Truth, Understanding, Insight

Spying the breach between America and Europe

2nd June 2021, hej


Europe is once again saying to America with outrage, how dare you spy on us! For five generations those of my family have passed down from one generation to the next the understanding based on Bible prophecy that Europe would unite with Russia and be alienated from the Anglosphere, after Israel revived as a nation.

Just as the American Administration might desire to be seen as Europe's ally, as multilateral not unilateral, investigative reporters in Denmark busted open Obama era American spying on Europe. It could not be worse timed, coming just before the same American Adminstration with Biden who was involved now leading it is to meet with Putin, where Putin had been boldly accusing American Administration of oppressing its political rivals.

In an investigative report on Sunday, Danish public broadcaster Danmarks Radio and other European media outlets "discovered" the NSA had eavesdropped on Danish underwater internet cables from 2012 to 2014 to spy on top politicians in Germany, Sweden, Norway and France (we of course knew all this from Snowden's original NSA leak but let's pretend it's news).

"This is not acceptable between allies, and even less between allies and European partners," said Macron after a French-German summit meeting held via video conference between Paris and Berlin. "I am attached to the bond of trust that unites Europeans and Americans," Macron said, adding that "there is no room for suspicion between us".

"Apart from establishing the facts, this is a good starting point to arrive at relations that are truly based in mutual trust," she said.

Alas, she was not reassured by Obama's vice president, Joe Biden, who was last seen facing immense challenges trying to determine what year it is.

And since Merkel isn't that much younger, we will leave the last word to Macron who said that "what we are waiting for complete clarity. We requested that our Danish and American partners provide all the information on these revelations and on these past facts. We are awaiting these answers."

Europe demands answers after US-Danish spying claims

Denmark's neighbours also demanded explanations.

"It's unacceptable if countries which have close allied cooperation feel the need to spy on one another," Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg told public broadcaster NRK.

She said Norway had asked Denmark "for all the information they have".

Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist said he had been "in contact with Denmark's defence minister to ask if Danish platforms have been used to spy on Swedish politicians".

DR said the NSA had taken advantage of a surveillance collaboration with Denmark's military intelligence unit FE to eavesdrop. But it was unclear whether Denmark knew at the time that the US was using the cables to spy on Denmark's neighbours.

Berlin news Macron, Merkel demand explanation over US-Denmark spying report

It is no accident that they are demanding answers as many think that Biden is an Obama redux. They feel they cannot trust Biden who was VP when the spying happened, to not spy again now. Macron is likely serious in saying he will wait, and without an answer from America proving no spying, any trust left will keep eroding. Merkel also used the word trust. They cannot trust those in an Administration who came to power amidst ongoing increasingly credible accusations of cheating, to not lie and not oppress as they know they work in underhanded ways to achieve regime change in Europe.

We believe this incident is significant in revealing an unbridgeable divide between Europe and America. Many Bible commentators other than us have noted that we are living in the era of the fulfilling of Ezekiel 38.

Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him..And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. (Ezekiel 38:2-6)

For five generations we have understood that Ezekiel 38 refers to modern nations in Europe, with Rosh being Russia and Magog over the greater area of the Germanic people. When our family understood which modern nations were referred to in Ezekiel 38 by logic and the study of the movement of peoples and geopolitical reality, Russia had emerged as the great Northern global power, as had Germany which included the territory of the Huns and had united under Bismark. Also Germany was allied with Austria and Hungary before World War 1. In addition already people were speaking of a revived Jewish nation, which began the fulfilment of Ezekiel 37 and contextualised Ezekiel 38.

Over the last 120 years Europe has often been the centre of global conflict, in which Soviet Russia has allied with America and France to fight Germany and then in the stability of the bipolar cold war half of Germany was allied with America against Russian occupied Germany, both situations counter to expectation, but we did not change our understanding. We waited.

When the bipolar world collapsed with the end of Russian Soviet power in 1990 we had an expectation that Russia would finally unite with Europe. Despite great amounts of American aid building Germany, the people do not love America. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany, having grown up in Soviet East Germany, was known for her 'balance' between East and West, a pragmatic policy that allowed Siemens who had been in Russia for 150 years and over 4,000 other German companies to stay in Russia despite Russian moves to reclaim its former territory. It also allowed the use of Russian gas, which led to the NordStream 2 pipeline. It is highly likely that Germany through NGOs backed the revolt against Russian influence in Ukraine that led to the colour revolution and the Russians taking Crimea, but recently in the shadow end of Merkel's tenure as leader Germans seem to have been more wary of American adventurism. Also in that time the EU which was strong is now much weaker, as also America is torn apart by internal issues.

We noted with interest that after Brexit under American president Trump, Europe became clearly alienated from America. But in fact the alienation began earlier under president Obama. This spying scandal widens and extends the scandal revealed by Edward Snowden in the Obama Administration that led to the cooling between Merkel and Obama.

It is highly significant as a sign to the Bible Believer that the spying is revealed in Denmark just as the Russian contractors lay the final section of Nord Stream 2 pipeline in Danish waters to connect Russian gas to Germany. The Franco-German ties of ephemeral trust with America are broken as the umbilical energy cord to Germany from Russia is established. Putin as Russian leader is connected to Gazprom and Gazprom will soon be 'of Europe' which equates to 'of Magog'. We suspect that the gas connection will reduce the leverage that Ukraine has, and soon Russia will again have power over Ukraine. The current American adminstration has been more connected to Ukraine than would be expected as was exposed in the era of Trump, and the Bidens, in effect, 'confessed' to craftiness there.

As we finally enter the era predicted in Ezekiel 38, after a century of preparation and the final fulfilment of Ezekiel 37, it may be suspected that all cunning plots of this American Adminstration connected with Europe will unravel into distrust, suspicion and alienation.

I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number: Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields: To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exalted to safety. He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong. (Job 5:8-13)

For more Ukraine between Russia and Europe
