Truth, Understanding, Insight


Random thoughts on Bible topics.


Trump a Target (Russiagate)

8th Oct 2020, hej.

Before Trump was elected in 2016 we noticed that he began a remarkable first ever campaign in Israel on a significant date: the day after Tisha B'Av. We also noticed that they did not translate Trump into Hebrew but transliterated it so that 'Trump' contained the Hebrew word 'target' or 'mark for an arrow'. He was and has been a target ever since.

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Sukkah of Sukkot

4th Oct 2020, hej.

The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (In Hebrew known as Sukkot) teaches some important points about life. The tabernacle of mortal life is fragile, it requires sustaining and there is no protection but that of the power of the Heavens. ... More

US Campaign Ad – Power of the Bible

27th Sep 2020, hej.

A very unusual US Election campaign Ad in Texas caused us to ask Questions about Texas' relationship to Bible prophecy. None of the servants of Christ become political or partisan, we are observers of God's plan as Citizens of the Kingdom of God. We noticed that potential leaders, who are associated with the Bible, reflect it's blessings.

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Traditional vs End Times focused Christianity

9th Sep 2020, hej.

I was asked recently: “Why is it that 'Christians' aka Born Agains think that they will be the only ones saved in the End Times? Don’t you have to be a good person as well as having faith to be saved?”

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Sign of Israel's Desert Blossoming

31st Aug 2020, hej.

With the sweat of labour Israel has brought forth green, but now something strange is happening: the desert is blossoming as a rose and the eroded dry mountains becoming green.

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The Abraham Accord – UAE Israel peace deal

16th Aug 2020, hej.

Each year I read multiple Bible passages that indicate Arabs are first to serve the king of Jews, yet all my life I have seen American leaders seeking elusive 'peace' between Arabs and Jews: focussed on 'Palestinians' and trying to divide Israel to destroy it. Remarkably in recent history since 1948, not only had Jews been totally ejected from Arab lands, there were no two peoples more divided on the planet.

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What of the Night? The fire that blasted Beirut

6th Aug 2020, hej.

Lebanon is written of as Cedar tree being consumed by fire: The flag of modern Lebanon is a cedar tree. The fire of the PLO's war against Israel has finally burnt, causing a blast that has destroyed Beirut.

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100 days to US Election – who will win?

28th Jul 2020, hej.

We are observers of God's work in perennially corrupt politics, not participants. What we observe 'in a glass darkly' – is we hope as close as possible to a prayerful God's eye view. The American election for most myopic Americans will be about internal matters, yet the work of God is not focussed on America. We note that something quite staggering globally in God's plan may well be afoot: this election is likely going to be a miracle.

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God's Girdle

25th Jul 2020, hej.

Are we for adorning ourselves or for being part of greater things? There is a descriptive action picture, where the prophet Jeremiah enacts a grand theatre about a girdle. Before you think modern girdle, think weapon carrier, cargo pants and action-money belt all in one.

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Confusion: Was Trump Impeachment, Obamagate & Flynn affair about Russia? Or Jerusalem?

5th Jul 2020, hej.

It was written that in the last days in a specific time, Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone that would cut the leaders who burden themselves with it. We had not understood what the confusion of American politics played out before the world, had to do with the outworking of Bible prophecy, beyond the role of Ukraine. It is now revealed, unmasked, that it directly fulfils Bible prophecy.

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