Truth, Understanding, Insight

Aliens, Extraterrestrial Life, Angels, Miracles & other scientifically inexplicable phenomena

3rd July 2019, hej


7) Fact more Remarkable than fiction

Though on many occasions the accounts are eyewitness accounts of individuals, the type of sightings are consistent. They look like humans. They speak our languages. There is considerable agreement that they have access to fiery energy. They often ascend vertically defying gravity.

Their interaction with humans is not random, the beings all speak as one and speak for a greater being called He who will be, who has a plan with humans. They are team players. When they do speak the words are clear, remarkable and they speak accurately of the national and international political future of the person they speak to.

Eyewitness accounts speak of them 'appearing'. It follows that they may be around us, but they may be invisible. In all cases the eyewitness accounts indicate the beings have powers that show they are not bound by the same 'laws' of physics that we are.
