Truth, Understanding, Insight

Confusion: Was Trump Impeachment, Obamagate & Flynn affair about Russia? Or Jerusalem?

5th July 2020, hej


It was written that in the last days in a specific time, Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone that would cut the leaders who burden themselves with it. We had not understood what the confusion of American politics played out before the world, had to do with the outworking of Bible prophecy, beyond the role of Ukraine. It is now revealed, unmasked, that it directly fulfils Bible prophecy.

In the 'unmasking' of the basis of accusations regarding former American General Michael Flynn which led to accusations of Russian collusion, to Trump's Impeachment and to Obamagate, and Joe Biden's role in 'unmasking' it was found the whole was not really about Russia but Israel and Jerusalem.

Let us consider before we begin that there would be a time when there would be a nation made of people who had been scattered, who were 'terrible' as the Jews were, whose land was made desolate by 'river' empires that 'overflowed'. At that time, when scattered terrible people were regathered, the place of the name of the God of Hosts of the Bible would be Zion.

In that time shall the present be brought unto the LORD of hosts of a people scattered and peeled, and from a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers (Ottoman Empire ruled the Euphrates River) have spoiled, to the place of the name of the LORD of hosts, the mount Zion. (Isaiah 18:7)

This cannot be mistaken. This is Jewish Jerusalem. This was in 1967, and is now in 2020, the place of God. Knowing this let us also consider,

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. (Zechariah 12:3)

Whenever this event was to occur, it was to be in Zechariah's future, and it was to involve all nations. Not Babylon, not Assyria- but all nations. In addition, in context this burden of Jerusalem was to occur just before Jews recognise the one whom they have pierced (Zech 12:10). It is famous how Jews refuse to recognise Christ as Messiah (Christ and Messiah both mean Anointed in Greek and Hebrew respectively).

Let us go back to what has been going on in America to see who was, and who will be cut by the burdensome stone of Jerusalem.

Fundamentally, in America there was a strong and striking political divide between those who supported US President Obama's work in the deal with Iran (JCPOA) of 2015 and those who believed it was bad for America. There may be many reasons why American rapprochement with Iran was wrong- firstly the consistent and unchanging call 'of death to America' from Iran's leadership since 1979. Secondly it put America into a weak position in a deal brokered also by Russia and Germany. Thirdly, and the issue that really mattered to all involved, was that Iran intended to wipe out Israel. Those who could not imagine a formerly US dominated area given to Russia, Germany and Iran with no Israel at all, were appalled. The divide was on show when in desperation, on March 3, 2015, Israeli PM Netanyahu spoke at Republican invitation before a Republican-led Congress to plead to stop Iran gaining the Nuclear Bomb, as Israel knew the Iran deal did not prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear bomb. Noting this American political divide, in 2016 when Trump won, there was disbelief and shock, so all the work of the partisan subset of Democrats led by President Obama was at stake. Flynn as part of Trump's transition team was, to their minds, now too powerful. They did not consider what God may have thought.

Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, which was rooted in his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran (JCPOA). Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state. Now that the candidate he’d advised was the new president-elect, Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn through the press as an agent of a foreign power, spied on him, and leaked classified intercepts of his conversations to reliable echo chamber allies.

But it goes back further Flynn had shown that Iran was backing al-Qaida.

Evidence that Tehran was coordinating with a terror group that had slaughtered thousands in Manhattan and at the Pentagon would make it harder to convince American lawmakers of the wisdom in legitimizing Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Now the issue was not about terrorism- that was secondary but Israel.

Obama confronted Iran Deal skeptics in his own party with a hard choice—either support the deal, or you’re out. There would be no room in the Democratic Party for principled disagreement over the keystone of Obama’s foreign policy legacy. Opponents were portrayed in harsh, uncompromising terms: They had been bought off, or were warmongers, or Israel-firsters.

AIPAC’s leadership trusted Obama to do the right thing. They described him as a great friend of Israel and assured themselves he wouldn’t put the Jewish state in danger by giving the bomb to a regime that regularly called for its destruction.

Obama’s newly inclusive “balancing” framework was that upgrading relations with Iran would necessarily come at the expense of traditional partners targeted by Iran—like Saudi Arabia and, most importantly, Israel... John Kerry was keen to turn the State Department into Iran's Chamber of Commerce.

But the Obama adminstration then crossed a line- knowing there was opposition to the deal they became enemies of the American people and began spying on Americans.

The administration was spying on its domestic opponents, American legislators, and pro-Israel activists. Noah Pollak—formerly head of the Emergency Committee for Israel, a nonprofit organization that opposed the nuclear agreement with Iran—says, “I was warned that my conversations with senior Israeli officials were possibly being monitored.”

So how far was Obama, the US president, prepared to go?

The White House agreed to let Russia export more than 100 tons of uranium to Iran—enough to make more than 10 bombs, according to some estimates. “The point was to complicate any effort to tear up the deal,” says a senior U.S. official involved in the fight over the JCPOA. “It gave Iran an insurance policy against Trump.”

