Truth, Understanding, Insight

Return of Christ

26th May 2008, mgh


1) The Return of Christ, Bringing Justice

It might be asked, when in the last six thousand years of history has there been a ruler, king or government that has ruled with justice and equity, and, in peace? Search the pages of history and it is impossible to find that people have been able to live in this world without the threat of wars or invaders, tyrannical rulers and dictators, the greed of kings and lords or inept politicians. Today the world is still faced by civil wars, international war and tension, famine and poverty, nationalism, religious strife, terrorism and economic disaster. The list could go on and on.

God has a plan for peace on this earth and it relies on the return of His son Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, to the earth to establish a righteous and just Government and finally world peace.

The idea of a Messiah coming is not new. The Jewish people since their captivity by the Babylonians in approximately 600BC have been awaiting the coming of a Messiah (a Hebrew word meaning 'anointed' or king), who would bring justice and peace. Since the early years of Christianity many devout people awaited the coming of Christ (Greek for Messiah/Anointed). These expectations became general in the year 1000AD and recently in 2000AD, due to understandings of prophetic time periods.
