Articles by Date

Sandy Storm USA: Awe Inspiring
2nd Nov 2012, hej.A storm that does things never before seen by this generation: a late summer hurricane meeting an early winter storm,bringing lightning, winds, floods and snow. A storm that seems to target the most populated parts of the USA, New Jersey, New York City and the coasts, including Long Island. It targets these areas just as USA goes to significant elections, when how Israel is treated is a factor.
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Why Lightning is a challenge
28th Oct 2012, hej.This article is going to perhaps test you a little. Is it 'superstitious' to believe the God of the Bible can cause lightning, and might more often than not do so, or is it ignorance to believe science has the answers?
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Watchman: Royals, Osama, US & NZ Tornadoes
5th May 2011, hej.Tornadoes 'Finger of God'
This year has brought a specific kind of disaster. A commentator linked the earthquake in Christchurch to the tsunami in Japan to the recent devastation of the tornadoes in US Alabama. In each of them the result was houses and possessions left as timber matchsticks over a wide area, cars moved like toys and many lives lost. They were also measured as economic disasters. They all affected affluent western nations and the devastation might to make each person ponder, why them.
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Edge of disorder: Egypt & weather
4th Feb 2011, hej.What do we make of hurricanes, cyclones and massive rain events that lead to regional flooding, or other extreme weather? What do we make of sporadic civil disorder? They are not merely connected by the current conjunction of extreme weather, including dramatic flooding in Brazil, snowstorms and a category 5 Cyclone in Australia (Hurricane) and unrest in Egypt and the Middle East. The following is a rather profound argument from a theory of mathematics, which implies the Power of God over our lives at every level.
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