Articles by Date

NATO, Russia, EU, Brexit, US & the Bible
18th Jan 2019, hej.Over all of history the servants of God have known the signs of the times: their times. They have seen the direction of events toward the Kingdom of God on earth replacing the kingdoms, republics and democracies of humans.
... More
Bible, Science and History, with a focus on DNA
25th Apr 2017, hej.An article prompted by National DNA day April 25 celebrating the understanding of DNA.
... MoreTimes Appointed Part 4
1st Dec 2013, hej.We have been given many time periods to prophetic events in the Bible. Many people think it too hard, and do not make an effort to understand them. However, if they were not to be understood, why were they given? And the Bible says the wise shall understand (Daniel 12:10). ... More

Ashkelon: Roman statutes and Russian gas
17th Dec 2010, hej.On the 15th December 2010 was announced a Roman statue from a bathhouse had been unearthed by storms in the Mediterranean,
Standing 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall, the statue was found in the remains of a cliff that had crumbled under the gale-force winds. Discovered near the ancient port after the tides had returned to normal, an official with the Israel Antiquities Authority said the statue will be displayed in various museums.
Dated to approximately 1,800 to 2,000 years ago – the period in which the Romans occupied western Judea -- the statue weighed 200 kg (440 lb) and had no head or arms.
“The sea gave us this amazing statue,” Yigal Israeli, a researcher with the Israel Antiquities Authority told the Reuters news service. He added that other artifacts may have washed out into the ocean due to the same storm, however.
Fragments of mosaics and bits from a Roman bath house were also recovered at the site Israelnationalnews... More

Watchman: Era end as Anne Frank tree falls
25th Aug 2010, hej.Recently we wrote in Watchman part 3 of the Cyprus tree felled by Israel and the confrontation with Lebanon which in the Bible is the Great Cedar. Shortly after we have a very significant incident where a wind gust broke the Anne Frank Tree in Amsterdam as if it were a matchstick. ... More
Watchman what of the night? Climate & Trees. Part 3
16th Aug 2010, hej.In the night of the nations there are new developments in the climate, specifically affecting the political climate. And then there is also the issue of the tree Israel cut down. ... More

Kingdom: Story of India (Pakistan).
13th Aug 2010, hej.Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1876. In the modern world in 1947 India gained independence or freedom from the British Empire. India's long history shows the poverty and disunity of independence and 'freedom' and the possible glory and peace of kingdom. ... More

Dancing Soldiers & a Singing Army
17th Jul 2010, hej.There was some footage placed on U-tube of 6 IDF soldiers dancing as a group on duty in Hebron, more often the scene of warfare as the city is a point of tension in Israel. It was swiftly taken down and the implication was that they would face discipline. If it is not considered good form that soldiers dance on duty, what would the world think of an army who goes into battle singing a love song? Which army? An army of Israel of course. ... More

Zionism or the Banner of Zion?
26th Jun 2010, hej.What is Zionism if those that claim to be Zionist cannot be classified? Do the ideals of Herzl(1860-1904), fit with those Balfour (1848-1930), who self described himself as a 'Zionist', and do these have much in common with Rav Kook (1856-1935)? And what is Zion? ... More

