Truth, Understanding, Insight


Articles by Date


Was the US Embassy move led by Trump Prophesied?

28th May 2018, hej.
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:6-7)

We hear 'Trump', and we associate it with 'Trumpet', which is the likely origin of the surname which was given to a Trumpeter or Drummer in the Army. The trumpet in the Bible speaks also of a call to war as Amos points out. Amos also says that when the trumpet of war is blown, Yahweh has done it. We are told that what is done is revealed to his servants. ... More

7 times pass over him: the decree of the Watchers

8th Dec 2013, hej.

The king of Babylon was made as a beast for 7 years (times), and was a witness to all generations, that the living may know that the Most High rules in the nations.

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Ultimate JFK Conspiracy Theory: 50 years on

20th Nov 2013, hej.

The following is utterly speculative, and investigates based on known facts how and why God might have brought about the removal of JFK in the light of what has been said in the Bible about who rules in the nations.

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Watchman, what of the night?

26th Jun 2013, hej.

For the night of July 22/23, 2013 there is a supermoon (perigee full moon). So we might ask 'what of the night?'

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Watchman: Royals, Osama, US & NZ Tornadoes

5th May 2011, hej.

Tornadoes 'Finger of God'

This year has brought a specific kind of disaster. A commentator linked the earthquake in Christchurch to the tsunami in Japan to the recent devastation of the tornadoes in US Alabama. In each of them the result was houses and possessions left as timber matchsticks over a wide area, cars moved like toys and many lives lost. They were also measured as economic disasters. They all affected affluent western nations and the devastation might to make each person ponder, why them.

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