Truth, Understanding, Insight

100 days to US Election – who will win?

28th July 2020, hej


We are observers of God's work in perennially corrupt politics, not participants. What we observe 'in a glass darkly' – is we hope as close as possible to a prayerful God's eye view. The American election for most myopic Americans will be about internal matters, yet the work of God is not focussed on America. We note that something quite staggering globally in God's plan may well be afoot: this election is likely going to be a miracle.

In the Bible when the God of Israel is about to do anything, he works to make it look unlikely. The Israelites as slaves in Egypt, with justification, cried to their God- 'hey you're making this worse!' Until the very hour of the shocking deaths that led to their departure, there was no sign they could go. Then there is the issue of Gideon: he had a multitudinous army to take on in battle and ten thousand was too many: he was given 300 only. David and Goliath. You see what I mean?

Is America a central part of God's plan? No. God's plan is centred on the Middle East- there are many many references to places such as Greece, Egypt, Turkey and Israel. But in the modern era the role of America in the Middle East is important. We argue that America, as an inheritor of Britain's legacy, is the unnamed land of 'over shadowing wings' that sends forth Ambassadors and inherits woe due to dealing with the ancient nation of Israel, regathered after being 'scattered and peeled'.

This woe is explained in detail by William Koenig who observed a distinct and impossible pattern in natural disasters every time America touched Israel negatively. (

Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel from William Koenig on Vimeo.

Koening details a long history of events from long past presidents to the precise woe due to the American State Department's latest attempt to touch the Holy Land, the Mountains of Israel ( He lays blame on others more than Trump as he knows who advises ( Trump). He clearly sets out what Trump has done right ( More for Israel.)

We have passed the prophetic era of Ezekiel 37, as Israel has been reformed from the dry bones.

“Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:” (Ezekiel 37:21)

The prophecy of Christ at Olivet is fulfilled as the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, as Jews once again rule Jerusalem as confirmed by the Trump Adminstration. This then leads to Ezekiel 38 which details a North - South conflict over the Mountains of Israel, where Rosh of the North Quarters leads a military invasion that is opposed by Sheba and Dedan (Arabia) and the Merchants of Tarshish. We believe that America, from its founding settlement at Jamestown in 1607 is part of the young lions of the Merchants of Ezekiel 38.

With the 'woe' so severe and 97% negative media coverage of Trump, a virus portrayed as poorly managed, riots, popular disturbance, fears and economic disaster, with all polls showing Joe Biden in the lead:

It looks like Donald Trump can't win.

But let us consider, it is written that at the End Time when Israel is again a nation on the Mountains of Israel when Rosh invades, not only have Jews returned to the mountains of Israel they - controversially and notably - live in safety there.

After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. (Ezekiel 38:8)


Thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, (Ezekiel 38:11)

And again lest we miss it!

Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwell safely, shall thou not know it? (Ezekiel 38:14)

This is not the flat plain of the coasts, this is not Tel Aviv- this is the controversial so called “West Bank.” This area has violent Arabs, walled Jewish villages and towns bristling with security, with most leaders of the world against Jews living there. It seems impossible.

Except that the Jews behind the Trump 'peace to prosperity' plan, who know it's not right to divide God's land, plan for this very thing - of Jews, in safety and prosperity on the mountains!

If we look at what is in the heart, which only Yahweh Elohim can know for sure (Psa 44:21), but which we are told will be evidenced in the outcome of actions (Luke 6:45), if there is to be safety on the mountains, whose heart will be chosen to oversee this as the 'leader of the free world'?

What is in Trump's heart? Trump, like his father Fred, has all his life actively sought a blessing: A blessing they know exists by experience of good.

But I definitely think a big motive behind his actions was in the verse about blessing Israel,” Weisberg said unequivocally.

I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.” Genesis 12:3 breakingisraelnews

Weisberg was eye witness to a relationship of her father, a Rabbi to the Trump family. Let us consider he has to believe and have faith in the God of the Bible to act on that blessing! Then we might look at the hearts in the actions of those who are leading Trump's thinking- and it's typified in David Friedman, who is not chasing 'justice' issues but has a simple view of prophecy and long history of support of Jews on the Mountains of Israel.

What is in Biden's heart? Biden has been in politics so long and had to fit into all its different current,s that not even Biden himself may know. But let us look at who are Biden's Jews. His new daughter in law is a justice warrior, whose only notable forays into Judaism are about anti-Semitism ( In 2020 the irreligious Marxist Bernie Sanders is an issue for other Jews, and is likely to have a role in foreign policy now. It is unknown as to who may influence Biden now on Middle East policy, other than Sanders, as the Obama advisor who had favoured the anti-Arab and anti-Israel Iran deal, has quit. When it comes to groups pushing policy in regards to the Holy Land to Biden:

Biden has brought into the mix two Jewish Democratic groups that otherwise spent much of the primary season reviling one another:

On one hand we have Trump who not only loves God's work in Israel - for advantage – and has many about him who love that work, and seek prayerfully to be tools for God though sometimes misguided by lucre and advantage. In addition they as a group and Trump himself have shown exemplar courage in action in relationship to God's work in the Holy Land of Jerusalem and the Mountains of Israel- so much so that all the world, even remote Iceland, is brought to consider the matter of Jerusalem…

In that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. (Zechariah 12:3)

By contrast we have Biden, if he may remember at all, who would be trying to revive Obama's legacy that he was materially advancing 10 years ago. They tried to prevent Jews building on the Mountains of Israel. We commented on it back in 26 June in 2013, exactly 7 years ago when we traced the impact of the Broken Glass given to Biden by Netanyahu in 2010.

the situation now is full of broken glass which the USA is trying to avoid being cut on. The US State Department are now speaking to the wind.”