Babylon remains a ruin
10th May 2010, hej.Once, according to
some, there was dispute over whether Babylon existed. Whether this is
true or not Unger an expert admitted, “reams of what has been
subsequently proved by archaeology to be sheer nonsense were written
by scholars who viewed the Bible as legend, myth or at best
unreliable history.” (Archaeology and the Old Testament
1954). Certainly the role of Belshazzar as the last ruler of
Babylon was disputed. The dispute over Babylon today is about what
the Iraqis might want to do with it.
Paul Schemm of
Associated Press reports,
BABYLON, Iraq - A U.S.-funded program to restore the ruins of Iraq's ancient city of Babylon is threatened by a dispute among Iraqi officials over whether the priority should be preserving the site or making money off it.... More
Watchman what of the Night? Part 2
8th May 2010, hej.The volcanic ash from Iceland's Eyjafjoll (Island's Mountain) has cast a shadow over Europe, but not Russia. At the same time, if people chose to see a great nation has risen, that like a mountain casts a shadow over other nations. Jeremiah speaks of Babylon a destroying mountain. ... More
A New Amalek
7th Feb 2010, hej.At Auschwitz PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned ''A new Amalek is appearing,” But who is this new Amalek? On investigation this is a powerful hard hitting condemnation. Most reporters implied the new Amalek is Iran. But Netanyahu didn't mention Iran by name (see full text of his speech). Netanyahu said at his previous Yad Vashem, “there is evil in the world”, “there is new Jew hatred in our midst”. Netanyahu didn't mean Iran, so who was he speaking of? ... More
Beyond 2012 Nonsense
24th Jan 2010, hej.... MoreWho will be left behind 2012? who will survive 2012?
The year 1989
16th Jan 2010, seh,hej.This article is from the archives. It was written 20 years ago in January 1990. What is interesting is that history has borne out the understanding of the events then. From the vantage of 20 years we can look back and see how great the earthquake of the year 1989 was. Before 1988 was another world. The year 1990 is the beginning of our world as it is now. ... More
Jerusalem, history and settlement opposition
26th Nov 2009, hej.If we don't know the past, we don't know if we are repeating it. It is possible the current American administration, and now Brazil and Spain's leaders, in applying pressure to stop construction in Jerusalem aren't informed regarding readily available Middle East history. ... More
Iran, Persian cat or Bear?
21st Nov 2009, hej.Here kitty, kitty..oh it's a bear!
In the wilds of the nations, it may be a matter of life and death to know what type of animal a nation is, and the habits of that animal. ... More
The Berlin wall fell in 1989
9th Nov 2009, hej.There are moments which we experience which become stamped on our minds. The pictures of people on the Berlin Wall pecking away bits of concrete is one of mine. I'm sure the images I have in my mind were impressed there over a few nights' news, but they are all one indelible moment in my mind. ... More
Times Appointed Part 2
20th Aug 2009, hej.We examine the time periods given in Revelation 11, 17 and Daniel 7 in their context, looking at both what is predicted and the relevant history. ... More
Times Appointed Part 1
20th Aug 2009, mgh,hej.This is first part in a series on the time periods given in the Bible, especially those relating to the end times of the current order of things and the return of the Messiah (Anointed). ... More
The earthquake in the days of Uzziah
25th Jul 2009, hej,seh.The Bible is quite a long document and in many places has double or triple testimony. Thus God asks us to compare accounts. He could have given us one gospel account for example, but he did not. ... More
Pictorial Evidence
24th Jul 2009, mc.Since the relgious revival of the 1800's archaeology has expanded our knowledge of the veracity of the Bible text, often in great detail. ... More
L'Aquila Conquered: Italian Easter Earthquake to G8
13th Jul 2009, hej.The Italian city of L'Aquila has been suddenly brought before the world's attention. Firstly for the devastating earthquake that destroyed the old city while celebrating Easter, and secondly for the decision to locate the G8 summit there. The city of L'Aquila is no small unimportant town but has a proud independent past history as a regional leader, which has, dramatically, now been lost. Do the events here have global significance? ... More
Yom Yerushalayim 42
22nd May 2009, hej.In Israel Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, celebrates when a divided city became one in 1967 on the 28th of Iyar. The Hebrew date varies in the Georgian calendar. In 2009 it's Friday 22 May. The issue of Jerusalem at 42 is one requiring the wisdom of Solomon. ... More
Standing where it ought not
17th May 2009, hej.There was much debate about Benedict XVI's visit to Israel. Was it really just a personal visit, as he represents the Vatican state no matter what he does? Then there was the issue of sovereignty over six (6) sites, which sounds very like state business. The issue of sovereignty has profound implications. ... More
A Land that Devours: Isarel at 61
14th May 2009, hej.Remembering May 14, 1948. Today is an anniversary of the declaration of the state of Israel. A time to remember why it was established. To remember why the call went out for a place where Jews could freely be Jews. A place for the people no nation on earth wanted. ... More
Three Personality Types
8th May 2009, hej.The Bible doesn't contain theoretical analysis such as the Myers-Briggs personality test, rather it shows us people in action, where their character is demonstrated by their decisions. ... More
China, Burma & 60 years with Israel
17th May 2008, gah.Amongst the leading online world news reports for the week, dominated by the distress in China due to earthquake and the devastating cyclone in Burma, was a tribute to 60 years with Israel. But is there any link between the three countries? ... More