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Articles by Date


Is US President Trump Creating World Chaos?

10th Mar 2019, mgh.

The Bible shows that in Yahweh’s plan men are often raised from obscurity to power to achieve his will. Can this be applied to Donald Trump? Many Americans hate him and the Democrats are trying everything in their power to topple him from the Presidency, to smear him and defame him.

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Signs of the End Times

7th Mar 2019, hej.

The Bible suggests in prophecy that the most outrageous things would occur in world poltics: alliances would end abruptly and the world would plunge into an unstable time. We are today in the day of political upheaval, not seen in a generation.

25 May 2018 Britain awakes and moves back into the gulf

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NATO, Russia, EU, Brexit, US & the Bible

18th Jan 2019, hej.

Over all of history the servants of God have known the signs of the times: their times. They have seen the direction of events toward the Kingdom of God on earth replacing the kingdoms, republics and democracies of humans.

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Gog Prince of Rosh & king of the North

16th Oct 2018, hej.

We were asked what early documents establish that Rosh of Ezekiel 38 is Russia. The answer is in 2 parts, as we explain the trajectory from fulfilled prophecy in history to prophecy yet to be fulfilled.

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Kiev-Crimea, why?

2nd Mar 2014, hej.

From here to where? ... More

Watchman, what of the night?

26th Jun 2013, hej.

For the night of July 22/23, 2013 there is a supermoon (perigee full moon). So we might ask 'what of the night?'

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There fell a great star from heaven: Chelyabinsk meteor

18th Feb 2013, hej.

Many might be worried about portents in the heavens, but we are not. What we need to know has been told us. But we do like to note whether events in the natural world might 'speak of' things observed in the political world.

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Why Ezekiel 38 refers to the nation Rosh /Ros

23rd Sep 2012, hej.

There is some debate about whether Russia is named in the Bible. Many nations that exist today were named in prophecy. There is some eviednce that Russia is named, actually taking on a name that was given to them before they themselves chose it.

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Earthquake, Libya, Russia & Britain

7th Mar 2011, hej.

Events in the natural world are mirroring the political world. There is a curious juxtaposition of the Earthquake in Christchurch NZ and the almost unexpected political earthquake in Libya. It is very significant as Libya is mentioned in the Bible ... More

Ashkelon: Roman statutes and Russian gas

17th Dec 2010, hej.

On the 15th December 2010 was announced a Roman statue from a bathhouse had been unearthed by storms in the Mediterranean,

Standing 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall, the statue was found in the remains of a cliff that had crumbled under the gale-force winds. Discovered near the ancient port after the tides had returned to normal, an official with the Israel Antiquities Authority said the statue will be displayed in various museums.
Dated to approximately 1,800 to 2,000 years ago – the period in which the Romans occupied western Judea -- the statue weighed 200 kg (440 lb) and had no head or arms.
“The sea gave us this amazing statue,” Yigal Israeli, a researcher with the Israel Antiquities Authority told the Reuters news service. He added that other artifacts may have washed out into the ocean due to the same storm, however.
Fragments of mosaics and bits from a Roman bath house were also recovered at the site Israelnationalnews
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