Truth, Understanding, Insight

Our Creator froze Texas: Biden's Dark Winter

17th February 2021, hej


A search for 'dark winter' shows Biden has used the term many times not just in the Oct 22 debate with Trump. Not long after signing an executive order to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, the great cold vortex begins. Knowing the Creator controls the climate, the large dark deep freeze of this winter vortex looks too targeted at Texas to be ignored.

God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength. He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work. (Job 37:5-7)

The first reports of the vortex appearing were on January 5, just before the famous events of January 6 in Washington DC where a planned disturbance by anti-government elements was used to great political effect to attempt impeachment and bring in the Dark Winter. On January 7 CNN reports the vortex is on the move. On February 2nd CNN reports that the next day every state in the lower 48 of the US or 86% of the country would be below freezing, backed up by the Daily Mail on the 3rd saying it would hit all 50 states to take them below freezing!

But things really became desperate just as the nation celebrates President's Day on Monday February 15 when it was reported that the US grid was to have 'rolling outages'. “The Southwest Power Pool (SSP), which manages the electric grid and wholesale power market for the central US, including Kansas, Oklahoma, portions of New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Missouri, Minnesota, Iowa, Wyoming, and Nebraska, declared an Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 on Monday after reserve energy was used to keep the grid online. "In our history as a grid operator, this is an unprecedented event and marks the first time SPP has ever had to call for controlled interruptions of service," said EVP.

But a local in Huston pointed out that it was not 'rolling' outages as many had no power at all. “According to PowerOutage.US, 15 states are experiencing rolling blackouts or outages because of extreme weather. Most of the outages are seen in Texas. Top Areas by Outages: Texas 4,197,673: Oregon 230,247: Kentucky 144,615 Louisiana 115,795: West Virginia 95,737

Oncor Electric Delivery, Texas's largest transmission and electric distribution utility, serving more than ten million customers, released a statement “Due to the severity of the electric generation shortfall, our expected outage length of 15 to 45 minutes has been significantly extended. Outages due to this electric emergency could last for hours.”

On the 16th It was reported “Internet search trends in the Lone Star State for firewood exploded throughout Monday.

Energy infrastructure, such as natural gas pipelines have frozen, halting fuel flow to powerplants, resulting in record-high electricity rates. Now we're learning the chaos has spread to the crude complex in the state.

On the Tuesday “The disruption has spilled over into Mexico, where the US has curbed natural gas exports, resulting in power stations grinding to a halt.”

As all sought power, “Wholesale power for delivery Sunday was trading at anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000 a megawatt-hour in some places, triple the records set in some places Saturday and a staggering 2,672% increase from Friday at Texas’s West hub.”

This will lead to many finding they cannot afford the bill for the power they needed: a dark winter.

The Power of Wind

So what caused the energy rich state of Texas to have hardly any power when they needed it?

Wind farms in West Texas, stricken by weekend ice storms, were particularly hard hit.

Of the 25,000-plus megawatts of wind-power capacity normally available in Texas, some 12,000 megawatts was out of service as of Sunday morning "due to the winter weather event we're experiencing in Texas," ERCOT spokeswoman Leslie Sopko said. Wind generation ranks as the second-largest source of energy in Texas, accounting for 23% of state power supplies last year, behind natural gas, which represented 45%, according to ERCOT figures.

Gas is used with wind as it is flexible to counter the unreliable nature of wind, but the weather hit the gas hard freezing the pipes, but it hit wind generation capacity even harder.

Tucker Carlson, “Rather than celebrate and benefit from their state’s vast natural resources, politicians took the fashionable route and became recklessly reliant on so-called alternative energy, meaning windmills. Fifteen years ago, there were virtually no wind farms in Texas. Last year, roughly a quarter of all electricity generated in the state came from wind. Local politicians were pleased by this. They bragged about it like there was something virtuous about destroying the landscape and degrading the power grid. Just last week, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott proudly accepted something called the Wind Leadership Award, given with gratitude by Tri Global Energy, a company getting rich from green energy.

So it was all working great until the day it got cold outside. The windmills failed like the silly fashion accessories they are, and people in Texas died.”

The ERCOT Real time demand at this point: 46GW. Wind is 4GW now. But Proletariat Chris reported Texas wind power was just 900MW out of 31,000MW as of about 6 hours ago. Ryan Maue reports that there was almost no wind in Texas

Images from

People do not forget shivering in dark through record breaking cold with no power, for not one hour or two but over a day. Some are trying to deflect blame to gas, but gas is used because it is needed with wind. It is likely that the warming narrative meant that gas was not cold-proofed. Only coal-fired power is robust (able to be scrubbed for clear air), nuclear having some issues. (Disclaimer: I am a descendant of a coal miner, living in an ex-coal mining area. I researched CO2 emissions finding CO2 and other gasses can be captured from coal power generation).

Remember our Lord said to the wind to be still, and the raging sea of Galilee went calm instantly?

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? (Mark 4:39-40)

Where is our faith? Where is the faith of the Texas leadership? God says he controls the wind!

He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind. (2 Sam 22:10-11)
He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind. (Psalm 78:26)
For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof.(Psalm 107:25)

Why is God dumping all this snow and then stopping the wind? Because fools of humans say they control the climate! - No they don't!

