Aliens, Extraterrestrial Life, Angels, Miracles & other scientifically inexplicable phenomena
3rd July 2019, hej
This Article: (11 Pages)
- 1. ...Aliens, Extraterrestrial Life, Angels, Miracles & other scientifically inexplicable phenomena.
- 2. The eyewitness and science
- 3. The account of Creation by... extraterrestrial life
- 4. Evidence of Beings with Remarkable... Powers
- 5. Being 'taken' from the earth
- 6. Absence of Sightings
- 7. Fact more Remarkable than fiction
- 8. Extra-terrestrial but not Alien
- 9. Underrating the intelligence of... life out there
- 10. Angels, Ghosts and Miracles
- 11. Scientifically inexplicable... phenomena
8) Extra-terrestrial but not Alien
By definition extra-terrestrial merely means it originated, or is located, or occurs outside Earth or its atmosphere. This is consistent with the sightings indicating the beings go upward.
But being extraterrestrial does not mean it is alien. Alien means “strange, foreign, exotic, dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed, with difference in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility.” But it appears those sightings record life which is not alien to us. Firstly they speak the local language. Secondly they seem to look like another human. Thirdly they understand the people's needs and hopes and can even read their minds.
In addition the definition for Alien includes the common political use, “Owing political allegiance to another country or government; foreign: alien residents. An unnaturalized foreign resident of a country. Also called non-citizen. A person from another and very different family, people, or place. A person who is not included in a group; an outsider.”
From all the accounts there is considerable political and partisan interference by the life sighted over the years, as they seem to be acting in the affairs the nation of the Israelites and others in the Middle East. In one instance, Daniel, who was living in Babylon, was told by one,
Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? Now I will return to fight with the prince of Persia. When I go forth, behold, the prince of Greece shall come. (Daniel 10:20)
This speaks of an active involvement in the life of the leaders of the nations on earth.