Articles by Date

Signs of the End Times
7th Mar 2019, hej.The Bible suggests in prophecy that the most outrageous things would occur in world poltics: alliances would end abruptly and the world would plunge into an unstable time. We are today in the day of political upheaval, not seen in a generation.
25 May 2018 Britain awakes and moves back into the gulf
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Signs of the times: Watchman, What of the night?
20th Aug 2018, hej.Events, are moving at such a pace that we don't have time to analyse those with significance in depth.
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Was the US Embassy move led by Trump Prophesied?
28th May 2018, hej.Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:6-7)
We hear 'Trump', and we associate it with 'Trumpet', which is the likely origin of the surname which was given to a Trumpeter or Drummer in the Army. The trumpet in the Bible speaks also of a call to war as Amos points out. Amos also says that when the trumpet of war is blown, Yahweh has done it. We are told that what is done is revealed to his servants. ... More

Signs of the times: Watchman, What of the night?
21st May 2018, hej.Events, like the last sands in the hourglass, are moving at such a pace that sometimes we don't have time to analyse those with significance in depth.
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Signs of the times: Watchman, What of the night?
14th May 2018, hej.Events, like the last sands in the hourglass, are moving at such a pace that sometimes we don't have time to analyse those with significance in depth.
... MoreThe Jerusalem Controversy
20th Mar 2018, mgh.When President Donald Trump stated that Jerusalem was Israel’s capital and that the USA would establish its Embassy in Jerusalem, there was an immediate outcry from the Arab nations. Nikki Haley, rebuked the UN for their consistent condemnation of Israel in the UN. Israel is surrounded by enemies and the Arab nations have started four wars since 1947 to destroy Israel and to drive the Jews into the sea.
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70 years: Israel, Jerusalem, US & UN
12th Dec 2017, hej.When Trump announced US policy, the White House in line with Congress, was to now recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he ended an epoch.
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Signs of the times: Watchman, What of the night?
26th Oct 2017, hej.Events, like the last sands in the hourglass, are moving at such a pace that sometimes we don't have time to analyse those with significance in depth.
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Names: signifying the Spirit of the era
19th Oct 2017, hej.Recently events have led to a significant change in the array of world leaders. We have a new set of personalities whose names will tell us of the Spirit of the era and God's work among the nations.
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Hurricane Ophelia, Ireland, Uk, Clinton, Brexit
19th Oct 2017, hej.On the 17th October Ophelia, remnant of a Tropical Hurricane, hits Ireland, Northen Ireland and Scotland, whips up winds of destructive wildfires in Spain and Portugul and turns Britain's sun and sky an eerie red.
Very odd Hurricane Ophelia
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“Is Donald Trump the Modern Day Cyrus?”
13th May 2017, mgh.Cyrus the Great encouraged the Jews to rebuild their Temple and return to their homeland.
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800 years the Magna Carta and God's Laws
18th Jun 2016, hej.The 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta was celebrated 15 June 2015. The initial agreement of 1215 didn't last long and the king fought the Barons over the unresloved issues. The document was revived in a modified form after October 1216, but it wasn't established until the 11 September 1217 when the document was first called the 'Magna Carta' to distinguish from the smaller 'charter of the forest'. Thus the real 800th aniversary is not until 11 September 2017.
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Britain leaving the EU Brexit
17th Jun 2016, hej.There is a great sense that the British are about to sail on the winds of change, and cast off the European shackles which have reduced trade and it's competitive edge. There is a reason why it's 'now', as it is spoken of in the Bible.
... More7 times pass over him: the decree of the Watchers
8th Dec 2013, hej.The king of Babylon was made as a beast for 7 years (times), and was a witness to all generations, that the living may know that the Most High rules in the nations.
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Ultimate JFK Conspiracy Theory: 50 years on
20th Nov 2013, hej.The following is utterly speculative, and investigates based on known facts how and why God might have brought about the removal of JFK in the light of what has been said in the Bible about who rules in the nations.
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Gamma Ray Burst, Climate Change and Prophecy
27th Jan 2013, hej.Some things strike us as interesting. Someone thought the world would be interested that a 'Gamma-ray burst 'hit Earth in the 8th Century'. It was a long time ago. Yet a bunch of scientists have found traces of such an event and are now asking 'why?' and the similar question 'how?'
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Pilgrim Strangers & the State
11th Jan 2013, hej.How do true Christians relate to the state? We follow the scriptures and see where our place might be.
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