He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries. (Psalm 135:7)

Many can go on about climate change but none can explain why the warm air foregathered that pushed this mass of cold air South, to just happen to take out nearly all of Texas' vaunted wind power! Warm air don't just gather itself to push cold air about, in all the many warm years it didn't just happen. Then also it seems so targeted! The previous president would not say humans controlled the climate. When presented with the idea that to control California’s fires it wasn't forest management they needed but also 'climate science' Trump stated, “It will start getting cooler– you just watch” (Sept 15 2020). Go look at the map above, Trump got a lovely warm day of weather so he could be greeted by masses of happy flag-waving supporters on President's Day, yet the vortex reached so far down to the same latitude so all Texans were freezing.

Why? Because the people of Texas in particular will not forget unreliable power failed them so terribly, without even water.

Already in neighbouring Mexico they are returning to coal power after unreliable 'renewables' led to to intermittent power and a horrific blackout “due to was a historical maximum of integration of renewable energy into the national system, of 28.13 percent of the total national energy, which affected the support of the system,” in December 2020 that affected ten million people leading the to trending of the hashtag #Venezuela, which was a great political insult. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, popularly known as Amlo, has unveiled plans to buy nearly 2m tons of thermal coal from small producers like Rivera. He also plans to reactivate a pair of coal-fired plants on the Texas border, which were being wound down as natural gas and renewables took a more prominent role in Mexico’s energy mix.

It is not just Mexico, Europe was hit hard by the vortex in early February. In Europe had already had its coldest winter in decades and gas prices went up, to Russia's benefit!

In January, Russia's Gazprom delivered a record amount of natgas to Europe amid the cold weather. Climate alarmists, such as Greta Thunberg, have been absent this year to explain why Europe and the US are experiencing fridge temperatures.

But on February 9 it was reported “World’s ‘solar and wind capital’ freezing due to snow ‘blanketing millions’ of solar panels. Germany is held up as the world’s solar and wind capital by “renewables luvvies” but Germans are freezing through winter due to “millions of solar panels blanketed in snow” and turbines sitting idle, according to Rowan Dean.

Barely a week after Davos luminaries met with world leaders and Silicon Valley oligarchs to plot their latest phase of the Great Reset, the underlying provenance of their entire ‘climate emergency’ thesis is still struggling to correspond with reality.

Its millions of solar panels are blanketed in snow and ice and breathless, freezing weather is encouraging its 30,000 wind turbines to do absolutely nothing, at all. [Note: don’t forget about the constant supply of electricity from the grid that these things chew up heating their internal workings so they don’t freeze up solid!] .. all the power is “currently coming mainly from coal, and the power plants in Lausitz” are now “running at full capacity”. The reporter says the plan is that Germany will have to rely more on natural gas (from Russia), coal power from Poland and nuclear power from

The very thing elites wish to fund to rely on for their power, is shown by God to the most practical and industrially minded people, to have failed them. One can see that there will be both consternation and conflict over it.

The cold has revealed another inconvenient truth for elites. "Iowa has been particularly savaged by howling winds and temperatures worthy of a deep freezer. People with Teslas and other electric cars (e.g. Volt) have discovered much to their chagrin that electric batteries do not like the cold. Severe, low temps rapidly drain the batteries of their charge, and the next thing you know you are stranded next to a corn field in a lonely stretch of road. You just have to hope that you kept your cell phone charged to call for help. This discovery is leading many formerly happy owners of the electric cars to dump them as fast as they can get themselves into a gas-fueled pick up truck or SUV capable of plowing through a snowdrift." GatewayPundit

This brings us to ask why Texas? There is no point God sending messages to those who will not hear, but many in Texas are God-fearing. Many will seek help and answers in prayer, indeed all who may seek our Creator wherever they are are in our prayers. It is likely Texas will stand against Washington and the 'Great Reset' on issues of resisting federal control of free speech and guns, and now will likely also stand against its climate policy. This may fit into the arguments for Texit, which has been a curiosity.

At the very least we suspect will lead to fulfilling our Lord's prophecy of 'distress of nations with perplexity' (Luke 21) as there is no answer; If the climate is to be 'changed' by humans to become colder as is the stated aim of the Paris Accord, all the measures designed to prevent climate change themselves don't work in a colder world, so that there is only misery. Some may try and defend wind power, but most ordinary people who were without power and freezing to death, likely now look with fear and distress upon the idea that fossil fuels be reduced further or removed entirely. Already many would be seeking an open fire and/or be resolved in obtaining a generator which will defeat any efforts to reduce fossil fuel use, while increasing local pollutants and the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. The lack of God-fearing wisdom will lead to distress as the contradictions of the godless' own way comes upon them, which fulfils our Lord's prophecy of the last days when the love of many becomes cold, freezing cold.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (Mat 24:12)
Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word: (Psalm 148:7-8)

Darkness and Light: it's Cosmic

Ironically in the vortex of cold a snow storm called 'Uri' from the Hebrew Urijah 'Yah is my light', sees much of Texas is plunged into darkness. Darkness is evident in the night and darkness of storm over much of America in the early weeks of the Biden Administration, when Biden was on record so often as saying it would be a 'Dark Winter'. Darkness is for those who rebel against God,

Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.(Psalm 35:6)
Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. (Psalm 74:20)
He hath set me in dark places, as they that be dead of old. (Lam 3:6)
All the bright lights of heaven will I make dark over thee, and set darkness upon thy land, saith the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 32:8)
Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name: That strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong, so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress. (Amos 5:8-9)

In the world of the dark winter, where nothing is without signification, the servants of Christ are to shine as lights,

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: (2Peter 1:19)
