Truth, Understanding, Insight

The Issue of Trust: Virus Lies

9th June 2021, hej


The exposing of virus lies has opened up the question of the consequences of broken trust. In all relationships it turns out trust is the most critical factor. One lie may be a mistake, but a pattern of lies leads to utter breakdown, even if people may happen to like the liar. Going forward together in unity relies on one trusting the other.

Rabshakeh said to Hezekiah, “Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.” (2 Kings 18:21)

Any failure to deliver outcomes as promised is like a piercing spear to the hand in the workings of any relationship. Words without truth in deed leads to the end of practical unity.

Issues of Lies found out

The establishment in Washington lost the trust of all who note the mismatch between words and deeds in private and words and deeds in the public realm – especially as the deeds in public caused much death and loss, people are now examining the truth of what was known and done. A reputable study by the University of Oxford published in Nature established that there were no bats or pangolins sold, despite exhaustively identifying 47,381 animals sold from 38 species from May to November in 2019 in Wuhan.

It is now clear to the meanest intellect due to a public dispute in the American congress that there has been an issue with certain Americans funding 'gain of function' virus research in Wuhan China. The existence of the lab in the city of Wuhan was not possible to hide. The inability to identify the virus with any animal found at the market was a problem. The inability to fully identify the virus at all was a problem, as it looked human made, an issue that emerged in the Fauci email collection obtained under FOI and from witnesses.

The latest issue exposed by the research of the Daily Mail is that in the lie of 'reducing' the threat of a human fiddled virus escaping, the American government funded the 'known-to-leak' Wuhan Lab via Dr Peter Daszak, who is later supported by Fauci in his lies. US Defence sent money to Wuhan lab to counter “Weapons of Mass Destruction” and helped create one? In the atmosphere of distrust due to the discovery of lies questions would be asked as to who funds a 'rival country's research' via a 'loophole' and a 90% government funded private company? Conspiracy theories will run riot. This is one consequence but not our focus, we will here say that God knows all, and nothing is hidden. We will add here that God may have been implicated in an animal to human transfer of a virus as 'an act of God', but all the revelations in relation to this virus point to human invention; pride with evil intent, cunning and possibly plain sloppy stupidity.

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)

But if this was not enough, when the, harm of the virus might be neutralised, Fauci as an adviser prevaricated 'as trust me I'm an expert' again to cause yet more harm.

New research confirms all the other research going before, proving that there was a cheap available way prevent people dying. The scandal of the conspiracy in hiding this is thought to be the biggest since 1850. Let us consider that the evil in the world comes from evil done by humans in their folly, sin and wickedness, no need for anything supernatural! but evil deeds return even more evil.

Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. (Proverbs 17:13)

The consequences of loss of trust

Real Clear Politics poses the question of the real consequences of loss of trust 'Who Loses When the China Bat Cave Implodes?'

The story about Wuhan’s “wet market” is taking on water. We’ve moved well past the “trust but verify” stage. We’re now in the “don’t trust a damn thing they say” stage. In this case, “they” refers mostly to the Chinese Communist Party. But the public’s mistrust has spread to our own government’s public health experts, and to much of the Western media, as well.

This lost of trust is due to How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media

The point these people are making is that this scandal being revealed now is so bad that it is to the level where there can be no trust at all, not in the United Nations organisations and most national governments, including America and China. None!

Be very wary of all who say trust the government, or trust the science as all but God are fallible.

Governments in particular are fallible as in the overall they have less personal responsibility than private person. In a company there is a person who must take the responsibly for any action - in government it is an amorphous 'other' with not one person to point to. As I have seen individuals causing harm are protected as not only are they not fired, they are not even called to attend the resultant court cases, as lawyers with a large budget do all the work of defending even the indefensible.

As to 'trust the science', I say “what scientist, or which group of scientists are you talking about?” Science by its nature is an ongoing discovery of physical phenomena, by many and varied people, some with agendas, and most needing funding. We have all of history to know that as a field of endeavour, its been full of ignorance, pride, missteps, accidents, controversy, rivalry, arguments and over-turned theories. What kind of arrogance thinks the continuum of increased knowledge that rejected Copernicus' and Einstein's ideas won't reject ideas of a scientist of today? The only thing certain is that there will be disputes between scientists! At the very least we have to admit that 'settled knowledge' from a few months ago on masks, is now seen as false. Only fools trust science -whatever science is- yesterday or today! Only fools who have no knowledge whatsoever of what really goes on in publishing papers would trust anything at all from such a mess of human failing, unless they see it with their own eyes! Recently it was found the more cited or revered a scientific paper was the more likely it was to be unsubstantiated and unrepeatable, which means it is junk! Thankfully repeating phenomena are self evident, and people who invent things tend not to theorise, and flight design is reliant on wind tunnels not theory.

The consequence of the new lack of trust in global government and science is not all bad, as it shows reality, and allows people to re-consider where trust should be placed!

In God we trust (not government)

Rather than trusting government, all of history has shown that all people need to be preserved from it's failings! Woe to those who need to call for help from a government official in any nation! The more a national government runs things the more likely they are to fail.

As Christ said, who learnt the hard way how to be a servant king, the nation's leaders use a model of oppression while implying they give benefit.

“The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.” (Luke 22:25)

David had become king when he explained his experience of tested trust in the God of Israel,

And David spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul: And he said, The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence. (2 Samuel 22:1-3)

Ruth had acted on faith in a promise of good in leaving her home and staying with a widow, where in ordinary expectation she would be condemned to a life of lonely poverty – but she was indeed rewarded with much good as God is trustworthy to those who trust him – her trust was repaid. Boaz blessed her,

“The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.” (Ruth 2:12)
