Truth, Understanding, Insight

Understanding the Attack on Saudi Arabia's oil production

17th September 2019, hej


We were sent a link to an article on the crisis of the attack on Saudi Oil production and the blame game with Iran with a note “So it’s on..” The Houthis of Yemen claim responsibility, yet it is well known they are backed by Iran. Not only is it on, it has been on and it will continue to be on. The Bible predicted the situation and the end of the matter.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Iran launched nearly 12 cruise missiles and more than 20 drones from its territory in an attack on Saudi oil facilities - a senior US government official told the US network ABC, Israeli news agency Walla! reported on Monday.

The Beginning: Arabia & Persia Divided

The violent divide in the Islamic world between Sunni Arabia and Shia Iran goes back over 1,300 years to the wars over the successor to Muhammad in 632. Shia Islam holds that Ali ibn Abi Talib was the appointed successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad as head of the community. Sunni Islam maintains Abu Bakr to be the first leader after Muhammad on the basis of election (Wikipedia).

Sunni is the dominant branch with about 85%.

The Rise of Arabia to Ottoman Empire

Abu Bakr and his sucessors are the Destroyer, as Abaddon or Apollyon means, of Revelation 9.

The fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the pit of the Abyss. And he opened the pit of the Abyss; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. (Revelation 9:1-3)
They had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. (Revelation 9:11)

Coming up out from Arabia out of the deepest place on earth the dead sea, the locust people, the Arabs, then advance over the Euphrates area and then up into Europe, where, with the superiority of Saracen fire and cannons, they take 1/3 of the Apostate Christian realm, but do the true servants no harm.

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. (Revelation 9:14)
By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. (Revelation 9:18-19)

The power in their mouth was the brimstone of Chinese gunpowder. Three empires arose because of Chinese gunpowder: Ottoman, Persian Safavid and Indian Mughal. The Ottomans fulfilled Revelation 9. The Ottoman Empire controlled the Euphrates and bridged from Europe to Asia, where they expanded to come into conflict with the remnants of the Persian Empire reconstituted. There was war off and on between the Ottomans and Persians from 1514 to 1823. In the process of time Ottoman Sunni Islam itself became weak, as was predicted – for a reason. The Arabs who had begun Islam, but who were politically repressed by the Ottoman Turks were to be released in the aftermath of World War 1.

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. (Revelation 16:12)

Thus the modern world post WW1 divided the Islamic world into multiple nations, from which has emerged three centres of power: Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The retreat of the Euphrates Based Ottoman Empire allowed for the Return of Jews to Israel. This is so that that way of the Kings of the East, in the return of Y'shua Anointed (Jesus Christ) as king of the Jews, might be prepared. After that era there would be a time of preparation for the last great battle in a place with a Hebrew name.

I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (Revelation 16:13-16)

From the fulfilled prophecy in history outlined in Revelation, we then go to some detail of the battle in the place where Hebrew is spoken. Since 1948 there are now modern places where Hebrew is spoken.

Arabia & Persia in the modern world

The French 'froglike' spirit of liberty went forth to the Arabs via the British in World War 1. The British, though waning in global influence from 1918, for strategic reasons held onto their connection to the Arabs, even against Israel.

From World War 2 there arose two superpowers, the USA and USSR who held the world in suspended animation of the fear of mutual nuclear destruction. In that time the USA formed a deep relationship based on oil with the Arabs. The Russians had sought influence in Persia during WW2 but lost it to the British, as it wasn't yet time. The British and Americans in 1979 lost their relationship with Persia, in the froglike spirit of revolution that became the Ayatollah's Iran. At that time the relationship between the Iranian leadership and Americans was sundered by the taking of 66 hostages at the American Embassy. President Carter froze Iranian assets.

In response, the Ayatollah unleashed a furious tirade of vitriol to his amassed followers, declaring: "Don't forget that the US is your worst enemy. Don't forget to chant: 'Death to US'

The hatred only grew more as the Americans secretly backed Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and prevented weapons designed for the Shah reaching Iran. Iran's warfare early on was though proxies. The US had designated Iran a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, originally for its support for Hezbollah and other militant groups and later for its support of Hamas.

