Here kitty, kitty..oh it's a bear!
In the wilds of the nations, it may be a matter of life and death to know what type of animal a nation is, and the habits of that animal.
Very young children often mistake dogs for cats, or anything furry with legs for a domestic pet. An adult should be able to recognise a wild animal from a tame one. An expert who knows and understands wild animals will be able to handle a wild animal that an ordinary person should avoid.
Internationally, it helps to be an expert on animals. I'll explain.
We keep hearing that Iran (Persia) is a cat. It is persistent. I have found recently the wiki-answer to the national animal for Iran is 'a Persian cat'.
And historically this 1911 British cartoon from Punch also has the same idea .
(Caption was "If we hadn't a thorough understanding, I (British lion) might almost be tempted to ask what you (Russian bear) are doing there with our little playfellow (Persian cat)." Source Wikimedia Commons)
But Iran does not associate itself, and has never associated itself, with such an ordinary domestic animal. In the same way as someone from Hamburg might not relish you asking for a hamburger, and if you did they will give you an open frikadelle, a pan-fried beef patty of soaked stale bread, egg, onion, salt and pepper, usually served with potatoes and vegetables and not on a bun. It is also absurd to ask for Danish Pastry in Denmark. A Maltese terrier might be harder to find in Malta, and is certainly not the national animal of Malta! A German shepherd is not emblematic of Germany, though according to Wikipedia, the Americans may have thought so after WWII.
If the Americans did think this after WWII, it might explain why they think Persia is a Persian cat. They may as well think it is a rug or carpet to walk on! Which shows how dangerous word association is, as Iran is no carpet!
What kind of animal is Iran?
In modern times they are not identified by an animal in national flags or coats of arms. They are four crescent moons and a sword, forming the name 'Allah', which is also a tulip that grows on the graves of martyrs. They have been since 1979-80. Before that they were a lion. A lion with a sword. TahmaspI had his emblem as sheep (ram) with the sun from 1524 to 1576, after which the ram became a lion. After 1779 the lion acquired a sword.
Two things to note. It would be foolish to mistake a lion for a domestic cat, and if Iran is anything now, it is a sword.
Britain was a lion. But there have only been two lions documented that have been friendly. They were called Christian and Judah. If tame cats are their own masters, lions, in general are more so, as well as being stronger and dangerous. Britain in the early 1900's was rather foolish to not notice Persia was a lion, and not a cat. Britain by pursuing its lion's course gained control of most of the Middle East and helped carve it up establishing, among other nations, Iraq. But Britain never managed to deal with Persia. They sought to influence them, but it was this very influence that was rejected in the Revolution. And symbolically Iranians removed the lion and the sun as a symbol of Western (British) influence. So Iran is not a lion now.
It is a sword in the night of the moon (having thrown out the sun emblem).
Iran is associated with three animals: the Asiatic Cheetah, Persian Leopard and Persian fallow deer. Ironically the Persian fallow deer is endangered everywhere but in Israel where it graces the slopes of Mount Carmel and Galilee. The deer being similar to the gazelle which is Israel's national animal. Deer and gazelle, it may be noted, are not predatory animals. The Asiatic lion common to Persia is now extinct and both the Asiatic Cheetah and the Persian Leopard are endangered. But Iran doesn't associate itself with any of these animals officially.
Persia is certainly not historically a cat, and may not even be the cat species. The modern world should not forget that Iran is an ancient nation. In ancient history Persia was identified in a Hebrew source as two animals.
Daniel the Hebrew prophet in Babylon, at the time Persia takes over as the superpower, speaks of Greece being a goat and Persia being a ram. This was a good call. As late as 1524 the Persians were happy to identify themselves with sheep. The goat won when Alexander the great stamped on the ram of the Persian empire. But Daniel also writes of Persia being like a bear.
And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said this to it, Arise, devour much flesh. (Daniel 7:5)
Whereas the Babylonian empire was seen as a winged lion, the Persian Empire was identified as a Bear.
Jeremiah, regarding his exiled nation, laments,
He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places. (Lamentations 3:10)
The 70 years of exile from 586-516BCE would feature rule by Babylon (a lion) and Medo-Persia (a Bear).
A Bear
A bear: it would be a great mistake to think of a fluffy cuddly toy. Think instead of a huge animal, the top scavenger when it comes to carcasses with possibly dangerous and always unpredictable behaviour. A cat, domestic or wild, cat or lion, will give signs it is hunting. A bear is dangerous precisely because you can't know.
Russia is associated with the bear, both in the cartoon above from 1911 and today when the current Russian President's name means 'bear'. Why should Iran be a bear too? I ask 'why not?' Do they behave like one? Ezekiel another Hebrew prophet in Babylon wrote,
Thus said the Lord GOD; Lo, I am coming to deal with you, O Gog, Rosh (chief/head. In Danish translation Rosj, an Old Slav name meaning 'river') prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn you around, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will lead you out with all your army..all of them wielding swords: Persia...with them: (Ezekiel 38:3-5 JPS )
Something for the lion nations to ponder. Back in 1911 Britain was suspicious of Russia's intentions with Persia. They may have been more alert than modern world leaders. The Jerusalem Post reported on September 11 Putin: Russia has no reason to doubt Iran
Vladmir Putin on Friday warned against the use of force or new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, according to the Russian prime minister's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.
