Truth, Understanding, Insight

True North aligns to Magnetic North, pointing to Cromwell

1st September 2019, hej


There is much excitement as True North is aligning with Magnetic North at Greenwich, on the Prime Meridian Line. In the ever changing moving world, it is as if the earth itself senses eras in politics.

The Telegraph UK

Prime Meridian line at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in London holding a compass will know that True North and Magnetic North do not align… Earth’s wandering magnetism means that the magnetic North Pole is constantly shiftingBut next month, for the first time 360 years, True North and Magnetic North will line up.

The Daily Mail writes Compasses at Greenwich are pointing 'true north' for the first time in approximately 360 years. They had the chart below showing the wander from True North from measurements of Gellibrand 1634 to Halley 1701 from:

Dr Ciaran Beggan, a geomagnetism scientist at the British Geological Survey's Lyell Centre in Edinburgh, said: 'At some point in September, the agonic will meet zero longitude at Greenwich.

If we go back 360 years we land in a remarkable era in London: The year was 1659. If you think what is happing in today in London is remarkable- it is nothing to what was going on 360 years ago!

Richard Cromwell, the son of Oliver Cromwell, was appointed Lord Protector after his father's death. He called the Third Protectorate Parliament in 1659. Along with the Army, it was unable to form a stable government. After seven months, the Army removed Cromwell; on 6 May 1659, it reinstalled the Rump Parliament... On May 14, "the Parliament proceeded to the election of twenty one of their members to be the Council of State..The officers of the army were not at all pleased with this election, perceiving they should not be permitted to act arbitrarily, as they desired, and therefore seldom came to the council; and when they condescended to come, carried themselves with all imaginable perverseness and insolence.

Lieut. Gen. Fleetwood continued to press for 1. indemnification by act of Parliament, 2, to be made Commander-in-Chief of the army, 3. absolution of the debts of the Protector, 4. ten thousand pounds by year added to his revenue, and 5. the appointment of a select senate designated by the army, and 6. that liberty of conscience might be secured to all such who professed faith in Jesus Christ and were not scandalous in their conversation. The Parliament refused to grant these requests so that in the 'future no man might have an opportunity to pack an army to serve his ambition as had formerly been practiced.'

After a few months, divisions in the Commonwealth were settled by force of arms. On 12 October the Rump voted to declare the seven commissioners' responsibility for the Army void and appointed Charles Fleetwood commander-in-chief under the Speaker of the House. The next day on 13 October 1659 the Army in London under the command of John Lambert assisted by Charles Fleetwood excluded the Rump from Parliament by locking the doors to the Palace of Westminster and stationing armed guards outside. Lambert and Fleetwood created a 23 member Committee of Safety to govern the country in place of the Rump with General Fleetwood and Lambert directly under him, commander of the Army in England and Scotland.

Lambert marched (with his army) north against Monck in November 1659. Lambert's army began to melt away, and he was kept in suspense by Monck till his whole army deserted and he returned to London almost alone. On 24 December 1659, the chastened Fleetwood approached the Speaker, William Lenthal, asking him to recall the Rump. The same day Lenthal took possession of the Tower and appointed commissioners for its government. The Rump met again on 26 December 1659. Parliament declared Monck commander-in-chief in England as well as Scotland.

Monck marched into England in January 1660, as Lambert's supporters in the Army were cashiered and his authority crumbled. When Sir Thomas Fairfax emerged from retirement to declare his support for Monck, Army support for Monck became almost unanimous. Monck entered London in February 1660 and he allowed the Presbyterian members, 'secluded' in Pride's Purge of 1648, to re-enter parliament on 21 February 1660 on the condition that the restored Long Parliament would agree to dissolve themselves once general elections had been held. The Long Parliament dissolved itself on 16 March 1660, after preparing legislation for the Convention Parliament that formally invited King Charles II to be the English monarch. Wikipedia “Rump Parliament”

Exactly 360 years ago there was an un-winnable battle of wills in British Parliament, which were unresolved and led to actual battles, which in turn led to Parliament dissolving itself to restore the monarchy in 1660. Charles means 'a freeman'. Fleetwood had sought that all have freedom of religion. It wasn't to be just then, but the compass would point that way. The Monarchy of the 'Freeman' was never able to stamp out the religious freedom people found under Cromwell.

Now is it co-incidence that Boris Johnson the recent British PM has been compared to Cromwell?

Oliver Cromwell in 1653 had famously dismissed the Rump Parliament:

In 1653, after learning that Parliament was attempting to stay in session despite an agreement to dissolve, and having failed to come up with a working constitution, Cromwell’s patience ran out. On 20 April he attended a sitting of Parliament and listened to one or two speeches. Then he stood up and harangued the members of the Rump. This speech does not survive but has often been paraphrased, for instance in the Book of Days:

You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!

His son Richard Cromwall as Lord Protector on 22 April 1659 disbands the Parliament of England.

