Aliens, Extraterrestrial Life, Angels, Miracles & other scientifically inexplicable phenomena
3rd July 2019, hej
This Article: (11 Pages)
- 1. ...Aliens, Extraterrestrial Life, Angels, Miracles & other scientifically inexplicable phenomena.
- 2. The eyewitness and science
- 3. The account of Creation by... extraterrestrial life
- 4. Evidence of Beings with Remarkable... Powers
- 5. Being 'taken' from the earth
- 6. Absence of Sightings
- 7. Fact more Remarkable than fiction
- 8. Extra-terrestrial but not Alien
- 9. Underrating the intelligence of... life out there
- 10. Angels, Ghosts and Miracles
- 11. Scientifically inexplicable... phenomena
9) Underrating the intelligence of life out there
Carl Sagan's team in 1977 for the NASA Voyager 1 & 2 missions may have rather underrated the intelligence of other life. They assumed they may have limited capability to languages like those on the earth, and sent out greetings in 55 languages hoping they may be bothered to decipher it as a type 'Rosetta stone'.
There is in fact a deep irony in this as the ancient record of the Hebrew's indicate that one of the first actions of a group of extra-terrestrials, they called 'Mighty ones' (Heb Elohim), after the flood was that they confused language and created the divisions that has made the multitude of languages and dialects on earth today. So when in 1977, to communicate, humans send exemplars of the multitude of languages out into space, we could imagine the reaction of the ancient Hebrew Mighty Ones as they see Voyager fly by. It's humans sending back out to them examples of their own work!
If they can confuse language, they understand what constitutes the mechanisms of human communication, which is more than humans know yet. It seems they understand any language. Certainly Babylonian and Syrian were comprehended. In one instance words that the king of Syria spoke in his bedchamber in Syrian were passed on by Elisha to the king of Israel (2 Kings 6:12). Also it seems as if they understand thought. The beings representing 'He Who will be' knew what Sarah was thinking, though she was hidden from then by the tent (Genesis 18:9-13). The skill of instantly understanding any language and another's thought is way beyond human capability. But why should we think it impossible? If our intelligence and skill is greater than the most intelligent animal, why should there not be a form of life with greater skill than us?
People wonder as to what constitutes extra-terrestrial life. Most limit their imagination to what they see on earth, and then warp it. If there is so much great variety of life on earth from a cold blooded alligator, to bacteria, the platypus, to a sunfish, the microscopic tardigrades to a zebra, what would life that could exist in space be like? Paul answered the same question,
But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? ... All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory. (1Corinthians 15:35-45)
Paul seems quite certain that we can know a heavenly being is different to one bound by the earth.