Truth, Understanding, Insight

Australian Election Miracle: billed 'Generational'

19th May 2019, hej


The BBC headlined 2019 Australia election: Morrison celebrates 'miracle' win. It takes a lot to allow the BBC to use the world 'miracle'. Miracle by definition is an event that is beyond the normal course of nature: it is God's work.

CNN headlined Australia election: Morrison claims victory in 'miracle' upset.

ABC headlined Election 2019: Scott Morrison says 'I have always believed in miracles'.

The Guardian headlined 'What have we misread?' Labor faithful in shock after stunning election defeat.

What is going on here? What are we to take notice of? Miracles! The many in dominant media outlets who push agendas in emotive articles to change people's thoughts (brainwash via propaganda of apparent popularity) made the election about their 'issues', supposedly 'generational' issues of climate, rights and equality (all illusions). They knew before from biased pro-Labour (unreliable) polls that it was 'close', with multiple commentators agreeing it was too close to call. Yet despite the evidence of a narrowing trend towards Liberal, Bill Shorten and many in Media Supporting Labour clearly had no other thought than that Shorten would win. The ABC, which is noted for its bias against Liberals, headlined the day before the election that Labour had a narrow path to victory and quoted Bill Shorten, "I'm confident Labor will win” ABC

'The Conversation' featured “McAllister also sees this as “almost a generational election” 'The Australian' thought the election was a “war baby boomers couldn't win.”

BBC headlined 2019 Australia election: 'Generational issues' dominate vote.

They pinned their hopes and beliefs on polls: The ABC noted, “For more than 12 months, opinion polls have predicted a Labor victory and even senior Liberal strategists were not brave enough to predict a Coalition victory.”

We know from the Bible there are things 'not seen' which exist, and are yet to be revealed (Hebrews 11:1).

We know from the scriptures that the Host High Yahweh Elohim rules in the kingdoms of men to give it to the Basest, which is the lowest and the least honoured (Daniel 4:17). Peter says that all rulers are sent by God for the punishment of evil doers (1 Pet 2:14). Yet there is something in this election which we should take note of. This is not just the 'next' in a series or leaderships.

Scott John Morrison came to be leader unexpectedly. On the day he became leader none could have any inkling he would be leader. It wasn't connived, schemed or a planned by those in power. He was put forward as 'a compromise candidate' when the leader Malcolm Turnbull unbelievably chose not to stand at all. Julie Bishop also chose not to stand, which led to Josh Frydenberg gaining the position of deputy leader. Malcolm Turnbull's seat was then contested on rainbow/ purple identity issues versus the Liberal Dave Sharma who was previously the ambassador to Israel. The seat was lost by a margin of only 1850 votes (including all preferences 2 party preferred), and on this victory the anti-Bible agenda in parliament was fostered, which resulted in much misplaced confidence. This confidence likely lost them the election.

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.
(Proverbs 11:2)

Let us now go back to the pride and same sex marriage vote. Then Tony Abbott was Prime Minister, his government put in place the environment for the vote. Turnbull had previously been putting forward bills in favour of same sex marriage, which were rejected. Turnbull ousts Abbott (due to Turnbull's supposed popularity), and they hold the postal vote. When it came to the conscience vote for the legislation Abbott merely abstained.

Both Abbott and Julie Bishop, who was foreign minster, had notable ecclesiastical surnames: Tony 'Valuable' Abbott from the Greek Abbas which means 'Father'. The name Julia is the feminine of the Roman Julius, from the name thought to derive for the son of Jupiter and Bishop via Latin from Greek episkopos 'overseer'. Malcolm 'devotee of Saint Columba' the 'church dove' was to Turn 'bull' where literally an ancestor was strong and brave enough to turn back a charging bull. What was to be turned about? The direction Australia would go.

Bill is Will-iam missing the protection. William means to “will or desire"; helm Old English "helmet, protection” Significantly for his “last campaign event Mr Shorten returned his party to Bowman Hall in Blacktown in Sydney's west, the same place the late prime minister delivered his famous "It's Time" speech in 1972. (Bill Shorten invokes Whitlam's It's Time).

It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.
(Psa 119:126)

It is to be noted his campaign was about so called 'generational issues' featuring 'climate change' and it is a generation from 1972! An era of 47 years, the generation that would not pass after we saw the Fig tree of Israel and all the trees of the nations shoot forth (Luke 21).

Will Shorten! It's time!

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. (Hosea 10:12)

The name Scott as far as may be determined means a person from Scotland. Wikipedia makes a point however, which may give us food for thought.

