Truth, Understanding, Insight

Pictorial Evidence

24th July 2009, mc


3) Ancient Greece: Hellenistic period (323-146 BC)

Izmir (Smyrna) –Kadifekale "the velvet castle" - the impressive ruins of a castle and its walls, built by Lysimachus, a "successor" (diadochus) of Alexander the Great, Lysimachus later a king (306 BC) in Thrace and Asia Minor.

Smyrna. Kadifekale (literally "the velvet castle" in Turkish)

Topics: history

NATO, Russia, EU, Brexit, US & the Bible

Over all of history the servants of God have known the signs of the times: their times. They have seen the direction of events toward the Kingdom of God on earth replacing the kingdoms, republics and democracies of humans.

Bible, Science and History, with a focus on DNA

An article prompted by National DNA day April 25 celebrating the understanding of DNA.

Times Appointed Part 4

We have been given many time periods to prophetic events in the Bible. Many people think it too hard, and do not make an effort to understand them. However, if they were not to be understood, why were they given? And the Bible says the wise shall understand (Daniel 12:10).

Ashkelon: Roman statutes and Russian gas

On the 15th December 2010 was announced a Roman statue from a bathhouse had been unearthed by storms in the Mediterranean,

Standing 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall, the statue was found in the remains of a cliff that had crumbled under the gale-force winds. Discovered near the ancient port after the tides had returned to normal, an official with the Israel Antiquities Authority said the statue will be displayed in various museums.
Dated to approximately 1,800 to 2,000 years ago – the period in which the Romans occupied western Judea -- the statue weighed 200 kg (440 lb) and had no head or arms.
“The sea gave us this amazing statue,” Yigal Israeli, a researcher with the Israel Antiquities Authority told the Reuters news service. He added that other artifacts may have washed out into the ocean due to the same storm, however.
Fragments of mosaics and bits from a Roman bath house were also recovered at the site Israelnationalnews

Watchman: Era end as Anne Frank tree falls

Recently we wrote in Watchman part 3 of the Cyprus tree felled by Israel and the confrontation with Lebanon which in the Bible is the Great Cedar. Shortly after we have a very significant incident where a wind gust broke the Anne Frank Tree in Amsterdam as if it were a matchstick.