Truth, Understanding, Insight


10th March 2010, hej


1) Bible Numerology

There is great significance in some numbers used in the Bible.

However, there are whole theories of meaning based on the numerical value of words in Hebrew. Whereas they may be interesting, there is no indication in the scriptures themselves that the human reasoning on such a level is of importance. The simple literal message must be understood first.

There also are many cultural meanings attached to numbers, which have nothing to do with the Bible.

Lucky numbers

Many people have 'lucky' numbers. If the person thinks that number brings them luck, then they are giving that number more power than God. The bible says that there is such a thing as time and chance (Ecclesiates 9:11), but, we cannot ascribe power for good or evil to anything but God. When people ask for good from their idols, while believing if they do things for them they would give good luck, they are assuming the idol has power. So altering our behaviour to suit a number, to bring us good luck, is very close to idolatry. For example buying only a house with a street number or unit number 8, 80 or 88 and believing it will bring wealth is very different to, after buying a practical house, valuing it's street number because God values that number.

Numbers in the Bible

The Bible is its own best interpreter, and what numbers mean in our culture may be a long way from what God thinks. To determine what a number means all instances of the number are investigated and compared. A pattern may emerge. The following will show instances that numbers are used and summarise the pattern of meaning that emerges. Some numbers have a stronger and more striking meaning than others.

1. One

One always relates to unity. One excludes all differences and indicates harmony and the absense of conflict. One is also about beginning and the first in importance.

Many of the references to 'first', refer to God.

Some refences to first refer to Jesus' exaltation,

2. Two

Two is about difference. However if two agree in in their testimony the facts they agree on are conlusive.

Two implies oposition eminty and division. The 2nd book of the bible begins with the opression of by enemy of Israel. The second book of Psalms (Psa 42:9) begins with the opression of an enemy. This pattern is also in 1st and 2nd Corinthians and 1st and 2nd Peter.

3. Three

Three lines is the first number that can make a geometrical shape. Three is a number used and valued by God. The third book of the bible is Leviticus which sets out the laws. On the third day of creation the earth was caused to rise out of the water, whih relates to Jesus' resurrection when he rises from the grave. Three seems the first measure of completeness.

  • 4. Four

    Four is often used to relate to aspects of the order of creation on the earth, and by extension it relates to cities and government of people (the figurative earth. See Symbolism)

  • 5. Five

    6. Six

    7. Seven

    8. Eight

    9. Nine

    10. Ten

    11. eleven

    12. twelve

    13. Thirteen

    17. Seventeen

    40. Forty

    Forty is often related to trial and to a separation or preparation.

    144. One hundred and Forty four

    153. One hundred and fifty three

    Used twice.

    365. Three hundred and Sixty five

    NEXT PAGE... Bible Symbolism

    The last supper: number 13

    There is one myth that has no foundation: it is a total myth that having 13 at the last supper was unlucky. Also the term 'last supper' does not occur at all in any reputable translation of the Bible. It was not the last time Jesus will keep that supper.