Speaking during a meeting with foreign experts on Russia, Putin said that Russia had no reason to doubt that Iran's nuclear program is purely peaceful.
As Iran has given every reason for other nations to doubt the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program, this statement is rather pointed. It does not mean what it says. It might be double speak for, 'Russia is not concerned'. It might also be an assurance to Iran that as far as Russia is concerned they will treat Iran as if the nuclear program is peaceful. A spurious act of 'see no evil'. Despite this Putin “warned” against the use of force. Why? Is Russia worried about what Iran will do, or is this a statement of what Russia will do? Is this a bear warning the nations of where its territory lies?
There was another double bear act reported in the Jerusalem Post on the same day as the article Iran 'Proposal': No mention of nuke program
Even as American officials warned that time was running out and dismissed the Islamic Republic's response as disappointing, Reuters reported Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying that "based on a brief review of the Iranian papers, my impression is there is something there to use."
Israel, for its part, reiterated its position that Iran was doing little more than playing for time.
We can note Russia supported as useful a stance that Israel (and everyone who is thinking) knew was pure delay.
It was delay, as over a month later we can see nothing has happened. Russia's actions have successfully thwarted American aims. As a result Israel has had to go further and further, even to Brazil. Peres to emphasize Iranian threat on South America trip. After not having been to Brazil in 40 years, Israeli diplomacy must work hard there,
In the course of his meetings with the top leadership of both countries, Peres will emphasize the threat that Iran will pose to the world if it is permitted to continue with its nuclear program. Ahmadinejad's frequent calls for Israel's elimination will also factor in the discussions.
This may be because Brazil, in addition to the Quartet, wants to weigh in on Middle East peace process. Brazilian president seeks role as Mideast peace mediator. Truly as Joel wrote,
Beat your plowshares into swords..let the weak say, I am strong. (Joe 3:10)
and, as Zechariah said,
For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;(Zechariah 14:2)
But the Brazilan President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva may not be too useful, and he is failing to identify the species of animals he's up against. In terms of Iran he said,
Da Silva replied that while he understood Israel's pain, it was Brazil's policy to talk to everyone - even to those who oppose peace. If they were isolated, he said, they would become wild like dogs tied to a fence.
If Iran is a not a dog but a bear, it would want to be a mighty strong fence it's tied to. Remembering that no Islamic Iranian would identify themselves as an unclean dog, Da Silva's vision might not be too sharp; which could be dangerous for Brazil. It might be beacasue they are in the dark. This was shown to the world, as the next night after Peres arrives most of Brazil is plunged into a 2 hour blackout from just after 10pm to after 12pm. Apart from the '11th hour' being signifincant of the 'end time', this extensive blackout was caused apparently, by storm damage, often known in insurance terms as 'an act of God'.
According to Wikipedia, and I don't dispute it, “The Macaw is a typical animal of Brazil”. The macaw being a type of parrot, Da Silva may be repeating what a president from the eagle nation North of Brazil said. Of Da Silva it is said,
he made it clear that even though Brazil condemns all acts of terrorism perpetrated under any pretext, regardless of who perpetrates them, it is simultaneously convinced that peace and reconciliation could only come about through dialogue and negotiation.
Clearly a macaw. Not what is needed to take on the sword wielding animals of the Middle East. Especially as Da Silva may be mis-identifying a bear as wild dog.
When bears are dealing with humans and seek to raid their bins, they become nocturnal. They also become cunning. Iran is hiding its arms activity, acting in the dark. They can stand up on two legs like humans, but it would be a mistake to think they act like humans. At the best of times they cannot be trusted, but under the crescent moon intent on raiding, they should be viewed as dangerous. Their claws are sharp as swords, and the claws don't retract. If a bear becomes a problem, you don't talk to them or negotiate with them as you do with a tame Persian cat, you set a trap and put them in a sturdy cage, or use a tranquilizer dart from a distance. If you take on a bear, you must keep away from their claws.
Some world leaders may be in the dark. They seem to think Persia is a kitty cat or a carpet. If a crescent moon is shining, it might be quite dark indeed. They might not be seeing too clearly.
There are two bears out there. One is large indeed. One is under a crescent moon and is making motions it's hungry.
It gets more dangerous. The advice is to never, even unintentionally, leave potential food for bears.
And the leading Western nations think they might bring safety to themselves by trying to tie up a self identified gazelle, and restrict its territory?
Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young hart upon the mountains of Bather (spices). (Song 2:17, compare 8:14 which adds 'make haste').
Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2)
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them... and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. (1Thessalonians 5:3-4)
Over all of history the servants of God have known the signs of the times: their times. They have seen the direction of events toward the Kingdom of God on earth replacing the kingdoms, republics and democracies of humans.
We were asked what early documents establish that Rosh of Ezekiel 38 is Russia. The answer is in 2 parts, as we explain the trajectory from fulfilled prophecy in history to prophecy yet to be fulfilled.
The Revelation 12 Sign
There is much written about the sun, moon and planets aligning on in September 2017. We have many reasons for suspecting that 2017 will be a prophetically significant year, and the time of the Jewish feast of Sukkot could be more significant than any other time, but we need to understand the scripture before we consider the stars.
An article prompted by National DNA day April 25 celebrating the understanding of DNA.