And they, including Joe Biden, went to work to discredit Flynn through the media, and spied on him. The adminstration were spying, then allowing officials to 'unmask' his name, so suitable out of context aspects could be leaked.

Leaking information from classified intercepts is a felony. However, the many times that Flynn’s name was illegally leaked from intercepts during the transition period and the first several weeks of the new administration shows that the classified information passed to journalists was not whistleblowing but was instead an aspect of the political surveillance operation targeting the Trump team. According to a recently declassified document, there were 39 Obama officials who unmasked Flynn’s identity a total of 53 times.

American politics may be full of skulduggery and partisanship of those meant to be neutral, and the mess and confusion is of no interest to the Bible student- what is of interest is that the whole has been blown up with a “take notice” over it by the Impeachment and 'Obamagate'- why? Because the core of the matter is the destruction of Jerusalem with the Iranian bomb, and the Lawfare at the UN against Jewish rule of Jerusalem. Take a look:

On Dec. 22 (2016), Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Kislyak about the vote scheduled to take place at the United Nations the next day. The Obama team had coaxed Egypt into introducing U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, holding that Israel was occupying the territories it had taken in the June 1967 war. Israel, according to 2334, was in “flagrant violation” of international law. Under the terms of the resolution, even the Western Wall of the Temple Mount was an illegal Israeli settlement.

Let us consider:

Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me. (Zechariah 2:7-9)

So we see why Obama and the Democrats involved will not get away with it and why Flynn will walk free. But we see indeed this prophecy is being fulfilled in part. Nations are trying to spoil Israel, but Zion is the apple, core of the great Creator's eye. It will not prosper.

The New York Sun exposes the truth, as Benny Avni Freelance Journalist confirms it, Someone always knows.

The real aim of 2334, though, was an attempt by Mr. Obama to tie the hands of the incoming Trump administration...Mr. Trump had specifically campaigned against the Obama administration’s view that Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem settlements were the top, perhaps only, stumbling block to peacemaking. Mr. Obama decided to forgo battles with Jerusalem-friendly lawmakers on Capitol Hill, where turning his Israel policy into a lasting legacy would be difficult. Instead, as in the Iran deal case, he turned to the friendly turf of the United Nations. Ostensibly, resolution 2334 was an Egyptian idea. Cairo, as the Arab representative at the council, supposedly pushed a global condemnation of Israel’s settlement policies, rendering even Israel's hold on Judaism’s holiest sites illegal in international law. In reality, as several diplomats told me at the time, Washington conceived, shaped and pushed the resolution.

Unlike in the past, when the American team at UN headquarters would consult with Israeli counterparts on measures involving their county, Ambassador Samantha Power’s team refused to return Israeli diplomats’ phone calls. “It’s your guess how the Americans will vote, because they sure don’t talk to me,” a senior Israeli diplomat told me at the time. Frozen out of the process, Jerusalem then turned to the Trump team. Mr. Flynn, according to his 'guilty' plea, discussed the proposed resolution with the Russian ambassador in Washington at the time, Sergei Kislyak.

The thing is no less than the US president Obama and the whole White House team and the top echelons of the FBI were trying to undo the fulfilment of a prophecy of Christ! Listen:

And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles (non-Jewish nations), until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Luke 21:24)

Christ said Jews would be captive in all nations, and they were pushed about and weak in all nations, even to far-flung Norway and South America! Then in 1967 the times of the non Jewish Nations rule of Jerusalem ended. So how crazy to try and undo the fulfilment of the prophecy of Christ! How crazy of Obama's team to take on no less than the God of the Bible and pick up the burdensome stone of Jerusalem- when all who do are cut by it!

The so called 'Russian collusion' of Flynn (and Trump) was an American trying to stop the Russians supporting a vote of All-Nations against Jerusalem at the UN- remember Zechariah said at a specific time “all people” of the earth will be gathered against Jerusalem. Because other things are to happen, Trump was sent to send confusion. Also to fear for the legacy of the Obama White House, is foolish as The Creator knew the things that needed to be done, and Obama was a tool to do those things. The legacy of the Iran deal, will not be broken as because of that deal the Arabs sought the Jews and went behind America's back to form an alliance, neither of them will talk about! This is remarkable as Ezekiel 38 speaks of Sheba and Dedan leading the merchants in opposition to the invader of Israel, and that would not have been possible without the Obama presidency's turn to Iran, Russia and Germany, which forced the Arabs to invest in arms and a connection to Israel. Was there any gain to the plotters if Michael Flynn was replaced by another Michael, Mike Pompeo? Michael means “Who is like El?”

Let us consider the failure of Impeachment, and the wisdom of the wise men who said to Agag:

“If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him.” (Esther 6:13)

Trump's win was only the beginning of the fall, and the attack on General Flynn to destroy Trump is now unravelling.

The plots to take Jerusalem from the Jews and destroy Israel will continue- especially at the UN, the 'all peoples' who come against Jerusalem. It was written of long ago by the prophets - and it is sure!

For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. (Zechariah 14:2-4)

and from our Lord's message in Revelation,

I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (Revelation 16:13-16)
