan’s intention was to minimize bloodshed and prevent the Palestinian-Israeli conflict from becoming a holy war”

But a new generation has new ideas, “Israelis still vehemently argue over whether Dayan acted with wisdom or weakness. A Knesset lobby has tried, without success, to pressure the government into allowing some form of Jewish prayer on the Mount.”

It is now in writing. As a note when Motta Gur called over the military radio – Har HaBayit b’Yadeinu! (the Temple Mount is in our hands!) it was 2300 years from when Alexander raised the 'goat' of Greece to world power in 329BC when he conquered the Persians. In this pattern, we can expect 2021 to affirm further Jewish power over the Temple Mount, in agreement with the Arabs. Is it chance even now the Jews are talking to the Saudis?

By 270BC the Romans had taken control of Italy from the Greeks. The 2300 year era from 270BC ends in 2026 assuming that indeed four years were lost about the year '0'. After the 2,300 years – then shall the sanctuary be cleansed, or as I argue the people are made righteous by being redeemed. Eras have multiple 'start' dates with significant and shocking events at the end of each epoch so 2012-2023 should see the beginning of the end of the desolation and down-treading by the nations of the Jews and their Sanctuary. We can see now as we approach 2021 many Jews are no longer afraid as they were in 1967, they will stand in their faith and not in weakness fear Islam, or any national power. The 'Host' of 'the Sanctuary' - the Jewish people will no longer be downtrodden by the nations. The era is finishing, if I have understood correctly. The world isn't going to like it - one bit! Daniel 8 the 2,300 years

The Seven Times of madness – Cyrus to Trump

What I found curious was the parallel of the 2300 years to a parable lived by Nebuchadnezzar of 'Seven Times' of madness as punishment for pride passing over him. In the past they would count Jewish lunar years of 360days. If so, the seven time was completed all in the past. But when I used solar years, the days numbered 2555 years. Again the issue is that the era crosses the year zero where there is no certain knowledge. However, it so happens that the end of that era suggested by 'seven times' precisely matches the year 2021-22 and 2026 already found.

We would expect the empires of humans in the mould of Nebuchadnezzar as 'beast' not knowing the God of Heaven, would end from 2021-2022 to 2026. As I write this many in America are praying for a miracle for Trump (that some think as a new Cyrus) to prevail in the midst of a determined plot to 'steal' the election. If that is so, Trump emerges in mid 2014 (bbc) as a Cyrus type building in Arabia 2555 years after Cyrus takes the Babylonian kingdom and issues the decree for Jews to return and build. From 2021-22 we enter into an era 2555 years after Cyrus' death. No leader after Cyrus is recorded as giving glory to the God of Israel in the text of the Bible. Let us see what 2021-2 brings. 2021 will not be Trump free, as he survived the virus, and the nations will not like it- one bit! For the page from 2009 on 7 Times

Time, Times and the Dividing of Time – papacy in Europe

One of the most famous eras of the nations is the 1260 years prophecy of Daniel 7. Not long ago in 2003 it created headlines as an Isaac Newton prophecy emerged for the end of the world in 2060. Isaac Newton identified the power as the political power of the voice of the papacy. The strong political power of the papacy was established in 756 and removed by Garibaldi in 1870, but it was revived in 1929 where once again it interfered in the nations. The era of 1260 from 756 ended in 2016, a terrible year for the power of the papacy, from the loss of protestant Britain from being in the power of the EU, to sexual scandal, to not being able to find the wave of popular opinion and to having no power over the President elect of the United States in 2016.

We have been in the midst of significant erosion of the power of the papacy recently, yet as Revelation points out they say they are a 'Queen' and no 'widow' (Rev 18:7). Newton saw the great power of Charlemagne as being the political 'horn'. Charlemagne became king of the Franks in 768. Adding a 1260 years era ends in 2028. He becomes King of the Lombards in Italy in 774, with a 1260 era ending in 2034. In 2021 we are in the midst of the end of the 1260 years era of Daniel 7. Curiously that era is described 'a time & times and the dividing of time' (Daniel 7:25) not 1260 years!

The speaking of great words against the Most High and wearing out of the Saints and changing times is to end with the Saints taking the Kingdom after the conclusion of the 'time and times and the dividing of time'. At the conclusion of events, we may more readily see why this era is not described as 1260 years but as three blocks of time. As yet the kingdom that wore out the Saints and changed times (and just about any other item of morality or doctrine it pleases), still speaks, but we can feel that it faces grave issues with calls growing for the current pope to resign amid rumours of a resignation in late December 2020.

For more time times and the dividing of time

Where we are at – the hour is almost up!