The word "Scot" is found in Latin texts from the fourth century describing a tribe which sailed from Ireland to raid Roman Britain.It came to be applied to all the Gaels. It is not believed that any Gaelic groups called themselves Scoti in ancient times, except when writing in Latin. Oman derives it from Scuit, proposing a meaning of 'a man cut off', suggesting that a Scuit was not a Gael as such but one of a renagade band settled in the part of Ulster which became the kingdom of Dál Riata, but 'Scuit' only exists in Old Irish as 'buffoon/laughing-stock' Wikipedia Etymology of Scotland

The man cut off, the man despised and laughed at. Who is the man cut off?

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not… He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. (Isaiah 53:3.8)

The name John means 'the grace of Yah' is hidden there. Morrison, the son of Morris, a 'moor' or a person of dark skin. It is not sustained but many believe the name came from Gaelic 'son of Mary'. “The Morrisons, or Clann Mac Giolla Mhoire, descend from Gillemoire, illegitimate brother of Leod, thirteenth century ancestor of the MacLeods.” electricscotland. The ridiculed cut off by the grace of Yah, the Son of Mary is our Lord, who was, of course, a Miracle.

The BBC chose very few others to note but then noted another miracle, “Mr Morrison's second-in-command, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, fought off a strong challenge for his seat in Melbourne.”BBC

Joshua, is the name of our Lord, Y'shua, in the Anglo-Latin-Greek mix it is Jesus. This may be seen in the use of Jesus for Joshua in Hebrews 4:8 & Acts 7:45 in the KJV). Frydenberg is from the Scandinvan. From Danish fryd, from Old Norse frygð “magnificence, splendour”

Noun: fryd m definite singular fryden, indefinite plural frydar, definite plural frydane joy, delight.

Berg means a Mountain. Borg and Burg speaks of a fortified city, a hill fortification, a stronghold.

Yah Shall Save the (definite, singular) Mountain of Delight / Joy. This name may be the key as to how we think of the miracle.

Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. (Isaiah 56:7)

Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. God is known in her palaces for a refuge. For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together. They saw it, and so they marvelled; they were troubled, and hasted away. (Psa 48:2-5)

Morrison said, “I have always believed in miracles.” (at his midnight victory speech)

Shorten said, “I don't know if there is a hell, actually.”

Far away down under, there has been a Miracle. What seemed impossible to human thinking happened. It wasn't to be a generational war, it was to be about another generation the 70 year lifespan generation of Israel: as of the 28 of January 1949 the Australian government of Ben Chifley recognised Israel and Israel and Australia have had diplomatic relations. It's now 70 years. The Liberal–Country Party Coalition supported Israel during and after the 1967 Six-Day War. However, the subsequent Labor government led by Gough Whitlam, elected in 1972, shifted to what was described as a more "even-handed" approach to relations (Wikipedia).

It's time again to favour Zion.

In October 2018, Australian prime minister Scott Morrison announced Australia was reviewing whether to move Australia's embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In December 2018, Morrison announced Australia has recognised West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel but will not immediately move its embassy from Tel Aviv. (Wikipedia).

The 15 October 2018 declaration was on the eve of the by election in Wentworth for the seat of Malcolm Turnbull who had not only unexpectedly not stood for leader, when challenged, but in pique had resigned. The Declaration was thought to have come from both Morrison's beliefs and the battle for Wentworth (shelter in winter) which featured the former ambassador to Israel Dave Sharma.

Kerryn Phelps stood for the rainbow and alternative genders. Phelps means 'to love horses' and 'kerry' in Hebrew has to do with something else she stood for, frivolity and uncleanness keri. Dave means 'beloved' and Sharma is from the Hindu for 'joy' which seems in sound related to the Hebrew for 'active joy' Simcha. We have felt that this matter was of God - for such a time as this Dave Sharma who would have had no chance in the Turnbull cabinet and in fact would never have emerged at all unless Turnbull had been utterly peeved by circumstances. It is an era of miracles preparing for the miracle of Messiah's coming. At that time in October 2018 for a short time, Kerryn won the seat as the 70 years were not fully fulfilled, and Labour needed to become confident in its gender-neutral oddities (turning the red colour of Labour to pink) and so disenfranchise traditional Labour voters to make a miracle for the world to wonder at. So Australia watches as the votes fall by a tiny margin to Sharma to give the Liberals an absolute majority, for a purpose that Sharma is likely to be a key to: a purpose of God and not of humans.

It would not have been so remarkable a miracle if many of the opinion officiandos in the media had not been over-confident, had rather been both truthful and cautious…

When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. (Deut. 32:8)

Here we go back to Australia in 2009 To move heaven and earth, faith & politics
