Truth, Understanding, Insight


Short studies on a range of topics.


Psalm 22: Christ is King

20th Jan 2021, hej.

A consideration of a well known Messianic Psalm. The first section is well understood as it has been fulfilled, but arguably the latter half is not well understood. ... More

Blessed Happiness

17th Apr 2020, hej.

As many seek happiness, and they survey people to use perceptions of it to compare nations, we thought to look into why the people who have the Bible in their lives (and in the lives of their nations) are happier than others. ... More

Aaron's Robe: Beauty & Glory

14th Apr 2020, hej.

Aaron's robes connect Psalm 133 and Exodus 28. The idea of brethren in unity is connected to the wise hearted, who are filled with the spirit of wisdom and who were asked to make the robes of service for glory and beauty. ... More

Have ye not read

11th Apr 2020, mgh.

The Christian world relies largely on the writings of the New Testament. However Y’shua and the Apostles declared that the writings of the prophets were relevant and an understanding of them was fundamental to the Christian message. Y’shua frequently asked the Jews of his day, ... More

Have any of the rulers believed on him?

25th Jul 2019, hej.

Do you believe the leaders or the experts? If you do, think again! The Bible allows us to see raw human nature. It hasn't changed. We often have these cameos of authentic experience, which has direct equation to experience in modern life. The leaders and experts made a huge mistake, 2000 years ago, and it's a warning to us! ... More

The River Euphrates – the boundary of the Promised Land

26th Dec 2018, gah.

Every mention of the River Euphrates in the Bible is a link in story from Eden to the Kingdom of God. It explains why there is conflict in Syria, and why that area is crucial to the lead up to Armageddon, as the the world descends into an era of evil. ... More

Saul of Cilicia and Stephen: un-designed evidence

19th Nov 2017, hej.

The Bible abounds with evidence for its own truthfulness. This is where one section of text casually mentions a fact that corroborates another section of text, sometimes from a different writer. The references to Cilicia are a case in point. ... More

The Revelation 12 Sign

16th Jul 2017, mgh.

The Revelation 12 Sign

There is much written about the sun, moon and planets aligning on in September 2017. We have many reasons for suspecting that 2017 will be a prophetically significant year, and the time of the Jewish feast of Sukkot could be more significant than any other time, but we need to understand the scripture before we consider the stars. ... More

Ambassadors in Reed Boats

26th Dec 2016, hej.