1) The Law of Moses– why?
wanted a people to be in a covenant with Him, to show His glory and
praise Him (Deuteronomy 29:12-13, Numbers 14:21). God recognised that
we needed commandments that were clear so that we could recognise
good and evil (Deut. 30:10-16).
It was intended to be a
schoolmaster, a shadow of things to come (Galations 3:24, Hebrews
The Law of Moses – what is in it?
Law was extensive, covering many daily aspects of an Israelite’s
life. A summary of the main areas is given below:
1. The ten
2. The Sabbath
3. Tabernacle worship and role of
the priests, tribe of Levi
4. Offerings (sin, burnt, peace and
5. Annual holidays (passover, firstfruits, ingathering,
convocation, atonement, tabernacles)
6. Disease, death, birth,
circumcision, eating of meat
7. Nazarites, gifts to God
to the Apostle Paul struggle
Paul was a Hebrew of the
Hebrews (Phil. 3:5), who studied under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) and
struggled with the idea of Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 26:9). Paul uses
the insight of his own struggle in many of his letters to show others
how Christ fulfils the Law of Moses.
Why did Saul and the
Jews miss the connection?
From the Old Testament the Jews were
expecting a Christ (Luke 7:19, John 6:14, 7:31,41,42), but many
questioned how Christ fulfilled the Old Testament. The disciples
expected the Messiah to re-establish the Kingdom of Israel and save
them from the rulership of the Romans (Acts 1:6). When Christ alluded
to his coming death and resurrection even one who had been with him
during his ministry, the disciple Peter, said ‘this will not
happen to you” (Matt. 16:21-22). Yet the purpose of Christ was
in the Law and prophets which Christ explained following his
resurrection (Luke 24:27).
How Christ fulfils the Law of
Christ was as a lamb brought to the slaughter (Acts
8:32-35) a sacrifice for sin (Heb 9:26). A male lamb was first
introduced by Moses and Aaron for the first Passover when Israel was
brought out of Egypt. It is also the time when Christ was put to
death (Matt. 26:2). Christ is called our Passover (1 Cor 5:7) and
represents how God passed over the sins of Israel and delivered them
out of Egypt (oppression and sin) (Exodus 12:26-27).
has taken on the role of a high priest (Heb. 4:14-15) who is able to
empathise with our struggle with sin. His one sacrifice does away
with continual imperfect sacrifices under the Law (Heb. 7:18-28)
personal touch
The Law of Moses could be perceived as being
distant, a Law, but Christ's sacrifice was personal. The Jews had
come to make their own commandments, but their heart was far from God
(Matt. 15:8-9). It was the sacrifice of Christ that moved Paul (Acts
9:6), that someone would lay down their life for us (John 15:13).

The following combines the work of an expert in the international law in relationship to Israel's establishment with a curiosity of Daniel's prophecy.

First Tablet: 5th Commandment
There is much talk of 'tablets' in the news. Chief Rabbi Sacks shows how the language of the Bible had been hi-jacked by the selfish consumer culture. Once a tablet meant one of the two pieces of stone on which the 10 commandments were written. Sacks said “Therefore the answer to the consumer society is the world of faith, which the Jews call the world of Shabbat, where you can't shop and.. you spend your time with things that matter, with family.”
Our Mighty God who loves the scent of obedience, and the taste of a beautiful memory. Consider the Holy One of Isarel who smells a sweet savour.
The Swine Flu outbreak reveals some issues that are worthy for a society to ponder. The events illustrate just how advanced the law of Moses was and also how it could prevent needless death- even today!