The Revelation 17 prophecy of a very short era of time, that of 'one hour' or 30 years, where ten nations agree to give their kingdoms to the 'beast' appears dramatically to be fulfilling as expected in the events that have occurred since I wrote in 2009. Due to the shift of the image of Nebuchadnezzar from Persia, to Grecia, then to Rome, we can see the 10 nations in the break up of the Roman Empire, due the Holy Roman Empire would be found in Europe. The 30 years era made a headline! “From Bruges to Brexit, this is the end of 30-year struggle” Sunday Telegraph 27-Dec-20. Curiously the Bruges event was a pivotal speech by Margaret Thatcher made on 20 September 1988, which is 33 years ago, which might suggest the 30 years is approximate.

Railing against Jacques Delors’ latest move towards deeper integration, in 1988 Baroness Thatcher urged the Commission to abandon aspirations of a “European superstate” which would infringe on the “different traditions, parliamentary powers and sense of national pride in one’s own country”. Her warning went unheeded, however, and just four years later the UK signed up to the Maastricht Treaty and with it the creation of the European Union as it is constituted today.

See how it is clearly set out by Thatcher that this group of nations, in a way unheard of before, would give their power, their traditions their all, to a superstate? The Maastricht treaty was agreed 9 December 1991. A full 30 years later is 9 December 2021. In 1991 twelve nations agreed, but two decided not to join the common currency making exactly 10. The 1991 treaty had it beginnings in the SEA Act of February 1986.

Back in 2009 I had noted that the 12 founding members of the EU were really 10 (as the UK and Denmark had not joined the currency). I wish I had written clearly they would leave as they were not part of the 10, instead of implying it only! In any case I concluded

Therefore the prophetic 'one hour' or thirty years most likely begins in an era from 1986 to 1993. It therefore may end when the Lamb, the Messiah, overcomes this Union when it steps forward to oppose Israel from 2016 to 2023. (Consider Times Appointed)

The year 2016 from the vantage point of 2020 turned out to be a formative year for the EU. The SEA Act which began the EU of Maastricht that Thatcher railed against was signed on the 17th and 28th February 1986, coming into effect 1 July 1987. It was exactly 30 years later on 22 February 2016, that UK PM Cameron announced a referendum date of 23 June 2016. We fully expect that as Britain has left the EU its revised post Brexit form will come to stand against Israel and as we expect, also stand against Britain. In 2010 we identified how America was pulling Britain back into the Middle East to be with the Arabs and to be aligned against Euro-Russia In 2014 we outlined the role of Britain against Russia and Europe, and even established the punishment due to the sin of trading with China, which is fulfilled in the virus out of China of 2020!

Britain as Trade Harlot – Tyre singing after 70 years

We have identified Britain’s maritime trade as the successor to the ancient traders of Tyre. In ancient time a specific 70 year era for the Eclipse of is power cannot be found, and in any case the final outcome must be the kingdom, where it's 'hire' is not 'treasured' but is for the true worship of God (Isaiah 23:18)! Nothing has been seen of that kind of trade yet, since those of Tyre supplied the temple of Solomon!

Back in 2009 we noted that 2021 was the end of a 70 years era from when Elizabeth takes her father's role, and specifically mention a ruler ruling 'as the days of one king.' Britain is about to reach a remarkable milestone of Elizabeth's reign equalling that of the longest reigning king; the Sun king's 70 years. In all that time the great trade of Britain's great Commonwealth was forgotten. One of our team here remembers how they felt the Commonwealth was 'abandoned'. We had identified 2007 and 2015 as a time we would begin to see Britain and Commonwealth re-emerge. In 2010 we noted a point of change as to Britain's merchant fleet, “Today things are improving. Recent Tax incentives by the British Government have caused a turn around and certain shipping companies have started to increase their fleet size under the British Flag and other companies have switched their ships operate in the UK and that from 2007 London had taken a lead in trade over New York. We also noted in 2014 the rise of India (the other place of the merchants traders of Tyre)

It is remarkable how many trade deals Britain has as they head into 2021, “We now have 61 trade deals worth £867bn - we've proved the naysayers wrong says Liz Truss.” As we point out here, as the nation identified with Boudicca becomes victorious in a deal with the EU, only a harlot can have that many 'special' relationships!

Based on the pattern fulfilled from 2007, we expect Britain’s revival now, remembering that all nations have been affected by the Chinese virus, including China. With so many special deals for trade to begin in 2021, we do not doubt that the 70 years of the prophecy of Isaiah 23 is about Britain and it's Commonwealth, the ruler is about the Queen and the whole prophecy is about this year 2021! In context 2021 is an arrow in time pointing to 2 June 2023 which will mark a remarkable Elizabethan reign of 70 years.

We will see remarkable things this year of 2021 – perhaps no need for doom and gloom, except in the faithless that fear for foolish matters. The arrow of time is pointing directly to the end of all the eras of the Times of the Nations, and Christ's return.

We Don't know the day! (but it is soon)

From 2009 we saw dates of an era into the then future, yet we still expected that our Lord may return at any time. We were never told a day for the Return. We have no idea. The events in the nations may proceed as they will, yet we ourselves be taken.

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. (Matthew 24:37-42)