Let us see what the God of Israel may see – and hear- as to what is in the heart. Let us listen in to Joe Biden as to motives:

At the 2013 AIPAC Policy Conference, Biden explained how he aquired his affection for Israel. “We gathered at my dinner table to have conversation,” he said. “It was at that table I first heard the phrase that is overused sometimes today, but in a sense not used meaningfully enough — first I heard the phrase, ‘Never again.’” He said he also “learned that the only way to ensure that it could never happen again was the establishment and the existence of a secure, Jewish state of Israel.”

Biden recalled his Christian father being baffled by the debate following World War II over whether or not to establish the State of Israel. “My father would say, were he a Jew, he would never, never entrust the security of his people to any individual nation, no matter how good and how noble it was, like the United States.”

Compare that neutral experience of 'otherness', to active engagement with and seeking of a blessing from God.

More recently for 2020:

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told US Jewish donors Tuesday that he would “reverse” US President Donald Trump’s Israel policies.. the former vice president pledged to restore diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority and push both sides toward a two-state solution, reiterating his opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed West Bank annexation while vowing to maintain the same levels of American security assistance to the Jewish state...“I do not support annexation,” Biden told the donors.

If Biden does not support the Jewish application of sovereignty over the Mountains of Israel, then how shall Jews dwell there, let alone safely dwell there? Is it now? For 8 years Biden was part of the significant pressure to prevent Jews building there - Netanyahu gives Biden 'broken glass' in 2010 and now Biden is back. Biden is an impossible candidate, he is old and he was never successful as a presidential candidate before. It is a take notice. Let us consider that the US, before Trump, in effect, sponsored terrorism..Biden

recalled being in Tel Aviv in 2016 when Force, a 28-year-old American West Point grad, was stabbed to death by a Palestinian assailant on the Jaffa Port.

Biden parrots Clinton policy and cannot see that a two State Solution would be one step worse than the Partition of Jordan (who invaded in 1948) and the Disengagement of Gaza (now at war with Israel) and would reduce safety for Jews, promoting the end of the Jewish state. Where then is Biden's the “overused” phrase “never again”? A real care for Jews would put effort into sorting matters out, but political patter comes easily. Will Biden's team be given power to lead and direct world policy regarding the God of Israel's miracle? Biden said,

Israel, I think, has to stop the threats of annexation and settlement activity, like the recent announcement to build thousands of settlements in E1. (AIPAC Policy Conference, March 1, 2020)

Biden said. “I will reopen the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem, find a way to re-open the PLO’s diplomatic mission in Washington, and resume the decades-long economic and security assistance efforts to the Palestinians that the Trump Administration stopped.” (JTA, May 6, 2020)

Now here is where it gets interesting to those who consider end times prophecy- all the world thinks that Trump is weak and likely to lose.

Palestinians hope Biden would roll back Trump's embrace of Israel

Rami Ayyub RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian leaders hope Democrat Joe Biden will tone down Washington’s pro-Israel policies if he becomes U.S. president, and Palestinian-Americans have been pressing his campaign for a change..“If Mr Biden (is) elected in November, we hope that it will be a totally different dynamic,” Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said last week during a virtual conference with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

We have the P.A. (made in the evil of the Oslo Accords of 1993) to divide off the Holy Land from Jews (as the subsequent violence shows) not only reaching out to Biden, but just hanging on in significant corruption and debt - in the hope that Donald Trump is not elected in November.

It is possible that the P.A. could dissolve or disband ending the Clinton – Biden legacy. The dissolving of the PA would help fulfil the conditions spoken of at the end time, in a situation written of in ancient times that is beginning to look like the world we live in.

But there is in addition a line up of factors that indicate that there are two very different outcomes hanging on this election.

We have UNRWA a weird 'refugee' agency purely to keep people displaced from Ottoman, British or Jordanian rule as refugees to displace Jews. As they have been encouraging violence against Jews, they have been defunded and a result they are in huge debt, over 400 million. If they remain, Jews will not dwell in peace in Jerusalem and on the Mountains. They are going further into debt in the hope that Donald Trump is not elected in November.

In addition considering the alliances set out in Ezekiel 38 we have expected that Germany would be with Rosh- Russia and in opposition, not alliance with the Merchants of Britain.

