Truth, Understanding, Insight

News Watch July 2019

29th July 2019, hej


Just as our Creator works in our lives shaping them, so He works in the lives of nations leaders to achieve His Purpose: to direct the kingdoms of this humanistic age to stand against the Kingdom of God. In victory He will fill the earth with His Glory:

23 July 2019 Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister of Britain

The name of a person speaks to their purpose in the Bible. Often leaders names speak of their role, but in this case there seems duality.

Boris' full name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

Alexander means 'the defender of men', but this name was and is not used since a teen.

Boris Bogoris short, small Bulgar-Turkic version of Paul. In Slavic Bor means battle, slav glory.

Pfaffe is a Parson Middle English persone from Medieval Latin persona, literally, person. The earliest known ancestor Johann Konrad Pfeffel von Kriegelstein b.1636 in Augsburg d.1701‎, was 'Pfarrer zu Mundingen' a priest. However Pfeffer in German is pepper, pfefferl peppery.

Johnson means 'Son of Grace of Yah'. Yet this surname replaces his father's father's original surname Kemal.

KemelArabic and Azerbaijani Kamal or Turkish Kemal. The word Kamal is originally Arabic and it means perfection and excellence. (Wikipedia)

The Son of the Grace of Yah replaces perfection in excellence. We are not saved by our own perfection, which cannot be achieved, but by the grace extended in the Son of God.

Boris Johnson himself has said he has no excellence or perfection “My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive. My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters. (Wikipedia)

Boris in Hebrew doesn't occur in the Bible. 'Bor' does. It seems related to the English word bore. 'Bor' means to examine and declare (Eccl. 9:1), that is dig or drill into, or more commonly a pit, dungeon, fountain or well.

For all this I considered in my heart even to declare (bur) all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them. (Ecc 9:1)

There are two possible meanings of the names: 'Small, or short, son of the Grace of Yah' and more hidden, 'The defender of men in battle glory the (peppery person, in perfection and excellence.'

Theresa May was the 'Harvest of May' to be followed by the 'Small, or short, son of the Grace of Yah'. Short or small also may be applied to a length of time until the return of our Lord son of the Grace of Yah.

The name Boris goes back to Boris 1 (d.907) who converted the Bulgars to Christianity. He used the title Tzar, and his son was Vladimir. Wikipedia notes “Boris started its worldwide spread with its adoption by Rus' Slavs.. During Vladimir's reign in 988 the conversion of the Kievan Rus' to Christianity took place.”

It is said that Boris has his name due to a Russian his parents knew. His names point to Germany, Russia and Turkey. But yet Boris is culturally British.

Boris is also American born in New York, and until a recent tax dispute in 2017 he was also an American citizen, eligible to become President. The key to his attitude to America might be seen in that he has written a book on Churchill another Anglo-American. The key to his attitude to Europe is that before he found out his German connection, his granny Butter's ancestry was “French”, a “hilariously far-fetched” “posh ancestry”. The German noble line looped back to the British royal family of George 11. Boris clearly didn't know of his German ancestry, and doesn't now value it. BBC

One can conclude that the Almighty may have an ironic sense of humour, and be pointing to something we should watch. On one side of the Atlantic the New York born leader 'the basest of men' (Dan 4:37) raised to power was investigated for two years for colluding with the Russians, and just as the investigation was finally fizzling out, on the other the New York born leader arises with a Russian name. Let us take note of Russia in the context of the historic Boris' son being Vladimir! What is Russia led by Vladimir doing? Three things that the American administration points out: geopolitical control of Germany and the EU in terms of gas, control of Turkey through defence weapons and gas, and relations with nuclear anti-American Iran.

It has been the understanding through many global eras over 5 generations in this writer's family, that as the time of our Lord's return was to approach, there would emerge two opposing alliances: one to the North of Israel with Europe / led by Russia and one to the South with / led by Britain. This understanding was formed in the mid 1800's from previous understanding of nation trends from 2 places Daniel 11-12 which shows a king of the North invading the Holy Land and Ezekiel 38-39 which shows also a Northern Confederacy seeking to invade the 'mountains of Israel' which is opposed by a cry from 'Sheba, Dedan and the Merchants of Tarshish and the young lions'. The understanding is referenced to the sequence of nations shown in Daniel from Babylon to Rome a partly strong and party weak Europe, divided into two.

According to the prophecy of Ezekiel, Britain is to be opposing Europe, therefore it couldn't be part of Europe. However the leader who arises to take Britain out of Europe, was raised as a child in Europe as a liberal of European Turkish heritage, with a Russian name. Yet the God-determined formative influences included an American energy (gung-ho), a classical conservative British establishment education at Eton and Oxford for leaders, an understanding of his Jewish heritage which allowed him recently to say he was a 'passionate Zionist' (to a Jewish audience), and an opportunity to gain first hand knowledge of the increasingly stultifying bureaucracy of the EU, filtered though both an artistic and a true liberal's contempt.

