Truth, Understanding, Insight

US Campaign Ad – Power of the Bible

27th September 2020, hej


A very unusual US Election campaign Ad in Texas caused us to ask Questions about Texas' relationship to Bible prophecy. None of the servants of Christ become political or partisan, we are observers of God's plan as Citizens of the Kingdom of God. We noticed that potential leaders, who are associated with the Bible, reflect it's blessings.

An election is a point of flux, as we observe the currents that change who is the power selected by God, even if it be of Autocratic or Republican Pagan Rome or Autocratic or Democratic Greece. The Apostle Paul wrote to us, not just to the Romans,

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (Romans 13:1-3)

Paul was subject to this power until it caused his death. Paul lived his own advice. There is no success for those resisting the people God places in political power, even if to human minds those powers seem to be against God.

US Congress will set policy. This is an Ad, not just for one member of US Congress but 6, the number of man. It is collaborative and suggests a team - which is very unusual. We post this for information, as we do not know who the God of the Bible will chose.

The British

Due to Bible prophecy pointing to an extraordinary time, we suspect this extraordinary Ad may be important. It is noted that the voice over is British. Recently Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi, with the Democrat-led Congress, warned the British Parliament that there would be no US-UK trade deal if they went ahead with breaking the Withdrawal Agreement: Nancy Pelosi accused of ‘Brexit blackmail’. Back on 13th December 2019 we reported,

The most significant outcome based on the 70 years prophecy is that on the news of the Conservative win America's President Trump immediately promised PM Johnson that "Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new Trade Deal after BREXIT."

Talks that could bind the UK to the EU in some form of agreement end October 15, likely with no agreement. The prophecy of Ezekiel 38 requires Britain to make trade deals that see them on the opposite side to the EU, therefore it follows Britain will make a deal with America. America has pulled away from the EU over the Iran deal and Russian gas. The British voice calling 6 Texans to 'save Texas' – may literally be a call to save Texas for Britain and for trade.

The US and UK have a strong trade relationship worth more than $200 billion a year, and a total of $1 trillion invested in each other’s economies. This relationship plays a pivotal role in Texas’ economy and supports thousands of jobs in the state.

Texas jobs supported by UK companies: 118,300 Texans employed by UK subsidiaries in 2017

Top Texas goods exports to the UK - US$

Oil and gas - $2.0 billion

Aerospace products and parts - $570 million

Petroleum and coal products - $516 million

Basic chemicals - $219 million

Engines and turbines - $187 million

All the trade with Texas is for things that would not fare well under a Democrat “Green New Deal.” (note that God controls the Climate, not human CO2 emissions, as Clouds have a much larger 'greenhouse' effect than the trace gas CO2!)

It may well be that Texas will be saved from the consequences of the Green New Deal and Congress from bias to the EU – due to God's plan for Britain.

The Architect

'Reloaded' echoes Matrix Reloaded which has 'The Architect' of a computer system to control all, which is 'reloaded' due to rebellion from computer control. The reloading in the Ad indicates the reloading is to address cultural thought control by Democrats. They propose Shakespeare's theatre of the real as none are actors. But the master is God who is the Architect of all

According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder (Architect), I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon (1Cor 3:10)

They are auditioning in real life for the role the advertisement itself is promoting: a team with military background and problem solving skills to go to Congress.

Called to Save

All of us, should we choose it, are called to a mission to save, not the state, but ourselves.

For many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14)
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, (2 Timothy 1:9)

Transformative Role of faith

There is something odd. The six contenders for a role in US Congress look like a Hollywood lineup, precisely as they tick all the boxes to play godless faithless identity politics. Led by a disabled person who has at his side someone with African heritage, picking up a female, then another with South American heritage. Looking into the biographies we find that the leader was at one point totally blind and two others homeless. Yet it is clear that this 'diversity' is not the intent and victim identity is not the message, rather the message is about discipline and hard work overcoming all odds. There is one who should not be there according to a Texas critic who asks, 'Why is August Pfluger in this ad?'.

But understanding this man is the key to the team. It is not an accident he is shown as a mechanic to another, and not called directly as the others. He is a Bible teaching preacher.

August enjoys coaching his daughters' youth soccer teams and teaching Bible Study groups for military service members – something he has done at every base he has been stationed”

Then we read: “Genevieve is a strong Republican with a servant’s heart for others and is grounded by her strong Christian faith.”

All the biographies speak of service and community, but fully half of the six speak of faith. The team leader and his wife are people of prayer,

He was told he would never see again. Dan refused to accept that fate. With Tara by his side every day, Dan never gave up. They prayed he would see again and remained hopeful. Despite the high risks that accompanied them, Dan opted for several difficult surgeries that could potentially bring back his vision in his left eye. In what the head surgeon described as a medical miracle.

The Bible has an extraordinary transforming power for individuals.

Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)

But in the larger picture, in the global theatre of the real, the great architect is transforming nations, according to His will, in preparation for the fiery battle of the great 'reload' : the Kingdom of God.

But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. (2 Peter 3:7)

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:44)
