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Articles by Date


Merchants, ships lost and gained

29th Oct 2011, hej.

Recently there has been some curious maritime developments that might point to other more significant events in the USA, Britain and those who dwell carelessly in the isles. At the very least these events from a lost Liberian tanker name Rena, to a recovered Gairsoppa and Mantola are thought provoking with deep connections to events past and future.

Rena ('Born-again') shipwrecked

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Watchman: Gilad Shalit

23rd Oct 2011, hej.

It seems all the world leaders have an opinion on the Shalit deal. The Jerusalem Post reports that the Shalit release was heavily covered in foreign media (Jpost). To those watching, there are some points to note from the perspective of a Bible student.

It is amazing precisely how emotive and how remarkable an event this was. There are many individuals reported as suffering, yet this one beyond reason made headlines,

Drucker told Israel's Hebrew-language Marker, "The media went bankrupt. It behaved emotionally, crazily and irrationally. This included Channel 10. It was psychosis...
"They crafted a meme that Gilad Shalit is the son of every Israeli, a child. But Gilad is a soldier, duty-bound to defend his country knowing he may have to pay the price. A captured soldier is not a private matter. It’s a matter for a sovereign government." INN
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