Articles by Date

Isaiah 19
2nd Sep 2013, mgh.This article is in response to a question that has been posed by a reader who asks if there is any relationship between Isaiah 19 and the present situation in Egypt today. There are definitely historical applications that can be made in relation to Isaiah 19, but there also appears a very possible prophecy in regard to Egypt's ultimate role in the last days, in our days.
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When Isaiah Walked Naked 3 years (1080 days)
24th Jun 2012, hej.Isaiah 20 might be read and passed over. It seems at first glance about events which are totally historical. From this prophecy Isaiah's reputation as a prophet was established in his own lifetime, as it was fulfilled in his lifetime. For this reason alone it is important. In the prophecy Isaiah acted out the events. Let us pause and consider what this acting out might indicate.
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