Articles by Date

The Discrimination of the Bible
14th Mar 2019, hej.The Bible is confronting, as it very rarely matches human thinking on any matter. If we wish to think as a human, we can never rise above that level. Would you never want any challenge to your thinking from a child? If we wish to grow we need challenge. The Bible lifts us beyond the ordinary – and on the matter of Discrimination, it is no different.
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Proposed Religious restriction in Australia
7th Dec 2018, hej.Open letter to the Australian Government Canberra on Labor's bill to 'protect' homosexual students in religious schools which would prevent freedom of religious conscience.
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800 years the Magna Carta and God's Laws
18th Jun 2016, hej.The 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta was celebrated 15 June 2015. The initial agreement of 1215 didn't last long and the king fought the Barons over the unresloved issues. The document was revived in a modified form after October 1216, but it wasn't established until the 11 September 1217 when the document was first called the 'Magna Carta' to distinguish from the smaller 'charter of the forest'. Thus the real 800th aniversary is not until 11 September 2017.
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First Written Tablet: 5th Command
20th Nov 2011, gah.First Tablet: 5th Commandment
There is much talk of 'tablets' in the news. Chief Rabbi Sacks shows how the language of the Bible had been hi-jacked by the selfish consumer culture. Once a tablet meant one of the two pieces of stone on which the 10 commandments were written. Sacks said “Therefore the answer to the consumer society is the world of faith, which the Jews call the world of Shabbat, where you can't shop and.. you spend your time with things that matter, with family.”
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