In 1989 the fall of the Berlin wall and the re-unification of Germany left the USSR in weakness, and left a temporary power vacuum, that allowed the invasion of Iraq. Iraq had been an ally of the USSR, but was now in effect unprotected.

The Gulf War of 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991 where 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait arising from oil pricing and production disputes (Wikipedia). This seemed a success, indeed speeding the collapse of the USSR due to oil prices. Yet the subsequent American policy lost the 'peace'. It led to the rise of Iran, the non state militias that tore apart Syria, al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks, which were the most notable in a series. It directly led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq by a US led coalition, where they were successful in battle, but lost the peace to Middle Eastern frog-like revolutionary disorder, but in effect, to benefit Iran. Because Iraq had both Shia and Sunni, and the Shiites after 1991 felt betrayed by the Americans, which facilitated Iranian meddling.

Iran having its mortal enemy Iraq reduced in power, was able to dream of being a regional (and nuclear) power and of destroying Israel. As in the past, America sought to control Iran's nuclear ambitions though sanctions, which in turn lead to continued Iranian hatred. On the other hand Russia from 1992 and 1995 signed an agreement with Iran. "U.S. intelligence agencies have long suspected Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover for clandestine weapons development." Iran, in contrast, "has always insisted that its nuclear work is peaceful" Wikipedia. The French were significant movers with Germany leading the United Kingdom in June 2003 into diplomatic negotiations with Iran on the Iranian Nuclear program. American reliance on Middle Eastern oil was reduced though fracking and diversity in energy production, and the American President Obama sought to remove American 'boots on the ground' in the Middle East, and in a tilt towards the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran the Americans backed and facilitated 'the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action' on 14 July 2015 reducing restrictions on Iran. That all involved likely knew that Iran was secretly going to violate its terms and that the intention of the weapon was to destroy Israel, may explain the attitude of all involved.

(As an aside Philip Hammond, who was in the UK team negotiating the Iran deal, who slammed Netanyahu for criticising the deal in 2015 and who believed in' Ian's desires for better ties with the West', will now shortly be gone from British politics due to his alliance with the nations of the EU.)

Saudi Arabia & Isarel

Saudi Arabia felt distinctly threatened, as Iran's regional ambitions were being encouraged. As American influence in the Middle East waned, and Iran's rose, the Gulf States have also risen to the fore in a way not thought of. They have begun to actively pursue policy, remarkably with Israel.

Israel and the Saudi-United Arab Emirates (UAE) axis see eye-to-eye when it comes to their mutual nemesis in the region, which has provided common ground to develop deeper security ties. The Gulf alliance led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE has recognized Israel—the region’s most formidable military and its only nuclear power—as a forceful ally in their own struggle with the threat of Iranian expansionism.

Thus now the Saudis are leading policy, in their area, and the Americans reacting to that. The French and Germans who for their own reasons are now allied with Iran still seek American rapprochement with Iran, but Iran seeks to play the strong hand.

Iran's messianic fervor is anti Saudi

Due to Iran's ongoing policy of expansion though proxies, and lack of respect for any but their own religion, they have not shown any conciliatory attitude. What gives them such sublime confidence? Yochanan Visser of Israel National News shows the Iranian aim, that the world is blind to is a deeply held religious belief:

The reason why Iran continues to attack Saudi Arabia via its proxies in Yemen and Iraq lies in the so-called ‘Mahdi doctrine’.

One of the pillars of this messianic doctrine, which envisions the return of the Shiite messiah Mahdi, also called the hidden twelfth imam, is the beginning of an Islamic uprising that will spread all over the world. This uprising will be accompanied by mayhem and chaos as well as an increase in natural and man-made disasters.

Another important event which will hasten the coming of the Shi’ite messiah is “a holy revolution” which is to take place in Yemen,” according to a documentary produced by the Iranian regime in 2011.

