Truth, Understanding, Insight


Random thoughts on Bible topics.


Clouds, Climate Change & Conviction

16th Aug 2009, hej.

What does the science of clouds, human ideas of climate change, and what the Bible observes regarding climate have to say to us regarding our faith? ... More

God loves me

10th Aug 2009, hej.

There are no more powerful love stories than those in the Bible. Jacob served 14 years for Rachel. Samson gave his strength for Delilah. There is much said in churches about the amazing grace of God and the love of Jesus. ... More

Faith to Move Mountains

2nd Aug 2009, hej.

Prayer is only effective if is is to a Being who has power over our lives. Yet how many brush aside what the Bible says about God's power on earth? How many people do not consider that earthquakes are an 'act of God'? Do we have the faith to move mountains? ... More

Absence & Ninth of Av- Tisha B'Av

28th Jul 2009, hej.

This day the Ninth of Av (30 July 2009) is not a memorial given by God. It is a Jewish day for mourning the evil of the sudden absence of God that came with the destruction of the Temple (twice, on the same date, the Ninth of Av, 660 years apart), and 65 years later on the same date, in 135AD the destruction of the last Jewish fortress of the Bar Kochba revolt from Rome, after 3 years of Jewish independence in the Holy Land. ... More

L'Aquila Conquered: Italian Easter Earthquake to G8

13th Jul 2009, hej.

The Italian city of L'Aquila has been suddenly brought before the world's attention. Firstly for the devastating earthquake that destroyed the old city while celebrating Easter, and secondly for the decision to locate the G8 summit there. The city of L'Aquila is no small unimportant town but has a proud independent past history as a regional leader, which has, dramatically, now been lost. Do the events here have global significance? ... More

Being on the right side

29th Jun 2009, hej.

Once again scientific research confirms the science of the Bible. We are not talking about creation, but about everyday observation of the real world. New scientific research concerning persuasion and the right ear advantage confirms the biblical knowledge of the subtleties of how humans are made and the right side's role in how they interact. ... More

Prince of the power of the air.

23rd Jun 2009, hej.

Much is said about 'global warming' due to pollution from human activities releasing Carbon Dioxide. But Carbon Dioxide can't be seen, whereas combustion from heating fires always produced smoke. That faint brown pollution haze over a city is as old as civilization. And the apostle Paul tells us about it. ... More

Doing things in Space

6th Jun 2009, hej.

The Hubble Telescope (when working) sends back beautiful optical, ultraviolet and near-infrared pictures, but what else does it do? Is it, perhaps the most expensive digital camera made by mankind? ... More

The lion Christian: Remembering

29th May 2009, hej.

Today David Horovitz editor of the Jerusalem Post drew our attention to a connection of Christian the lion to Jerusalem. But there is more to it than even David Horovitz has found. The whole incident has deep significance on every level. ... More

Yom Yerushalayim 42

22nd May 2009, hej.

In Israel Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, celebrates when a divided city became one in 1967 on the 28th of Iyar. The Hebrew date varies in the Georgian calendar. In 2009 it's Friday 22 May. The issue of Jerusalem at 42 is one requiring the wisdom of Solomon. ... More