Right on que, 360 years later, it is reported that Ireland's Minister of State has Michael D'Arcy has “courted controversy and criticism after comparing Boris Johnson to Oliver Cromwell.” (Multiple headlines).

The Mirror headlined Boris Johnson just restarted the English Civil War. It will not end well..

He'd have a point, if he were to see what Parliament has done with Brexit. It has voted to leave, voted down a deal, voted down not having a deal, voted down not leaving.

Boris Johnson's government has worked within the framework of Parliamentary rules. He has not done as Oliver Cromwell did, call in the army. On the 14 May 2019 the Guardian headlined,

Brexit impasse leads to longest UK parliament session since civil war

Commons has sat for 298 days, and with MPs unable to agree deal no new session is in sight.

As of Friday, the Commons had sat for 298 days, comprising 2,657 hours and 56 minutes, the House of Commons library said in a briefing.

The existing record was set during the “long parliament”, when members sat for 3,322 days without prorogation from 3 November 1640 until 20 April 1653.

The record session, which the library noted was unlikely to be broken, included not just the civil war but the trial and execution of Charles I, and ended only when Oliver Cromwell used soldiers to remove MPs.

By August 28, 2019 Britain had a Parliamentary sitting which exceeded 340 days. This is now only exceeded by the Long Parliament.

It began on the 3 November 1640, and continued, without prorogation, until the 20 April 1653. In total it sat for 3,322 days. Why did that Parliament last so long? Simply put, because it was fighting Charles I in the English Civil War. Subsequently it arranged the trial and execution of the king; and was only ended when Cromwell called in his soldiers to forcibly remove MPs.

It may be noted that Oliver Cromwell gave Parliament power in the first place, having defeated a monarchy that was trying assert absolute power. He only dissolved Parliament in 1653 due to listening in person to their gross incompetence. The restoration of the monarchy was solely due to their inability to peacefully resolve division, as factions went into pitched battle. Yet in such confusion, dissent in religion could flourish, and truth could find a place.

As the inability to resolve division in 1659 was seen internally, so also Britain was shown internationally as unable to unite with Europe in that year.

In that year there was The Concert of The Hague, signed on 21 May 1659, was an outline of the common stance of England, France and the Dutch Republic regarding the Second Northern War. ...but negotiations with England did not result in an alliance due to disagreements over the freedom of seas wiki/Concert of The Hague (1659)

Where does the headline that North pointed True again after 360 years point to? To Cromwell. To an era.

It also points to how small the individual is the time of the Great Creator where His work of 360 years is a mere day.

And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year. (Ezekiel 4:6)

When speaking of the 1260 years of persecution – the protection to the true Servants of God given is spoken of in 'times' – years of 360 days, the Hebrew lunar year (they adjust to match the solar year).

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. (Revelation 12:14)

A time of 360 days, where a day symbolises a year is 360 years. Thus 'a time' has passed over Britain to make an era of remarkable change, from the end of Feudalism to the Industrial Revolution. The time of 360 years + 360 x 2 + half of 360 = 1260 years. If a further 1260 is taken from the 1659, the year found is 399 AD. In 401 AD the Romans withdrew from Hadrian's Wall. There then ensued a battle for leadership of the Roman forces in Britain won by Constantine III in 407 after which he took all the Roman Army to Gaul to successfully fight the Germanic invaders. The Germanic invaders then successfully gain a stronghold in Britain, and became Anglo-Saxon England.

When Nebuchadnezzar is rebuked for pride, he is mad for 7 times, or 7 years.

That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. (Daniel 4:25)

As we don't have precise record of the angle of North in the 1650's it cannot be known exactly when the compass turned North! Was it 1659 or 1660?

By September 2019, for the first time in about 360 years, the compass needle will point directly to True North at Greenwich, London before slowly turning eastwards (Figure 1). The last time this happened was during the reign of Charles II, around 1660.

By coincidence, it was Charles who established the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in 1675. Occasional measurements of the declination angle were made from 1680 onwards (Figure 2). In 1836, continuous measurements of the declination and inclination angles of the compass needle were started under the Astronomer Royal, George Airy.

The writer, Dr Ciaran Beggan, not knowing the precise year when last the compass pointed True North, favoured about the year 1660 as Charles II had established the Observatory at Greenwich.

The focus of the Politics in Britain at this moment is the action of the Queen in Proroguing Parliament. Her heir is another named Charles, the free man. The true servants of Christ are looking for his return as king. Do we not see all around the world from Greece to Italy, from South Africa to North Africa to Canada to New Zealand, to issues in Australia, to America and Britain an inability to govern effectively, just as they saw in the days of Cromwell, a time of 360 days ago? We see deep division and ineffectual leadership. Shall an era end that the whole world dissolve their parliaments, in agreement of the true religion, to welcome the return to a truly Divine Monarchy? Of the Temple in Jerusalem.

For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. (Haggai 2:6-7)

Who are the free men?

For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant. (1Cor 7:22)
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31-32)

For more on brexit Will Britain Exit the EU?
