Truth, Understanding, Insight

New Watch January 2024

11th February 2024, hej


Yet another year has gone and our Lord has not returned- yet as we see events we know that the time is ever closer, as we live in the era of fulfilling of long hoped for prophecy. We know the end, but we are often surprised at the manner of prophecy fulfilling.

31 January

House hears testimony on UNRWA ‘horror show,’ Hamas links

We have to replace UNRWA with something else,” said Rep. Brad Schneider. “I support getting rid of UNRWA.”

There is a disconnect between elected government and the US State Department.

US could recognize Palestinian state after Israel's war in Gaza

We support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and we do a lot of work in the government to think about how to bring it about,” Miller said.

The United States is engaged in ongoing “planning processes” on how best to advance the establishment of a Palestinian state, US State Department spokesperson Mathew Miller said, but stressed that this was not a policy change.

There will be no success in this matter.

30 January

‘Not a joke’: Israeli map showing ‘return to Gaza’ released amid festival-like scenes

Victory of Israel Conference: Settlement Brings Security” — was attended by 11 government ministers and 15 coalition politicians on Sunday.

According to the Times of Israel National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of the extreme-right Otzma Yehudit party, told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was not there, and the audience that it was “time to return home to Gush Katif” — which is the name of the Israeli settlement bloc in Gaza that was evacuated in 2005 after a 38-year occupation.

We must encourage voluntary migration,” Ben-Gvir said. “Let them leave. Part of correcting the mistake of the sin of the preconception that brought us to October 7 is to return home to Gush Katif [southern Gaza] and to northern Samaria.

While over in rest of the world there is protest an chaos.

Mess In The West: 'Army Of God' Convoy Heads To US Border While EU Farmers Block Cities

29 January

Why are China and Russia silent players in the Red Sea’s escalating security situation?

The absence of the Chinese is in some ways the most glaring. Almost every container vessel making its way into the Red Sea via the straits of the?Bab el Mandeb, is packed with Chinese goods destined for European markets. The EU imported $626 billion worth of Chinese goods in 2022, exporting $230 billion to China, leaving Beijing with a healthy surplus of $395 billion. Sending these goods via the Cape of Good hope will be costly and take time, both of which could lead to customers seeking alternative suppliers.

Despite having a clear stake in the outcome of these events, China has had little to say about it. As one commentary put it: “Beijing prefers to remain silent, avoid a clear declarative stand, and refrain from taking concrete actions.”

Yet China has military assets in the region. Since 2017 the Chinese have an important base in Djibouti – its first?overseas military base. It has been developed into a?major facility, capable of servicing the expanding Chinese navy. Yet there has been no sign of the Chinese navy being despatched to the region, or being willing to safeguard Beijing’s trade.

The other non-actor is Russia. This is more understandable, since its nearest naval base is the Syrian port of Tartus. But in the past week reports have begun circulating that President Putin has given the go-ahead for the construction of a naval base on Eritrean islands in the Red Sea. These are hard to confirm, but the Dahlak islands, lying between Eritrea and the coast of Yemen and Saudi Arabia, have long been suggested for this role. Eritrea under President Isaias Afwerki has had warm relations with the Russians for many years, but it was Eritrea’s support for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine at the UN that probably sealed the deal.

28 January

Are we ready for an all-out war with Russia? Australia must consider mandating national service to build our trained reserve ‘while we still have time’

Australia must seriously consider re-introducing a form of national service after NATO warned civilians to prepare for an all-out war with Russia within 20 years, writes Dr. Alexey Muraviev.

Watch: Gov. Abbott Tells Tucker He's Not Backing Down, Expects Red States To Circle Wagons, & Trump Elected In November

Conflict at every level and no answers.

27 January

Biden Regime Reversed Trump Policy and Sent Nearly $1 Billion to UNRWA in Gaza Since 2021 – Whose Members Participated in Mass Slaughter of Jews on Oct. 7

26 January

Biden admin cuts funding to controversial UN agency amid allegations members assisted in Hamas massacre

UNRWA fired 12 employees and opened an investigation into their involvement.

‘We Are Marching on Our Heads’: After ‘Green’ Policies Turned Their Life Upside Down, Protesting French Farmers Converge on Paris

22 January

Russia And Iran Finalize 20-Year Deal That Will Change The Middle East Forever

Knowing history and the great game this is unimaginable, except it wa expected in prophecy... now is the day. Not when I was born when Iran was Persia firmly in the Western sphere of influence. Now are the alliances of Ezekiel 38 playing out.

21 January

Belief in Peace Process Shaken by October 7th Atrocities, Says Israeli Absorption Minister

The (kibbutz) residents ‘wanted to live in peace, they employed people from Gaza to give them a perspective’ and many of those Gazan employees spied for Hamas.

17 January

Macron admits EU on its own if faced with war as US's priority is 'itself and then China'

Expressing a sense of resignation, Macron claimed that only a "geopolitically capable" EU, "capable of defending itself," can confront the challenges posed by the US.

Vladimir Putin ally says Middle East tensions will 'definitely' start World War 3

Vladimir Putin has blamed the United States and its allies for the ongoing crisis in the Middle East.

This is true and clear and obvious. Not prophecy seen darkly - everyone may see it.

16 January

‘Revolution’: German farmers protest in Berlin

Major roads in Europe have been brought to a standstill as farmers on tractors flood cities, honking their horns at the government in protest.

As Christ said on the Mt of Olives - before he comes again there will be proteste as sea and waves roaring.

15 January

Iranian born expert Eliahu Yosian: Hebrew-Arab NATO should be established

13 January

Despite close support, US struggling to sway Israel on way forward with Palestinians

11 January

US and UK strike Houthi targets in Yemen

US and UK launch air strikes struck more than a dozen Houthi targets inside of Yemen. Arab media report explosions in several cities in Yemen. Biden: I will not hesitate to direct further measures.

Moving in as king of the South of Daniel again... into the position expected in Ezekiel 38, can't make it up.

10 January

Despite war, Saudi Arabia ‘absolutely’ interested in peace deal with Israel

Trump: US will never help Europe under attack, NATO is dead

"By the way, NATO is dead, and we will leave, we will quit NATO," Trump also said, according to a European Union official.

7 January

Israeli minister: ‘The Palestinians will willingly leave Gaza the way it looks now’

4 January

Israeli research uses Earth's magnetic field to verify event in Bible's Book of Kings

The discovery was achieved by scientists from Tel Aviv University (TAU), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU), Bar-Ilan University (BIU) in Ramat Gan, and Ariel University in Samaria.

Using a “breakthrough” technology based on measuring the magnetic field recorded in burnt bricks, researchers at four Israeli universities have corroborated the occurrence of an event described in the Bible’s Second Book of Kings – the conquest of the Philistine city of Gath by Hazael, King of Aram.

Why Donald Trump could be the US president in 2024 despite the scandals

What happens to the former president in 2024 is the question on everyone’s lips. But it is looking more and more likely he could be the leader of the free world.

First Trump and now the last Trump - can't make it up.. wake up! take notice!

3 January

Canada’s plan to welcome immigrants from Gaza raises concerns about the vetting process.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Ethiopia join BRICS, doubling membership

Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt are the latest countries to join BRICS, implying some very drastic dynamic shifts in the region.

For Russia is to have power over Egypt and to be more allied to Saudi Arabia would explain why they are devasted when Russia moves south into Israel.

1 January

Red Sea Chaos: Maersk Ship Hit By Missile; US Attack Helicopters Annihilate Houthi Rebel Boats
