Truth, Understanding, Insight


Random thoughts on Bible topics.


Isaiah 19

2nd Sep 2013, mgh.

This article is in response to a question that has been posed by a reader who asks if there is any relationship between Isaiah 19 and the present situation in Egypt today. There are definitely historical applications that can be made in relation to Isaiah 19, but there also appears a very possible prophecy in regard to Egypt's ultimate role in the last days, in our days.

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Pride & Fall: Sodomy & New Zealand Quake

18th Aug 2013, hej.

Many news services worldwide picked up on the quakes in New Zealand, though without serious damage or loss of life. It might be surmised that it is because New Zealand was recently in the news, as the latest (the 13th) nation to redefine 'marriage'.

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Watchman, what of the night?

26th Jun 2013, hej.

For the night of July 22/23, 2013 there is a supermoon (perigee full moon). So we might ask 'what of the night?'

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Tornadoes, A Lost Bible, Shawnee, Okla. Isaiah 32 & Moore

27th May 2013, hej.

On Monday May 20, 2013 a large tornado touched the ground in the USA in Oklahoma state “west of Newcastle at 2:45 p.m. staying on the ground for approximately 50 minutes over a 17-mile (27 km) path, crossing through a heavily populated section of Moore.” Wikipedia. It was remarkable for its energy and width of up to 2.1km. It was even more remarkable for US President Obama's mention of the Bible. The US president's speech at Moore, Oklahoma on Sunday May 26, 2013 had an ending that might startle many people. But the implications are even more staggering.

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God, (Dice), Coincidence and Chance

12th Mar 2013, hej.

There is much philosophical and some theological discussion about things we have (and have not) been told about regarding how God operates in this world. This article is in response to a co-incidence: an article on weather, the rejection of co-incidence, sensing Japan's quake in space, an unexpected asteroid and the first Chaos maths. They all have in common one fact: there are things we don't understand about the complexity of how the world works about us. But let's look at them.

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There fell a great star from heaven: Chelyabinsk meteor

18th Feb 2013, hej.

Many might be worried about portents in the heavens, but we are not. What we need to know has been told us. But we do like to note whether events in the natural world might 'speak of' things observed in the political world.

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Dragon, Year of the Snake & Snake Oil Healing

10th Feb 2013, hej.

It is a matter of culture; one culture reveres snakes the other believes they have their place. In the matter of Dragons. In one culture mighty warriors are described as 'dragons', in another the mighty warrior defeats the dragon. But they may have the same source. It all has to do with the beginning, and cunning.

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Gamma Ray Burst, Climate Change and Prophecy

27th Jan 2013, hej.

Some things strike us as interesting. Someone thought the world would be interested that a 'Gamma-ray burst 'hit Earth in the 8th Century'. It was a long time ago. Yet a bunch of scientists have found traces of such an event and are now asking 'why?' and the similar question 'how?'

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Pilgrim Strangers & the State

11th Jan 2013, hej.

How do true Christians relate to the state? We follow the scriptures and see where our place might be.

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2012, end of the world, what the Bible says

21st Dec 2012, hej.

The first point is that when God put the rainbow in the sky, he meant what he said to Noah. God promised to Noah in a covenant, “the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.” (Gen 9:12-15).

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