Truth, Understanding, Insight


Random thoughts on Bible topics.


News Watch: Turkey & Kurds: the Euphrates

15th Oct 2019, hej.

How can we understand the Turkish invasion of Syria to destroy the Kurds? Most reactions have been partisan, not understanding the complexity. Few consider the context of the region's history, and the role of the outworking of prophecy.

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News Watch: Empires & Purple Skies

18th Sep 2019, hej.

Where Nature and Politics speak the same words

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Understanding the Attack on Saudi Arabia's oil production

17th Sep 2019, hej.

We were sent a link to an article on the crisis of the attack on Saudi Oil production and the blame game with Iran with a note “So it’s on..” The Houthis of Yemen claim responsibility, yet it is well known they are backed by Iran. Not only is it on, it has been on and it will continue to be on. The Bible predicted the situation and the end of the matter.

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James Clerk Maxwell:Scientist

6th Sep 2019, hej.

It is the second time in a week James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) is in the news for having a theory validated by data. The first news regarding his theory of the atmosphere will upend theories of warming gasses ("greenhouse gasses" which was a bad analogy anyway) and now his equation is used to find a new and distinctive lightwave from a crystal.

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True North aligns to Magnetic North, pointing to Cromwell

1st Sep 2019, hej.

There is much excitement as True North is aligning with Magnetic North at Greenwich, on the Prime Meridian Line. In the ever changing moving world, it is as if the earth itself senses eras in politics.

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Fire in Amazon: the Lungs of the World?

26th Aug 2019, hej.

There has been much talk about the Fires in the Amazon in Brazil being in ‘the lungs of the world’. Some are saying the Amazon contributes hugely to Global Oxygen and the CO2 balance.

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Understanding American gun culture: rights and responsibilities

12th Aug 2019, hej.

This is an opinion piece based in history. We hear the term 'American exceptionalism', or that America doesn't fit the mould of other nations; that it is different. In the matter of mass shootings it is different. Where a nation is today, comes from the foundation and trajectory at the beginning.

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Sign of the Fox

9th Aug 2019, hej.

The fox is a cunning hunter that eats anything from insects to worms and from rodents to birds and even will clean up human garbage. What the Bible says about the fox captures something of the fox, as foxes of the modern world aren't much different. But is the return of the fox in Israel a sign?

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Greta Thunberg: New Age of Sail

31st Jul 2019, hej.

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg exposed all the CO2 hypocrisy by refusing to travel by air. She has been offered a ride to America over the Atlantic in a racing Yacht.

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News Watch July 2019

29th Jul 2019, hej.

Just as our Creator works in our lives shaping them, so He works in the lives of nations leaders to achieve His Purpose: to direct the kingdoms of this humanistic age to stand against the Kingdom of God. In victory He will fill the earth with His Glory:

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