Articles by Date

Elizabeth 1 & 11 The Oath of El
11th Sep 2016, gah.The crown placed on the head of Elizabeth 11 is thought to contain 4 pearls from Elizabeth 1. There seem some interesting parallels between the 2 Elizabethan ages.
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800 years the Magna Carta and God's Laws
18th Jun 2016, hej.The 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta was celebrated 15 June 2015. The initial agreement of 1215 didn't last long and the king fought the Barons over the unresloved issues. The document was revived in a modified form after October 1216, but it wasn't established until the 11 September 1217 when the document was first called the 'Magna Carta' to distinguish from the smaller 'charter of the forest'. Thus the real 800th aniversary is not until 11 September 2017.
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Britain leaving the EU Brexit
17th Jun 2016, hej.There is a great sense that the British are about to sail on the winds of change, and cast off the European shackles which have reduced trade and it's competitive edge. There is a reason why it's 'now', as it is spoken of in the Bible.
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The Holy Land to Israel: 1922 to 1967
12th Jun 2012, hej.The following combines the work of an expert in the international law in relationship to Israel's establishment with a curiosity of Daniel's prophecy.
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Eclipse: Europe & Britain's relationship as Arabia Unites
26th Dec 2011, hej.Did the full eclipse of the moon on the 8th December 2011 on the Sabbath (10th December) have any significance? Curiously it coincided with a dramatic event in the politcal 'heavens.'
... MoreMerchants, ships lost and gained
29th Oct 2011, hej.Recently there has been some curious maritime developments that might point to other more significant events in the USA, Britain and those who dwell carelessly in the isles. At the very least these events from a lost Liberian tanker name Rena, to a recovered Gairsoppa and Mantola are thought provoking with deep connections to events past and future.
Rena ('Born-again') shipwrecked
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Watchman: Royals, Osama, US & NZ Tornadoes
5th May 2011, hej.Tornadoes 'Finger of God'
This year has brought a specific kind of disaster. A commentator linked the earthquake in Christchurch to the tsunami in Japan to the recent devastation of the tornadoes in US Alabama. In each of them the result was houses and possessions left as timber matchsticks over a wide area, cars moved like toys and many lives lost. They were also measured as economic disasters. They all affected affluent western nations and the devastation might to make each person ponder, why them.
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Royal Wedding: Britain. Christening: Denmark
15th Apr 2011, hej.Meaning of Names & Trumpets
Isles of Europe ... More
Earthquake, Libya, Russia & Britain
7th Mar 2011, hej.Events in the natural world are mirroring the political world. There is a curious juxtaposition of the Earthquake in Christchurch NZ and the almost unexpected political earthquake in Libya. It is very significant as Libya is mentioned in the Bible ... More

Queen of the South: Britain & Arabia
29th Nov 2010, hej.There has been a subtle shift in the centre of transatlantic power since 2007, from the US to Britain, from New York to London. The Queen of England's visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman revives recollections of the dominant role of Britain in the Southern parts of the Middle East. And Britain has signalled, they are back. ... More
Watchman what of the night? Climate & Trees. Part 3
16th Aug 2010, hej.In the night of the nations there are new developments in the climate, specifically affecting the political climate. And then there is also the issue of the tree Israel cut down. ... More