Articles by Date
Future Temple
11th Mar 2013, hej.Many Jews may expect that Solomon's temple might be re-built again. Some might expect that the temple might look like it did in the days of Herod. ... More

The Quiet Sensitive God
19th May 2011, hej.People have heard of the God of Israel being described as Jealous, they have read that his voice may thunder, but it seems people may miss that Yahweh Elohim loves quiet in his dwelling. ... More
Absence & Ninth of Av- Tisha B'Av
28th Jul 2009, hej.This day the Ninth of Av (30 July 2009) is not a memorial given by God. It is a Jewish day for mourning the evil of the sudden absence of God that came with the destruction of the Temple (twice, on the same date, the Ninth of Av, 660 years apart), and 65 years later on the same date, in 135AD the destruction of the last Jewish fortress of the Bar Kochba revolt from Rome, after 3 years of Jewish independence in the Holy Land. ... More