The (Shiite) soldiers of Mahdi will enter Saudi Arabia and the Muslim holy places via Yemen after a bloody battle which involves the Houthis, an Arab legion, the U.S. and Israel, according to the documentary “the Coming is upon us”.

The documentary also predicts the annihilation of Israel which according to the Iranian regime will occur after additional forces will arrive from Iraq.

The annihilation of the Zionist regime and the conquering of ‘Beitol Moghadas’ (Jerusalem) is one of the most important events in the age of the Coming,” the voiceover in the movie says.

From here it is easy to understand why Iran is using Yemen and Iraq as springboards for attacks on Saudi Arabia and why Iran is building up Shiite forces in Syria and Iraq as a preparation for a war with Israel.

It also explains why Iran is waging a war of attrition against Israel via its proxies in Gaza and Lebanon. According to the Mahdi doctrine, Iraq should become the center of the Shiite revolution which will spread across the globe because the Shiite messiah will turn Baghdad into the capital of his kingdom.

Iran is constantly meddling in Iraq’s domestic policies and has succeeded to integrate the al-Hashd al-Shaabi militias into the Iraqi military which receives its weapons from the US mainly.

Recent Events

Since the American withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the Iranians have in effect been at war showing their 'strength', and testing how much they would get away with. In the most recent attack Col. Turki al-Malki, a spokesman for a Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, said Sept. 16 that Iranian weapons were used in the attack on Saudi Arabia's oil fields. U.S. military investigators arrived at the attack sites in Saudi Arabia within the last day

Senior U.S. officials are continuing to deliberate about how to respond.

Iran has denied any involvement. China and European countries have warned against hastily assigning blame. U.S. allies Britain and Germany condemned the attacks Monday but refrained from assigning blame.

In terms of who is responsible, the picture is not entirely clear,” British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said, according to Reuters. “I want to have a very clear picture, which we will be having shortly.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told a news conference that Germany was working with its partners to find out who carried out the attacks, while in Beijing, China’s Foreign Ministry also warned against naming a culprit “without conclusive facts.”

For its part, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned against blaming Iran, saying that “jumping to conclusions” as the United States often does is “counterproductive” and called military retaliation “unacceptable.”

While the precise operation as to who did what is still unclear. The situation is in fact clear. There is no doubt whatsoever that Iran and Saudi Arabia are enemies, at the very least in the proxy war in Yemen. There is no doubt whatsoever that Germany, Russia and China would prefer to retain good relations with Iran. There is no doubt whatsoever that at present Iran hates America.

The United States blamed Iran for mysterious attacks on commercial tankers in the Persian Gulf region and accused it of shooting down a U.S. Navy spy drone over international waters. That June incident nearly prompted a U.S. counterstrike. Trump said he called off the attack at the last minute, on grounds it would be disproportionate and a hindrance to diplomacy.Washington Post

There is no doubt that America is now seeking to control Iran's expansion. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates now have a say in Washington:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia likely asked US President Donald Trump not to attack Iran, Arab 48 reported yesterday, citing diplomatic sources from both countries. Discussing the reason for this, Ben Caspit said the Gulf States were afraid of paying a “high price” for a “relatively small” US strike.

This has a ring of truth as the reason Trump gave is an echo of that. There is no doubt that weak nations are saying they are strong: and are arming.

Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. (Joel 3:9-12)

But the events directly point to a specific prophecy- not that of the Madhi, but in the Bible, because think on it: it is totally remarkable that Saudi Arabia is a great nation on the earth and such a focus of the world's attention. Without oil and being on a trade route, they would be an unremarkable backwater. They haven't a huge population with recent growth being from immigration. Also there is no reason why the Saudis should not see the power and obediently and sheepishly offer gifts to Iran for peace and to be their ally against the great evil of 'the West'. Would that be any more remarkable than the Saudi's go to Israel?