The recent exchange between British Opposition leader Jeremy Bernhard Corbyn (Yahweh Shall Raise Up Bear-brave Raven) and Boris Johnson (Small Son of Grace of Yah) in Parliament shows that traditionally the working class left was against Britain joining the EU, and the right for it. Until Boris Johnson:

In early 1989, Johnson was appointed to the newspaper's Brussels bureau to report on the European Commission, remaining in the post until 1994. A strong critic of Commission President Jacques Delors, he established himself as one of the city's few Eurosceptic journalists...Johnson biographer Andrew Gimson believed that these articles made Johnson "one of [Euroscepticism's] most famous exponents". According to later biographer Sonia Purnell—who was Johnson's Brussels deputy -he helped make Euroscepticism "an attractive and emotionally resonant cause for the Right", whereas previously it was associated with the British Left. Johnson's articles established him as the favourite journalist of the Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Wikipedia

Corbyn has a list of actions, from voting against the 1975 referendum to join the EEC, to opposing Mastrict that shows he was consistently beyond the most keen for Britain to fully leave the EU, including the Common Market… “2011 Jeremy Corbyn also opposed the creation of the EU’s European Stability Mechanism, which helps members of the Euro in financial difficulties. (Only 26 other MPs joined him in voting against, in their number.. right-wing Euro-sceptics such as Peter Bone, Douglas Carswell, Bill Cash, Ian Paisley Junior and John Redwood.) .. In 2016 his long-time left-wing ally Tariq Ali said that he was sure that if Corbyn was not Labour leader he would be campaigning for Britain to leave the EU.”

Corbyn said the EU was a neoliberal racket (correct), and anti-democratic (correct), and that it hates European people’s democratic rights so much that it forces them to vote again and again if they ever say No to it in a referendum (correct).

As Britain is to leave now because God is moving the nations to the battle of the last day to show again openly His Mightly works, why is one man to do the job and not the other? Why the Right and not the Left? Could it be because of something else relating to Israel, the witnesses (Isaiah 44:8)? It appears Corbyn no less than Johnson is raised up by Yahweh. But Corbyn is anti-semetic, Johnson isn't. Who of the two would protest the purpose of removing Jews as Ezekiel 38 prophesies? Who would be happy to promote a situation where Jews dwell safety on the disputed mountains of Judea as Samaria as Ezekiel 38 suggests they will do?

Beyond the names, the protest against Boris Johnson, should indicate to us that the God of Israel wishes us to take note: Boris the small will be belittled and shamed by his critics. Boris will not be praised universally for taking Britain from the EU, as it is not of him but of God. If there is any who want their name in the lights of fame - it's the God of Israel who does nothing without Trumpet fanfare, and who seeks us to acknowledge the man, the person, is small and we are to Glorify Him only in the Son of the Grace of Yah.

To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. (Isaiah 42:7-9)

27 July 2019 Boris Johnson and Turkey

Johnson means 'Son of Grace of Yah', replaces the Turkish surname Kemal from Arabic meaning 'perfection and excellence'.

Turks who proudly claim Boris Johnson as a distant relative are hoping his appointment as British Prime Minister will be good news for his ancestral homeland..While Johnson wants his country to leave the European Union and Turkey would like to join it, villagers in Kalfat, about 100 kilometres north of the Turkish capital, Ankara, see opportunities for common ground....Like Johnson, Kemal was a journalist-turned-politician. He served as the interior minister under Turkey's last sultan in the early 20th century. His fatal mistake was advocating turning Turkey into a British colony in the waning days of the Ottoman empire, when the modern republic's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, was fighting to defeat invading troops of Britain, France, Italy and Greece. In November 1922, Kemal was kidnapped by nationalists in Istanbul and taken by boat to the nearby town of Izmit, where he was killed and then hanged from a tree.”SMH

Boris johnson is on record for advocating Turkey join the EU. Unlike his journalist ancestor he isn't on the wrong page of history, requiring his removal. Turkey will join the EU, but jsut not the EU as we know it. Some Turks wish to join the EU. The relatives are right for hoping Johnson may help them, but with an eye on prophecy, they may not like how it will occur. Turkey is associated with Gog in Ezekiel 38, being Togarmah,

Gog of the land of Magog.. Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. (Ezekiel 38:5-6)

Whatever the debate about ancient names Turkey is to the North of Israel, and is now under the influence of Russia and anti-Israel and by its action anti NATO. It is to be expected that as Britain leaves the EU under the lead of the Anglo-Turkish Boris of the Russian name, that the door will open for Turkish rapprochement to the EU, under the aegis of Russia's move towards the EU.

29 July 2019 Elijah Cummings tweeted, Dominic Raab to fly

Trump continues a twitter spat with Elijah Cummings about illegal immigrant versus Baltimore City living conditions, featuring rats and corruption. The Jerusalem Post defends Elijah Cummings as he likes Israel enough to send African-American youth to Israel, to learn about Israel.

At the same time it is announced in The Sun

Dominic Raab is to fly to Washington in the coming weeks to “pave” the way for a future trade deal with President Donald Trump.” In an interview with the Times, he (Raab) said, “We want a strong relationship with our European friends and partners.. but we also want to raise our horizons. “Brussels isn’t the only game in town.” Boris Johnson’s new deputy then revealed he had already spoken to Mike Pompeo, who is the US Secretary of State. He said: “I explained how pleased we were to have a US administration, including the president, speaking so warmly about this country.

A Downing Street spokesperson said: “This evening the Prime Minister spoke to President Trump, who congratulated him on his new role. “ They discussed the important relationship between our countries and the President’s successful State Visit to the UK last month.They agreed that Brexit offers an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen the economic partnership between the UK and United States.The leaders both expressed their commitment to delivering an ambitious free trade agreement and to starting negotiations as soon as possible after the UK leaves the EU.The Prime Minister and the President also discussed the current tensions with Iran and the need to work together and with partners to address their destabilising behaviour in the Gulf. The Sun

There are 2 leaders and 2 names of those named in relation to the leaders: Elijah Cummings. Elijah means 'My Mighty Ones is Yahweh'. Cummings is from a Breton name which means 'bent' 'crooked', and he is called on to clean up corruption in his city Baltimore 'the town of the big house' It sounds like Elijah coming

Dominic means 'of our Lords'. Raab is from the Hebrew for 'great'. Of our Lord's Greatness.

Elijah is come (ing) before the great day of the Lord.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:5-6)
