Truth, Understanding, Insight


Articles by Date


Deep Agreement: Ahaziah king of Judah, 22 or 42?

5th Oct 2011, hej.

The imprint of truth is that there is superficial contradiction and deeper consistency. Every human has a different viewpoint, and no two witnesses in a court trial independently will give the same account of events. If there is striking agreement between two witnesses there might be collusion. The case of Ahaziah shows how an apparent contradiction might reveal a deeper truth. ... More

Dancing Soldiers & a Singing Army

17th Jul 2010, hej.

There was some footage placed on U-tube of 6 IDF soldiers dancing as a group on duty in Hebron, more often the scene of warfare as the city is a point of tension in Israel. It was swiftly taken down and the implication was that they would face discipline. If it is not considered good form that soldiers dance on duty, what would the world think of an army who goes into battle singing a love song? Which army? An army of Israel of course. ... More

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