Prophecy is being fulfilled - impossibly

Yet as events emerge from this incident, for Saudi Arabia and Iran it was on, and it is on, in the process of the fulfilment of Ezekiel 38:

Thou (Gog allied with Persia, Ethiopia /North Sudan, Libya, Gomer /Gaul and Togarmah/ Turkey) shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? (Ezekiel 38:11-14)

Sheba is thought to have been in Yemen, and certainly the Arabs have claimed Biblical Sheba it, but the borders of the ancient world were far less rigid and don't correspond to the modern world. Dedan is the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, and can be identfied without doubt.

The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companies of Dedanim. (Isaiah 21:13)

It is reported that the Saudi-led forces commander in Yemen, speaks against Iran (Persia). Recently in January 2019, the remarkable relationship between the Arabs and Jews became more public:

While in the past those ties may have felt sufficient, since 9/11—with the Iraq war, the Arab Spring, rising U.S. oil production, the Iran nuclear deal, and the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act—it has become clear to the Gulf states that their relationship with Washington is uncomfortably tenuous, and their confidence in the United States as a reliable partner and security guarantor has flagged. By positioning themselves as a partner of Israel, the Gulf states are likely hoping to mitigate the opposition in Washington, while reaffirming the U.S. security commitment by linking Israel’s security with their own.

Even more intriguing is that Saudi-led coalition in Sheba has hidden in it's ranks - Israel.

A prominent Israeli commentator revealed that Israel has been intervening in the Yemeni war between the Houthis and other Yemeni forces to serve Saudi interests.

Maariv’s security affairs commentator, Ran Edelist, said in an analysis he published on the newspaper’s website on Sunday: “Tel Aviv justifies its intervention in the ongoing conflict in Yemen under the pretext of defending its interests in the Red Sea and the Strait of Bab-El-Mandeb,” stressing that “the truth is that the Israeli intervention in the Yemeni scene has been aimed at supporting Saudi Arabia in its attack against the Iranians and the killing of the Houthis.”

Before the American's entered the Iran deal, there would have been no possibly of the Saudis talking to the Israelis and that they might even be allies would have seemed impossible: but Ezekiel 38 predicted not only would they be allies but that those of Sheba and the Arabs of Dedan would be by their words defenders of Jews. If Sheba is the ancient civilisation centred about capital at Ma’rib, where the world's most ancient dam was built, then the Saudi led coalition forces are now located in Sheba, based not far out from Ma’rib at Safer.

Ezekiel goes further; it is predicted that the Arabs (Arabians) will be the leaders in the protest against the Gog Coalition's designs to control the Mountains of Israel. Now that is remarkable. Who would be bold enough to predict the Arabs would be ahead of the global merchants, and leading them? It is now remarkably possible. When would the Arabs support the Jews according to Ezekiel 38? When the Jews dwell safely on the mountains of Israel having been revived from being a the dried bones of a dead nation (Ezekiel 37). Jews barely dwelt on the mountains of Israel until after 1967. In 1979, a bare 12 years later, militant Islamic Iran emerges. Now, how with Iran threatening destruction with a nuclear weapon, could the Jews dwell safely? The Great Creator loves miracles, but as so often, they come disguised. Because today we read that conflict is on: but was on and it will be on, but the whole is a miracle… neither the Saudis or America will respond by starting a war with Iran. The world fears, gasps and wonders at the events in the Gulf as Iran provocatively seeks to ramp up pressure, but nothing changes, except oil prices rise for a time, the Saudis think more of defence, public attitudes harden and the national alliances that for the moment prevent all-out war become plainer.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? (Ezekiel 38:14)

What is the end of the matter? The battle in the place Hebrew is spoken, on the mountains of Israel.

What is the end?

The Iranian's, as all others, may believe what they wish, seeing evidence in their mixed success, but the Bible has been and is beign fulfilled by those who most reject it. The Kings of the East will come to the political realm, prepared on the mountains of Israel by the drying up of the Euphrates.

I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. (Revelation 19:6)
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)