We have Germany who had great advantage since WW2, from ripping off America in trade and in free military protection, choosing Russian Gas. Recently environmental idiots seeking to stop coal and nuclear and ramp up wind and solar, have required instant gas fired power stations as 'renewables' are so unreliable. Germany has chosen Russian gas as it is cheaper than American LNG. In doing so Germany has become reliant on Russia. Now Germany is being asked by America to ramp up investment in NATO and cut off Russian gas, while engaging in fairer trade. Germans are sitting still - in the hope that Donald Trump is not elected in November.

We have the EU hoping that Britain will not reach trade deals with others, especially America. They are going slow on Britain now – hoping that things may swing back so they are in control of a weak Britain - in the hope that Donald Trump is not elected in November.

Boris Johnson lived though the virus though he was close to death, nursed by 2 named Nicholas - ("Victory of the people"). Let us also note that the young new MPs who came to power in the remarkable elections in Britain bringing Boris to power, also put strong pressure on Boris to remove China's Huawei from their telecommunications network, something Trump-led America wished.

We have China who had hoped to con the world into submission and inflict virus to destroy economies, while restricting access to gear to stop it, while at the same time restricting any and all dissent including worship of Christ (even false worship). On the day before the Communist leaders came together to ban Christianity and dissent, the sky went storm dark at 3pm in Beijing. China hangs onto a destructive path of world dominion - suffering record floods, Swine flu jumping to humans and decimating the pig population and even an outbreaks of Bubonic Plague. To make the matter clear China has allied with Iran (before it was more secret- Iran has huge Wuhan Virus cases they tried to hide due to that China connection). In addition

Chinese President Xi Jinping called Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday to voice support for the creation of a Palestine state.

China is moving to stake a place - in the hope Trump is not elected in November.

We have the totally anti-Semitic anti-Israel UN W.H.O. (blood libels of an evil nature against Israel in 2019 now dominated by China, fading as they now have resources halved as the US leaves and pulls 2 billion in funding. China has not come forward to fill the funding void. The W.H.O is hanging on and hiring influences- in the hope Donald Trump is not elected in November.

We have Russia who, if they did hope Trump won in 2016, now would not hope it as Trump has been too blunt calling out matters that Russia would hide and has cunningly given Russia the mess in Syria, where they are bogged down with both Turkey and Iran as enemies of Russia's role in Syria. From Ezekiel 38 we know these enemies will unite to invade Israel, until they turn on each other in Israel.

We have Iran hoping they may return to making nuclear weapons to destroy Israel with a clueless Biden saying that Iran did abide by the agreement (JTA, January 17, 2020), when Israel had showed in mid 2018 they did not ( At the very least Iran non-compliance is proven by recent explosions that Iran will not and cannot explain without confessing what were doing in secret, and so Iran denies the very real damage.

We have secular anti-zionist Jews seeing the "Peace to prosperity plan" has an opt out if the PA is obdurate so Jews can take a third of the mountain land from international law of the Balfour Declaration. Knowing that their secular view is going to be smashed in the successes of the Bible believing faithful Religious Right growing in power on the Mountains of Israel, they hope Donald Trump will not win in November.

In America we have those in the Pentagon wanting to keep troops in Afghanistan and Germany, both inconsistent with the alliance between Europe and Russia and the weakness of the Merchants pro-Israel protest as prophesied in Ezekiel 38 "The Pentagon appears ready to slow-walk the German withdrawal process, hoping to kick the can past Election Day... Trump backed off demands for a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan ahead of November, leaving at least 4,000 troops in the country past Election Day at the request of Pentagon officials and security apparats hoping a pliant team player like Joe Biden takes the reins. nypost

Then we have the Social Justice Warriors who have no idea at all of God's ways, trying to foist an Anti-Israel National ("black") Socialism onto America.

Then we have improving relations with the Arab Gulf states, which in the words of Jewish News Syndincate (12 Jun 2020) "could use another four years of Trump"

As Ezekiel 38 is to happen, where Germany is allied with Russia and Arabs of Arabia are remarkably a leading voice defending Israel and where Jews are to live on the mountains of Israel in safety, as written - we line up the dots, if what has begun must be concluded: Trump will win..

In this context we consider multiple aspects of a lack of wisdom of the DNC, from an impeachment which exposed US foreign policy in Biden's corrupt connection to Ukraine that actually increased Trump's popularity, to siding with BLM riots calling for defunding the police, to the lack of wisdom in putting up Biden who now cannot form coherent sentences without prompting. For now the lack of wisdom is not seen, and they wrote Black Lives Matter at Trump Tower in what seems their hour of power. It looks for now that they have popular power, unless we look more deeply.

Would the world wonder if what God does against human power, looked normal and inevitable? It will look unlikely. Be unexpected.

Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. (Psalm 102:13)

Once Israel and Jerusalem are begun to be favoured again, there is no turning back. Due to the Wuhan virus they estimate 100,000 new Jews will be arriving in Israel this year. All the coast is full and hugely expensive to buy. The place for them is on the mostly empty stony mountains...

But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come. (Ezekiel 36:8)

This year, mark our words, in 100 days we see amazing things... !!

Is it chance that scholars have just released a study on the madness of Nebuchadnezzar?

We suspect 'seven times' of the rule of 'base' humans finally ends 2022-2023.

Let his heart be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him. This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. (Daniel 4:16-17)
